Where did you meet your wife/husband/bf/gf



  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    Ooh I like reading all this!
    My boyfriend and I get asked this a lot.. since I am Dutch and he is Australian. We met in Sweden when we both studied there on exchange. Was the best time of my life. After a couple of months of being crazy in love I had to finish my uni back in Holland and he had to start working in Australia.. we spent a year apart (saw each other 1 month) and now I live in Australia and have applied for permanent residency :)
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Plenty of Fish. I had joined it while on a "break" with my crazy ex a year ago, but ended up back with him for a few months. I went to the site and tried to delete my profile, and thought I had but I would still get emails from them saying someone wants to meet you, or has emailed you or whatever. I ignored them. Well, about a month after I knew I was DONE, DONE with ex bf I got the email from pof and decided to open it. I saw his super cute smile and liked his profile so I emailed him and actually met him that night for coffee. We have been together since and it's been great :)
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Ooh, i love telling people how i met ny hubby :-)

    I was in a dead end relationship for over 3 years and wanted to get out but wouldnt find the right way to do it, well my mum and dad moved to Spain to open a bar in Jan 06, and i decided to surprised my mum for mothers day with sonera sneaky help front my dad!! So i got out there and my mum freaked, lol, never seen her cry so much!we went back to the bar and they introduced ne to their friends and that was where i met lee, i never believed in live at first sight but he bowed me over!!

    I was only out there for 4 days so we spent as much time with each other as we could and i cried all the way to the airport and on the plane home! As soon as i got home i called my mum and dad again and told them it wasn't working between me and my ex and that i wanted to come to Spain so i packed all my stuff up and after the longest week of my life i mo ed back out!!

    A month later i was pregnant and 6 years down the line we have 2 gorgeous kids and have been married for 2 years this April!

    Thats my little love story :-) xx

    I was the mother who freaked and blubbered LOL

    I met my hubby after my first marriage ended when my ex decided my friend was a better prospect. Being left with 3 young children I didn't have much of a social life so ended up most evenings on CB radio (the 'in' thing in the 80s and how my ex-husband started his affair)

    One day I heard this lovely deep voice chatting to a friend, so decided to join the conversation - found out he was newly single and we got chatting. There was a Country & Western evening the following Saturday that we were both going to so decided to say hello to each other then. Your typical blind date!

    Well, we met, we clicked, we dated for a couple of months and then he moved in - the kids loved him, and were soon joined by a baby sister, now known as AVG1986 LOL. We have our silver wedding coming up on April 4th.
  • DisneyMommy
    On the internet way before internet dating took off, LOL! We met in a chat room on AOL back in May 1996. We were just friends online, he lived in WA and I lived in MD. Way to far away to actually consider meeting. But after 7 months of chatting online and on the phone we decided to meet in person. I went to WA for Christmas that year to meet him and never left! We got married Sept 1997 and have been married for 14 awesome years.
  • healthchick
    healthchick Posts: 75 Member
    I met my husband on line. I was not looking for a relationship at the time (was really just looking for company), but the power of the internet happened! We will celebrate our ninth wedding anniversary in February
  • Macrocarpa
    Macrocarpa Posts: 121 Member
    Sitting the row behind me at a football tournament. I struck up a conversation after her team got badly beaten. Nearly 8 years later, baby girl & house.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Dungeons and Dragons 2nd ed. He was the DM. I was invited to join the group by a mutual friend's girlfriend. (for non-geeks: a boardgame you play, with the DM as sort of a referee).

    A couple of weeks later his dad was asking who I was and our friends were waiting for "something" to happen, but the two of us were completely clueless :P But soon (about a month after we first met) we decided to meet up alone and "see what happens".

    12 years later now. We have both grown together, but still enjoy playing D&D (he's a mean DM! <3)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    the gay prom at a bar in florida
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    He was the head editor at the studio I worked at. I was a new animator and he already had a few years on me. He was witty, soft spoken and everyone loved him!! At first I had a silly (not TOO serious) thought that he was racist because he barely talked to me and his BFF's there were two hot blond girls (he's blond haired blue eyed also). Of course, I found out later it was because it usually takes awhile for him to start talking to anyone.

