Who works out 5 days a week?



  • Normally:
    Monday: core and kickboxing AM, kettlebells PM
    Tuesday:upper body AM, functional training at noon, and I instruct Cardio Tone pm
    Wednesday: lower body and core AM and kickboxing PM
    Thursday: upper body AM. Sometimes functional training at noon. Sometimes Thursday is a rest day.
    Friday: core and kickboxing am
    Saturday: lower body AM, cardio AM (varies)
    Sunday: rest.

    Schedule is changing next week, just don't know what to yet.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Currently I do 6 days a week.

    Monday and Wednesday I have an hour session with my trainer. We usually do some type of strength or plyometric workout. Sometimes circuit style, sometimes just straight lifting. She keeps it interesting and is always finding new challenges for me.

    Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I go to the gym and to 35 do 50 minutes of cardio. I switch it up among the various machines: stairmill, rowing, treadmill (sometimes intervals and sometimes just an uphill walk), elliptical, and recumbent bike. After cardio I always do a thorough stretch for about 15 to 20 minutes.

    Sunday I take a one hour belly dance class.
  • ive actually stopped going to the gym so much as ive found different ways of excercising...

    mon- 3-4 hours house cleaning, 60min Kettlebell class

    tue- 3-4hours cleaning

    wednesday- 20-45 min zumba, 30 swimming

    thursday- swimming with little girl, 30mins kettlebells, 15 mins aerobics

    friday- 60mins aquatone, 30mins swimming

    sat/sun -walk dog/aerobics/zumba....depends what i am doing as to when i do it
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Mon Lower body around 23-30 min-Strength Training 30 min Cardio & abs
    Tues.-Upper Body 40 mins &abs this is also my splurge day :)
    Wed.- Cardio 30-40 min.
    Thurs- Lower body 23-30 min Strength Training & Abs
    Friday Upper Body Strength Training & cardio 30-40 min
    Sat. & Sun off.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I'm a personal trainer as well. Here is what my workout looks like in this phase:

    1) Chest, back,balance and abs
    2) Plyocide
    3) Recovery and mobility in the morning. Kuk Sool and Fit Club evening
    4) Shoulders,arms abs
    5) Yoga morning,Kuk Sool evening
    6) Base,back and abs
    7) REST

    I try to rumble roll everyday to help with recovery and hot spots. I also have two workouts that can interchange with days 1 and day 4.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Roughly! I do 3 days on 1 day rest then 3 days on....
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    Mon-Fri I swim 1-1.5 miles freestyle non-stop.

    Tue-Thur I've added an hour of lifting in addition to my swim. Two exerercises for all major muscles. 4 sets of declining reps while increasing weight. IE: dumbell bench 12x 50lbs , 10x 60lbs, 8x 70lbs, 6x 80lbs

    Take either Sat or Sun off depending on my schedule and swim on the day that isn't resting.

    I was doing a Full indoor sprint Triathlon every Thursday but I tweaked my knee and so I'm resting it up. 1/2 mile swim, 13 mile stationary bike, 5k run on track.

    10-15 minutes of stretching daily.
  • I start to get crabit If I don't

    Monday at the gym , squats , incline dumbbell press and flyes , and upright rows ( or variations of routine) followed by a 30-40min run/jog

    Tuesday 1 hour Jiu Jitsu and 1 hour Muay thai

    Wednesday - planks and v situps, push presses and alternating wide shoulder presses , 30-40 min run.jog

    Thursday 1 hour Jiujitsu and 1 hour Muay Thai

    Friday - Overhead squats , deadlifts, pullups and dips, sometiems some lunges too , depends how my legs feel tbh haha. 30-40 min run/jog

    Weekend I usually work longer hours , still enjoy getting a run in though
  • Zoekat05
    Zoekat05 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm marathon training right now, so a typical week looks like this:

    Mon - 5M easy run plus weights/core
    Tues - 8-10 miles with 4-5 tempo miles
    Wed - Rest
    Thurs - 7-8M run
    Friday - 6-7M run plus weights/core
    Sat - 2 hour spin class
    Sun - Long run (16 - 22 miles)

    I also stretch after every workout and use the foam roller several times per week for recovery.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    5-6 days a week. Each day is a major compound lift and a few supporting actors. Today was squats, ghr's, dumbbell romanians, couple of leg extensions/curls. I don't really write or do a routine. I rarely do abs or cardio. Just no need unless competing.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Usually I work out 5 - 6 days a week - though I have only set foot in a gym about 3 times in the last year (when I've been staying at a hotel and its raining outside).

