Where did you meet your wife/husband/bf/gf



  • GroovyGma73
    I met my Husband on Facebook 4 years ago we chatted online for 12 months I flew over to Canada, Im Australian he is Canadian and we got married in Niagara Falls in February 2010 so 2 years next month, and we are now living back in Australia
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    Saw him on the street when I was about 15, declared he is my absolute soulmate, got his email, wrote him a message saying I would like to know him better, he hesitated, I wrote him again 6 months later and got talking for a while, he picked me as a surprise from school, we set a date 3 days later, fell in love instantly, were inseparable for a week, he left for the States were he was actually planning on moving to but decided 4 months later he needs to come back and be with me. We have been together ever since, living together for the past 6 years and celebrating 11 years of relationship this June :love:
  • Whaleluvr
    Whaleluvr Posts: 156 Member
    We went on 1 date when I was in high school........We, Dan & I, sat behind a local Hot dog restaurant/arcade, until the sun came up........I got in BIG trouble when I got home.......mom was waiting up for me...........then I went on with my life, dated about 10 people, married and had a daughter with one of them, Mike.........(who turned out to be a big druggie, and alcoholic)............then I started hanging around with my friend from high school, again (Sam--female)..............she used to go to her boyfriends baseball games...........and Dan was on the team............we got into talking again.............then my husband at the time, tried to throw me down the stairs in my house............I took my daughter, and moved out!!!! Continued to go to the baseball games, hooked back up with Dan! And now we have been married for 13 years and have a son, too!!!!
  • TiffyC828
    TiffyC828 Posts: 80 Member
    I was on a blind date with some guy...when he left I stayed behind and a few friends met up with me..My best friends, best guy friend (now her boyfriend) and his friends ended up where we were, he said some corny line and I wouldn't give him my number, so he insisted I take his and text him when I got home..LOL. Needless to say I did, and we've been together for 3 years..married for 1 1/2 of them :)
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I met my wife through the company we both worked for at the time.

    I completed the London to Paris cycle ride in 2007 and when I returned to work, I sent a picture round on the work email to everyone that sponsored me so they could see that I had completed the challenge!

    I had a response from a lady called Pippa, who didn't sponsor me but saw the picture and thought what I had done was really great! We got talking on the email from that day and have never looked back!

    We have now been happily married for just over 2 years and last July we celebrated the birth of our first child Bradley! :-D

    If you are from the UK, you may rememeber a show callled Gavin & Stacey?! Well that was on TV at the same time this all started and the plot lines were very similar to what we were experiencing in real life, weird!

    That's all folks!
  • jackieb1977
    jackieb1977 Posts: 195 Member
    i met mine on orange chat, it was a chance meeting i had been on the site several months, then one sat 25th nov lol i came across him and noticed he lives in the same city so we got chatting and it turned out he actually used to hang about with my older brother when they were kids, we actually lived less than a mile away and had probably met before but never realised, any how i was supposed to meet my friend that night for a drink but she had cancelled so he suggested we meet up, (well very silly thing to do as i didnt know him )..... and well 6 yrs later this yr we have been together, we have been engaged for 5 yrs and have a lovely daughter whos 4 in june.... lol.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Hmm. Well we didn't really first come in contact on World of Warcraft, but that is where we got to know eachother.

    He was in the military with a very good friend of mine. The friend jokingly said something about another girl friend of mine writing some guy because he liked video games, anime, etc. So I said "What and I don't?" so he told me to write the guy.

    I did and at first thought he was a weirdo. When he went back home in California (I was in Iowa) we chatted on World of Warcraft nearly everyday.

    I ran off to be with him and eventually we ended up back in Iowa.

    We have been together 3 years, married for 1, and have 2 badass kids.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Standing in line at the methadone clinic.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Working in Yellowstone National Park together
  • katieteetee
    katieteetee Posts: 19 Member
    High School sweethearts :)
  • kipper2316
    At a bar. We have been together for 10 yrs,married for 9 yrs in feb. and have 2 kids.
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    We went to school together all the way from elementary through high school (he was a grade ahead of me). We had mutual friends (my best friend had been dating his best friend for 2yrs). We went to a party as a couple in 2000. Now 12yrs, 2 kids & a marriage later.. we're still together. We had our daughter after 5yrs, we married after 7yrs & had our son after 9yrs.. I love my husband more & more every day.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    Bucknell University about 3 years ago. I was walking to my car one day and he's a police officer and was walking from his car to start his shift. We've been together ever since and are getting married in August!
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    I met my hubby when I was 17 at a grocery store. He was working there and I was upset about something and he was in my way, I was so rude and was like excuse me you see me trying to get something. Then he turned and smiled at me, my knees quivered. I was thinking in my head omgoodness he is soooo cute, and I thought "when did you start working here- in that lingery flirty way"-- except-- I said it outloud!! Totally didnt mean too, he answered yesterday and I walked off super fast without saying anything because I couldnt believe I said that. I called my friend and kept walking around the store, my friend convinced me to give him my number- not something I normaly do. I said I have to give you my number becuase I will regret it if i dont- He didnt pull out a phone or paper nothing - I was super embarresed! I started to walk off, and he was like I will remember it. I was like pshh yea right but gave it anyway. I kept comming back buying a bunch of stuff I didnt need just to see him and 3 days later he called. We were married 1 year and 3 months later as soon as I turned 18! Been married for 3 years and have 2 beautiful boys :)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • Sweetcheeks278
    Our moms had known each other for years and ran into each other and then started working together. We were all invited to a party for July 4th and thats when we really met for the first time. Sparks flew immediately. :love: Too bad his gf was there and my bf was at work. lol We were living together by October and have been together for almost 14 years. Getting ready to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary this Spring! I couldnt be more in love with him. I still get butterflies!! :blushing:
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    We met at a bar. I normally don't talk to girls at a bar (don't have enough guts) but her and her friends were standing right next to me, and the guy i was with, he the worst breath so i wanted to stop talking to him. Anyway, my wife looks like Reese Witherspoon, so i asked her if she heard that before, of course she hears it all the time, that and Julia Stiles so we start talking, a few years later we are married with 1 little girl and one on the way.
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    My fiance was my ex's best friend... So I owe my ex a "thank you!"
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    I met my boyfriend when I moved into his house hahaha. I was just starting my BEd at a new university and through the room lottery got placed in the most expensive dorm...which I couldn't really afford. A couple weeks before school decided to look on kijiji for somewhere else to live that was a little more affordable. I ended up moving in with 4 guys, all a few years older than me...which I thought was awesome because #1 they could protect me and #2 I wouldn't be romantically interested in any of them. I swore up and down that I would never date a roommate. That lasted about a month and a half :wink: .

    I had actually just started dating a guy I met online (that I actually had a crush on in high school)..but I would get the stomach tingles when I spent time with a certain roommate. One night the guy I was dating stayed over....the roommate didn't talk to me for about a week...so at that point I realized he was feeling the same about me as I was about him. It seemed like a pretty obvious choice to choose the guy that lived down the hall as opposed to the one that lived an hour away. We've been together for 3 and a half years...but if feels like twice that since we lived together literally from day 1 haha.

    Funny little side note...when I switched universities to do my Education degree, a friend of mine said "you're going to meet your husband there."....I thought she was nuts...but lo and behold, 3.5 years, our own place and 2 dogs later...it's certainly in the works haha.
  • LilianaGarciia
    LilianaGarciia Posts: 146 Member
    through mutual friends.