10 questions about you.



  • [1] What is your name? :

    it is pronounced as Michaela, but my mum wanted me to be different, so she spelt it differently.


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    it's my name and the year i was born..... simple. :)


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Cancer and 16th July.


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    hmmm i cant pick.... i love animals.... small ones. my mum had 2 dogs (cairn terriers) as pets. they passed away at the ages of 15 and 16 years old, i grew up with them so it was painful when they died.
    me and my husband currently have a 1 year old male dog (yorkie pom cross) called Buster, a 2 year old male cat called Dinx and a 6 month old female rabbit (lionhead harlequin) called Bella.
    eventually, in a few years maybe, i would like at least another small dog, something like the dog we have already, definitely a terrier breed.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    i could never pick between Red or Blue whenever asked this question, so i thought "what colour do they make mixed together.....PURPLE" so my favourite colour is a mixture.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    well i don't have a picture.... i have a pair of jeans that i used to wear before i got pregnant with my son, i would like to get back into them.
    they are 3/4 length, black, a gorgeous fit.
    they were the jeans i wore when i kissed my husband for the first time. (we werent married or in a relationship back then).


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    my husband. hes amazing, he supports me through everything. he motivates me when i cant be bothered and most of all, hes doing this weight loss with me so we encourage eachother through it. :) hes my rock.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    make sure you feel ready to do it. if you cant commit to losing weight then dont start.
    plus, if you feel ill then dont push yourself to do something your body isnt capable of completing.
    listen to what your body tells you.... if you feel great then push yourself harder, if you feel like you need a day off then take some time out.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Just Dance 1/2/3 with my husband. :) we have so much fun and we burn so many calories.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    i like listening to a mix of genres when i workout.... but i have to say that Club/Dance/Hardcore music is the best to keep you pumped during a tough workout session.
    generally, im a complete rock fan. always loved 80's classic rock.... guns'n'roses, kiss, alice cooper, etc.
    i can listen to a variety of music though, i like classical when im in a mellow mood, i like pop/chart music when im cleaning, i like hip hop/r'n'b now and again....
    i suppose it depends on my mood at the time, and what im doing etc.
  • So excited to hear about everyone and their journeys and thoughts. :) You have inspired me to keep going......2 down 158 to go :)
  • [1] What is your name? :

    Dominique! ^3^


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    I'm random. It was just one of the first things to come to mind during registration


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I am a proud Sagittarius! My birthday is Dec. 15th!


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I like squids and other cephalopods, like cuttlefish, squid, and octopi. Not sure why. I just find them strangely adorable.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    I like pink, but only a certain shade.. not too dark and not too light. Second runners up (and neck-and-neck) are black and gray


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Hmmm.. Anything actually. I don't have much of a shape, but I'd love to be able to pull off a decent corset. I have one that i am waiting to squeeze into one of these days.


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? : Omigosh! Well I have SOOOO many wonderful MFP friends, so it's hard to name them all! My irl besties are also on here, and are terrific support both online and off (Nefertiti31 and jadedm). Also supporting me are neighbors and relatives.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Patience is key, and don't give up just because you aren't seeing the results you were expecting or losing weight as fast as you'd like. Watch others from a distance, but don't obsess over THEIR successes. Everyone is different. You'll get your own when the time comes. Exercise plenty and occasionally treat yourself. Eat the bad stuff in moderation instead of giving it up cold turkey.. also, get yourself a good friend or two.. or three.. or four.. or more. The more people you have to talk about weight loss and your trials and tribulations with, the easier it seems.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Playing Dance Dance Revolution. Okay, so it's stepping to a beat and occasionally jumping around, but it's so effin fun that it really doesn't feel much like a workout.. well at least until the harder songs come on and you start gasping for air like a fish out of water.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Most of the songs played during a workout are from N.E.R.D. because of their upbeatness (aware it's not a real word). I listen to some of everything though, this can and does include anime and video game music. I've got a little bit of something from almost every genre.
    iCACTUS Posts: 113
    So excited to hear about everyone and their journeys and thoughts. :) You have inspired me to keep going......2 down 158 to go :)

    Excellent! <3 *hugs tight* :)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    Eh, just a name!

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    Cancer zodiac sign.

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    House animal is cats.

    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    Favorite color to wear is navy blue. I'm obsessed.

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    At the moment it's something like this!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    Definitely all of the people I see hitting the gym consistently, especially older people. If they can go so can I!

