Does You Spouse Motivate Or Complicate Your Weight Loss?



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Mine definitely doesn't help. He loves going out to eat. Always encourages me to eat. I don't understand it honestly. About every other week, he is on a diet. And during that one or two day period where he is disciplined, he tries lecturing ME on how to lose weight. I've gotten to the point now where I just laugh.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I'm single, but I do have family members, a roommate, and friends who make it tough. As a college student, I am constantly surrounded by temptations, and my friends ALWAYS want to go out to eat or bake. This site has helped me SO MUCH! <3 However, I can be obsessive sometimes, and find that it interferes with me even forming relationships with people in fear of it ruining who I am. Sounds weird, but it's true.
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    husband is really supportive - but he and the boys still eat their normal food, and I just have my stuff. I was going out to Zumba the other night in a new pair of tight pants (similar to yoga pants) and he told me I looked cute in them. So I jumped him when I came home...
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    My husband appears to be neutral about my counting macros & calories and weight lifting. He says I look great and is fine with me the way I am, so I guess he's just mildly interested in what I'm doing. He says I'm smaller overall and have slightly better muscle tone. Guess I'm not changing the world or anything, lol. But he gets really excited whenever I get excited about a new record like pushups, planks etc.
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    I am the bad one. I work out and am physically fit and so is my wife. She eats very well and insists that the children learn healthy habits. I am the bad one when it comes to food. i could eat as if i have a hollow leg. Before MFP she used to think i was trying to make her fat by making too much food and using unhealthy ingredients.
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    He is a BIG help. He is a vegan, so that means practically no junk food in the house, what so ever. Whenever I go out to get fast food, or anything unhealthy, I get a lot of crap from him, which in the long run helps me to make better decisions. He is an excellent motivator, and supports me fully. Oh, and tells me left and right how amazing I look, which is a GREAT motivator ;)
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    My hubby is very..."my way" on he doesnt motivate me correctly...he tries to tell me what works for him (eating crap and doing exercise a few times a week like jogging 2 miles or riding a bike) will work for me and I'll be happy while doing it. But he doesnt go out to jog or ride a bike, he doesnt like to get off the computer games most of the time (I have to admit I play the games as well) But...I think he's a hindrance sometimes cause I feel like I have to hide what I'm doing to avoid ridicule. And his father doesnt help either, all he eats is TV dinners then tells me that dieting is basically pointless and I need to just do herbalife (he sells it) and the weight will drop off...and really I cant believe too much that's said from a conspiracy theorist believer (he believes Jesus was an alien...and a whole bunch of other things). It's hard dieting, right now I am on HCG and my hubby kinda tells me I'm being lazy and that if I would only do it his way then I'd lose the weight and be between the two of them I'm ready to say *kitten* it all and just go back to eating what I want and ignoring them. But I'm not to that point...I'm holding out because even though they dont see any results I do.

    Sorry...that turned into a mini rant didnt it?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Mine does everything with me and really enjoys my cooking. He has learned to make yummy stuff too. We exercise together all the time. I'm a very lucky lady!

    Oh, and he always tells me how great I look and when he notices my tummy is flatter. I do that for him too. :)
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    He is always supportive of my efforts! He's amazing! :heart:
  • afull416
    afull416 Posts: 24 Member
    He doesn't support me at all. He makes it quite to continue.
  • kseier
    kseier Posts: 91 Member
    k so this is hilarious. im in the fitness business and guess what my boyfriend does? he runs a cheesesteak shop. he's supportive in the fact that he loves to watch me workout and he loves coming home to a cooked meal, which bless his heart he never complains about even if it's light or healthy, but he's a jolly old sandwhich maker. he works all day and never wants to workout and never has intentions to. he never eats breakfast and likes to scarf hot dogs and pizza. i love this guy. we're enough alike, and definitely enough opposite. we joke that he makes people fat then sends them to me! lol. overall, he is supportive. i wish he was striving for the same or similar goals though, that would make me very happy. but i don't see it happening. he is himself, and i'm myself. as long as he doesn't say im too skinny or a i workout too much or whatev er then we will be ok. :)
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    Mine finds my time at the gym and away from the house irksome. He is a real hindrance as far as I can tell he'd rather I be home working, doing chores, etc. instead of out taking a walk.