    Anyway, as we worked together we got to know each other and I pretty much stalked him because I really, really liked him. One night I invited myself over his house and kissed him! Turns out he had feelings for me and 4 years later we are still together and our feelings have increased!
  • pumpkinmoccasins
    Battle.net playing Warcraft 3 TFT in '03-'04ish. We're nerds. :glasses:
  • NicoleLyn1818
    okcupid.com online dating can work miracles.

    That's where I met my boyfriend and I have never been happier! At first, I was embarrassed to even admit that I had a profile on there, especially when I saw some people I graduated with and some friends of friends that I had met on there. After meeting him and getting to know him, that was the best "embarrassment" I have ever decided to go through.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I had an older cousin that I was hanging around with one summer.. and he told me that he didn't know how to swim.. I found it completely unacceptable that this man grew up with three bodies of water by his house and didn't know how to swim.. so I told him that I was going to teach him the following weekend at the local pool which is in the local State Park. After several hours of swimming (me) and sinking (him), we called it a day and were starving. There was a clubhouse that had a balcony that overlooked the pool, and that balcony was also between the 9th and 10th holes on the golf course. We ate at the clubhouse, on the balcony. After we ordered, and we were waiting on our food, a couple of his best friends finished playing golf and came back aross the balcony to grab a beer. They saw us sitting there and sat with us. I was completely uninterested in these guys.. I was starving and they were all better than 10 years older than me.. so when my food came, I chowed down pretty hard. I ate all of my food and some of my cousins as well. Well, that capped it for my husband.. he decided right then that he was in love with me. I was unlike any girl he'd ever met.. completely unselfconscious about eating in mixed company, which translated to him to mean low maintenance. We went out for a week to the local Sternwheel Regatta, and at the end of that week, after only knowing me 7 days, with him being 30 and me 19, he proposed. I said "Ok", and the rest is history.. We'll be celebrating our 19th anniversary in June!
  • texancountess
    Out dancing at Cowboy's in San Antonio the Saturday after Thanksgiving in 2009. He was with two of his friends and I was with my cousin and a friend. Our groups paired up for the rest of the night and we spent the whole time talking and dancing. The next morning he texted me and asked what there was fun to do in San Antonio on a Sunday afternoon. Our first date was at the zoo, our second was at a bookstore. We dated for three weeks there in San Antonio before he moved back to North Dakota. In January he had to go to Alabama for a couple of months and he drove through Texas to see me, that's when we decided we would make the distance work no matter what. We spent the next 6.5 months dating long distance and only seeing each other once a month before I moved up to North Dakota. Two weeks after I moved in we were engaged, ten days later we got married when he got short notice orders to move to Germany. That was in August of 2010 and we're about to move to Turkey now.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Thru a lonely hearts page in a music paper 'Sounds'. He advertised, I answered, we dated long distance for 4 years & have been married for 22 years this coming May.
    I always joke that ZZ Top brought us together.*

    * They were on the front cover of the paper.:laugh:
  • GrahamBarwick
    through mutual friends online. :smile:
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    I met my wife off of Craigslist.

    (Let the judging begin!)
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I had just come out of a bad relationship and was just starting to date again, I was meeting up with an old school friend and he had brought his cousin with him, as soon as we started talking (the cousin) I knew I had met my soul mate, shame it took him nearly 2 years to catch on lol, we married in 2002.
    In 2010 we were doing our family tree and found out we are very distantly blood related, Jeremy Kyle would have a field day!!! :noway: :laugh:
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    World of Warcraft ^_^

    He's British, I'm American, and we've been married 4 years and have a beautiful daughter.

    Our story for anyone who cares to read it : http://www.awesomeville.co.uk/index.php/archives/two-nerds-find-love-over-large-hammer-news-at-11
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    School at 13.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Not going to make a huge post but we met in school when we were little, and we started dating when we were 13, and are still together now and we are 24 and 25, we're engaged and have our own house and hoping to get married next year