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    - Don't give up
    - Learn to eat healthy
    - Try and work out
    - Don't give up your life

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Zone out with a book on the bike at the gym.

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Country when I hang out, rap when I work out.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Charity. : ) This is too much fun, by the way!


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I got really creative and went with my actual name. I know, the mind reels at the creativity!

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I also am an Aquarius. We are fascinating people. ; )


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I feel like I'm copying your answers, but I LOVE cats. I love my sweet (and a little naughty) house cat, and I have a passion to visit Africa some day so I can witness the majesty of a lion in its natural habitat.

    Also, love dogs, because they just love you no matter what - and sometimes you just need that!


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    PINK! But I mostly wear red, black and brown. I don't know why.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I don't really have anything in mind, except I have 2 boxes full of skinny clothes I'm digging out when I get there!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My MFP friends. Thanks, guys! You're the best!


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Hmm... I hate giving advice. Be persistent. Be committed. Accept help when you need it. Do it, do it, do it!

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I like to walk, and jog, and bike. But they all still feel like exercise. : )

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I mostly listen to classic rock and 80s hair bands. I like pretty much everything though. I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to music - as all good Aquarians should be. : )
  • melrose09
    melrose09 Posts: 271
    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Melanie

    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    It's s combo of parts of my first and last name and the year I was married


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Leo...August 18


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Dolphins, they are smart, intelligent and I loved volunteering my time with them when I lived in Florida


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Grey...it goes with everything


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I love my new skinny jeans!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My son (and future children). I want him to grow up in a healthy and active home.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Never give up. Never, ever give up.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Press to handstands


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I love to listen to some Jimmy Eat World, Foo Fighters and Red Hot chili Peppers when I work out

  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    1. I'm Sarah Scarlett.

    2. I used to be really into this band, An Cafe, and two of the members were Kanon and Bou.

    3. Gemini, June 6th.

    4. I love cats, because they're so soft and sweet and I feel like I can connect to them,

    5. Pink...but I'm not girly! I just like pastels.

    6. This damn iPad won't let me post pictures, but I want the sluttiest bikini in the world.

    7. My parents. They're the opposite of how I want to be. Also, my pretty cousins.

    8. Do not push yourself too hard.

    9. Racquetball, zumba, running....

    10. The strokes, or dope house records.
  • My name is Corinna.

    My username is a combination of my favorite color and obssession with Koi fish.

    My birthday is March 8, 1988 which would make my sign a Pisces. I'm the typical creative, artistic, and emotional type; so, I fit the Piscean mold fairly well.

    I love owls! They're so beautiful and strong.

    I'm a fan of crimson.. of course, but I also really enjoy all shades of red, blue, green... and I guess anything really. =) I love rainbow colors and basically anything that would look awesome splattered randomly together across a canvas.

    I can't find an exact picture match, so I'll describe it. It's a Grecian maxi dress in an assortment of vibrant colors! It's beautiful and I've only been able to find it once, but it remains one of my hopefuls for my goal weight.

    My best friend, Natalie, has lost a stunning 80-something pounds and she's amazing. She's SugarNtheRaw on here, and I would recommend her as an inspiration to anyone.

    It takes time. ALOT of time. It's not something that will come off overnight because you didn't put the weight on that way. It may seem like you woke up one day and had packed on 20 extra pounds or more, but it might take years to come off. You have to be patient and diligent. You WILL screw up and that's okay.

    I love kick-boxing! I actually ordered a few TaeBo DVDs the other day because, unfortunately, no gym within 15 miles of my house will teach kick-boxing or anything similar.

    I list to everything. I'm a huge fan of Rob Zombie and he's been my favorite singer for the past decade, but for working out, I get into the pop hits with the great beats. I find myself listening to the radio when I'm working out, which is something that would rarely happen otherwise.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    [1] What is your name? :

    my name is Brandy


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    my dad used to call me branflake when I was little


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I am a cancer, my b-day is July 1st and I'll be 35 this year


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I love dogs because they are loyal and love you back unconditionally


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    umm purple or silver or red, I guess I really don't have a favorite.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I wanna wear a bikini


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    my friend Lauralee has been a big inspiration, she has lost 48lbs is now a p90x grad, beachbody coach, won 3rd place in a bikini contest just amazing!


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Stick with it, it takes time, the weight does not come off as quickly or as easily as it got on, but keep trying and you will reach your goal

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    love zumba and p90x cardio and kenpo

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    well when I workout I prefer very upbeat fast paced happy music like Gwen Stefani, Black Eyed Peas etc. When I am just chillin I am more of a rock person love Deftones, 311, Sublime, NIN, Cage the Elephant stuff like that
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    Barb. Or Barbara to be more exact.