    However, he likes me thinner than I am and when he "sees" some improvement, he's very appreciative.

    Love him so!
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 675 Member
    He does both. He is supportive when I tell him how I'm doing or I tell him I got up and exercised today. But then I will offer me cookies or food that I can account for. "Here take a bite." I hate that! Most of the time he will get it and leave me alone.
  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    First of all, I am seriously disappointed in all of the people who don't support their SIGNIFICANT other. Not just any person, but the person who is supposed to love you and do anything for you! It just saddens me. You people are amazing to be able to accomplish so much without it, but that doesn't mean you should have to!

    Quite honestly, I couldn't do this without my husband. He doesn't have to tell me he's proud of me or that I look good all the time, he shows me he's supportive through his actions. He makes time for me to exercise, our family eats all of the same foods. If I go to a Zumba class, he has a healthy meal on the table for me when I get home. He helps with dishes and housework so that I can workout, have a regular job, be a mom, yet not feel overwhelmed trying to do it all while trying to lose weight. He helps to incorporate family exercise into our routines, does the grocery shopping, and takes care of the kids while I exercise or log on to MFP. He finds 5K races for us to run together, and asks if I have enough calories left before cooking to make sure I don't feel left out at the dinner table. He's incredibly supportive, and quite honestly, if I don't give 100% every week, I feel like I've taken advantage of all that he constantly does to help me out. I'm apparently quite fortunate. I in turn try to do everything in my power to support what he's trying to do (although weight has never been an issue with him, mostly just fitness).

    Those of you not enjoying your spouse's support should sit them down and let them know how you feel, and much you would appreciate more support in achieving your goals, and list a few things that would make a big difference to you. Maybe they'll surprise you :-)
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    My husband is supportive. He loves the changes and is quick to compliment. As an extra incentive, he's agree to quit smoking after I lose another 4/10ths of a pound. :) That's GREAT motivation for me.
  • janjtaylor
    My husband is in this with me. He does not log his food on MFP although at first he did.

    In September he had a near fatal heart attack. It was his second. We "changed" our eating habits when he had his first one 11 yrs ago but both had full time jobs, worked insane hours with 40++ hour work weeks.... and rarely had time to stick to it. Fast food doesn't offer good choices and it was rare that we could afford the time to eat decent food.

    Now, he is retired. I work full time but we have moved back to our farm in a small community. I work 7 minutes from home. We rarely eat out unless we are out of town and then choose a place that gives us the choices we want.

    Our plan is to loose weight of course....but more important, to eat healthier. As such, he is becoming as well versed as I am in the difference between dieting to loose weight and healthier choices to loose weight, and can recite the evil of trans-fats and sugar when asked. He also shops for us at times and takes his time to read labels and brings home things I didn't think of... answer the forum topic - motivate! We are in this together..... and it's showing!
  • RUN2CJ
    RUN2CJ Posts: 64 Member
    Well... My s.o. of 12 years and I have just called it quits... Which sucks since I am a stress anorexic AND stress eater!! He was over 400 pounds and bitter... This right now is about me. I would love to say he hindered me with his bad habbits and complicated things with his dinner choices and fast foods... Our dinner menu at times was like a buffet with 2 meats & 5 sides... Not to mention fried chicken at least 3-4 times a week.

    But it is my fault that I gained the weight I did... & its going to be my gain when I lose the weight & get my sexy back!!!!

    Any other singles out there ;-p
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    both. its so much easier to lose weight being single with no kids. I've done that. this is a new challenge.
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    Hmm, At first I had a hard time because he snacks ALL night long until we go to bed. I have found my will power now and it doesnt faze me. I am loosing weight and getting in shape for ME. I have tried to motivate him to work out and eat better but it aint happening as of yet. I bring it up to him weekly that he needs to MAKE time to workout and so far nada. Doing this for ME! :0)
  • hybridscientist
    hybridscientist Posts: 93 Member
    My partner is super supportive. He is always telling me how proud he is of me and my efforts with exercise and food. I don't mind if he wants to have things that I don't eat around... to me it's a bonus because instead of having a serve to myself I know I can just have a bite of his and be happy!!