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    My first & last name with my HS graduation year.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Sagittarius [only knew how to spell it because of autocorrect. lol] My birthday is on Pearl Harbor Day [Dec 7]


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    CATS CATS CATS! I love cats. They're always entertaining...They're majestic...Funny...Lazy...Psychotic.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Turquoise or Teal...although I have never been able to tell the difference between the two...Whatever, around that shade.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    To post a picture copy & paste the following :

    [ img ] Post picture address here [ /img ] <---without spaces

    You do not have to post a picture, you can just describe it, too! :)

    Too lazy to find a picture...Something I've always wanted to wear with confidence is a bikini. I've worn them & been super embarrassed & uncomfortable..I want to wear one & look like a hot *****


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy

    Myself really...I want to look good & maybe possibly kinda sorta be confident for the first time in my life.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    The first day, don't cave because you THINK you're hungry. You aren't. Learn to tell the difference. Drink water, & no diet soda does not count as "water". The internet is a wonderful source of information. Read up on your stuff [obviously not from sketchy sites].

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I. Hate. Exercise. I keep trying...I just despise it. I'd rather sit here & paint my toenails & watch Spongebob. I play tennis with one of my friends who's on a weight loss journey [shes lost almost 100 lbs!] it's fun, except now it's been too cold to go play.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    My day to day life taste in music depends on my mood...Mornings, I need hiphop to wake me up. Once I'm just kind of chilling, Beatles, Rihanna, Shinedown...just depending really.

  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Kim! Nice to meet you!


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    My first pet bird, a goffin cockatoo was named Petree!


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    May 11th here!! I'm a Taurus!


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Truly I have to say that my favorite animal are dogs. I've had them
    since I was 5 and they are the best friend a person can have. They listen without
    judging, they are there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, or when you
    need a swift kick in the pants to get off your butt!!! LOL

    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    I have a love for all things red and black. If they are both colors put together....
    oooo, love it!

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I want to wear a bikini again, but this time with killer abs!! :happy:

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My biggest inspiration is my son!!

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Eat your exercise calories back, or at least some of them, water water water, and push yourself until your falling down burning during a workout, then you've worked your hardest!! Also, get some friends on here and know that you'll have a few that you'll connect too, that's ok, you don't need 100's!! Lastly, you are worth it!!

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I loved my elliptical, but I killed it and can't afford another one yet!! :ohwell:
    I also like Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, even tho I'm convinced she's trying to kill me. :noway:


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Green Day!! I love them and they are a great motivator and have the perfect beat for me!!
  • [1] What is your name? :

    Meghan, but you can call me Meg


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    First initial, last name. It's what I do for most things since I am always being careful to be "professional"


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Aries :) March 24


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Lions, specifically male lions. They are so majestic and act like the kings they are.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Grey... I know, kind of dull, but maybe once I lose weight I will be adventurous.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    To post a picture copy & paste the following :

    [ img ] Post picture address here [ /img ] <---without spaces

    You do not have to post a picture, you can just describe it, too! :)

    Hmm... no picture, but a nice tight-fitting dress that doesn't highlight my rolls and soft spots would be awesome!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy

    My friend Debbie. She is getting married soon, and I am honoured to be in the bridal party. She is also on her own weight loss journey, so I thought that if she can do it, so can I, for the same reasons. And I want to look good for her wedding.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Tips: increase your water! You pee like crazy, but I saw my ankle bones for the first time in years because of flushing out the water weight. It is motivating! Also, don't freak out when you think you are starving the first couple days. It gets better! And eating healthier gets easier too! Also, find friends on MFP! They are sooo great and encouraging!

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Oh man this is a tough one! I am a full time student, so I don't do much other than study and go to class. But I enjoy the workouts I have been doing from The Biggest Loser workout DVD... they are hard and I sometimes swear at the trainer, but I love them because I see results!


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    When I am just chilling, I listen to pretty much anything. Sound tracks or classical for studying though. When I am NOT working out to a DVD and doing strength stuff, I usually put on rap/hip hop. Current favourite workout song is "Till I Collapse" by Eminem.

  • [1] What is your name? :



    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I am lame and just used my name and age!


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    September 5th and I am a Virgo :)


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    My favorite a animal is my Charlie, and he happens to be a cat and he rocks.

    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    I don't have one! Honest! I love ALL color :)

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I wanna feel good rocking a little sundress

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals?

    All my awesome mfp friends

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Get support and a good pair of running shoes!

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I LOVE swimming laps!


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I like all kinds of music, but something with a peppy beat is a must!
  • [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Melanie but my nickname is TED


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Well my nickname is TED and I personally dont remember why I chose the wolf part ...maybe is cause Im a group person that likes to do things with other people..like a wolf pack...idk.

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I am an Aquarius and my birthday is January 24!


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Im an animal lover and I have a hard time choosing but I will have to go with canines in general.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    I loooooove the color purple~


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Ummmmmm...I love wearing concert T shirts so I'll still be wearing them. and I've always wanted to wear shorts and be comfortable in them so I guess shorts!

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    All of you on here posting your goal pictures and telling everyone your wonderful stories! Plus my mom cause she wants me to feel my best! And my friend Jennifer cause she is doing this with me so we can look and feel better about ourselves when we move to Pittsburgh in October! :D


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    I would say be strong. The first few weeks of being on a diet when you have never done one before can be really tough and you might want to slip. If you just stick to what you do its turns into a positive habit and it'll be easier to keep on your diet. Also you have a bunch of people on here who are rooting for you and send you all good energy to keep going!


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I like walks. I usually take my white german shepherd to the park while my mom is shopping. That usually gives me and hour-2 hours to not only exercise but to bond with my dog. :)


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I listen to everything *except country* but I loooove rock and metal music! I usually listen to Avenged Sevenfold mostly but I have loads of other bands I like!

  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    Angela :)


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Its my name and birthday


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Libra! October 19th


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Dogs, because I'm in love with my baby girl! :) They're so loyal and loving


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    PINK!!! <3


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!


    I WILL feel sexy enough to wear this one day....even if there's nobody there to take it off! ;)


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy

    I'm working really hard to find inspiration from within! My trainer has been very helpful as well :)


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Be kind to yourself and your body <3 Ignore the calories and focus on feeding your body healthy fuel. Avoid shortcuts!


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    BIKRAM YOGA!!! Just tried it for the first time a few days ago and I'm in love!


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Lil' Wayne Radio on Pandora definitely gets me through my workouts! lol

  • bump!
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    It's my name.. I'm not very creative these days..

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    12/17 Sagittarius

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    I like white tigers. & Huskies.. they're just awesome.

    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    I love most shades of pink, most shades of purple, most shades of blue, red, lime green,

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts! :

    To post a picture copy & paste the following :

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :
    My mom...

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day & don't expect people to understand what it's like for you to personally lose weight. What's right for their body could hurt yours. Treat yourself like royalty & you'll feel amazing...

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :
    I love music. I listen to everything, except bluegrass.. So it just depends on what I turn on. Lol
  • [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Julie!! Hello all!

    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    My nickname is Jules and then 2 important yrs!


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I love dogs! I have 4 Brittneys and they are the perfect family pet!! They are also WONDERFUL hunting dogs!

    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    I really don't have a favorite color! I like most of them! haha


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I haven't really thought about it!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My ispiration is my family. My beautiful daughter and wonderful husband are the driving forces behind it. But mostly I know I HAVE to do something! We are wanting have another child and I want to be healthier so hopefully not so many complications! A wonderful new friend also my daycare provider has been my workout buddy for the past few weeks! I couldn't be doing all this without her. We both have about the same goals so its nice to work together and push each other!

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    It takes time! You didn't gain it all in a day so don't expect it to come off in a day! You have to work hard and never give up! I have love lifting but the cardio is doozy! I have been active all my life! Played many sports growing up and still play weekly!

    You have to believe in yourself! No one else can do it but you! Changing your lifestyle is hard to do, but take it one step at a time.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I like lifting weights or going on walks the hubs and daughter...even taking a dog to two out with us!

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    While working out...I listen to rock...It just gets me in the mood! but the gym i go to plays the hip hop/ rap stuff! Thats okay now that I have a workout buddy! haha On a daily basis I listen to a variety of oldies, rock, rap, country! I'm universal! haha
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    its an old screenname


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :



    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Dogs, because mine is the smartest most loveable thing ever


    [5] What is your favorite color? :


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Whatever bridesmaids dress my cousin picks out for her wedding lol


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    I'm mostly doing this on my own

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Not really a ton of advice...I'm having to learn patience thats for sure.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Swimming...I try to go every day


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Country-Zac Brown Band & Kenny Chesney are my faves, and I also like top 40/mainstream type stuff