    My weeks have been looking like this:
    3 shorter runs (3 - 6 miles) on weekdays
    1 long run (8 - 14 miles) on the weekend
    1 or 2 days strength training
    1 day walking
    1 rest day (with a little bit of walking in there, but that is usually walking to the pub so I don't really count that as exercise!).

    I've been training for a half marathon so my runs have been getting longer and longer but they will slow down a bit, maybe only 3 days running for the next few months. My plan for the next little while is:
    2 short runs (3 - 8 km) on weekdays
    3 days strength training
    1 - 2 days walking
    1 long run
    1 rest day (still going to the pub!)
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hey there,

    My goal originally was 3 days per week, however I seem to have stuck with approx. 5 or 6 days per week. I do find I get obsessed with something and then I get really bored of it and need something new and then eventually go back to it. At the moment I am just going to my 24 hour gym and doing a mix of cardio and weights.

    100 - 150 calories - Stationary Bike at between 22km/h - 30 km/h
    100 calories - Treadmill doing a mix fast walking (7km/h), jogging (9km/h) or running (10/11 km/h).
    100 calories - Cross Trainer machine 8km/h - 12 km/h on levels between 5-10.

    Weights - focusing on bi ceps, tri ceps, chest, back & legs (basically all over) I usually do anywhere between 4-7 machines.

    I also love jogging around the block for approx. 30 mins. I love trying to beat my time. My 30 minute track now takes me 24 minutes! I also wear a heart rate monitor to ensure my calories burnt are correct and that my heart rate is always between 145 - 190.

    I also love boxing one-on-one (pads & gloves), doing Body Step, Body Pump, Body Attack, Body Combat & FitBox group classes & playing netball and volleyball team sports when the seasons are right.

    I hope this might help!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    M- quads
    T- hamstrings and shoulders
    W- back
    Th- chest
    F- arms

    30 minutes of cardio per day unless I'm teaching kickboxing then it's up to an hour.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Monday: Rest
    Tuesday: Run 8k and weights
    Wednesday:Run 10k
    Thursday: Dvd/weights
    friday:Run 10k
    Sunday:Run 15-20k
  • Mondays: cardio kickboxing
    Tuesdays: Morning Zumba class. Evening weights & a Spin Class.
    Wednesdays: Spin Class
    Thursday: Light Cardio & strength training
    Fridays: Spin class. Some weights & then Zumba.

    I use to run 4-6 days a week but blew my knees out a few years back...hence I piled on some weight. Spin seems to be the best replacement for me. I get enough of a workout plus it's not as harsh on my knees & the quad strengthening helps too :flowerforyou:

    I work doubles on Saturday & Sunday so I have no time to go to the gym. My two days off.
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    I dont have a schedule. If i ever make one, I wont follow it . So, my workout is dependent on my mood. I try to get in 3 days of cardio - turbo jam & 2 days of abs/lower body exercises.

    My workout for Jan: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kittuk86/view/jan-2012-workout-that-was-204280
  • Chrissie_R
    Chrissie_R Posts: 224 Member
    i do fitness classes, typically

    mon - body pump + zumba
    tue - body balance + aerobics + body combat
    wed - legs bums tums + body combat + zumba
    thu - zumba toning
    fri - zumba + body balance
    sun - zumba + body combat

    and that's after i've cut down lol i love my classes!!
  • I work 12.5 hr shifts so I work 3 or 4 days (or nights) a week. On work days I walk alot! I average 28,000 steps so I guess this is exercise?!
    On my days off I run. I run 3 x a week and try to get 1 jillian or yoga DVD in there too :happy:
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Monday/Wednesday: crossfit circuit + 3-4 mile run + some sort of high intensity cardio (pushups, burpees, etc etc)
    Tuesday/Thursday: light cardio
    Friday: crossfit circuit + 6-7 mile run
    Saturday/Sunday: May go for a run one day, may not...

    I want to add more weights into my routine.
  • Mon- run at gym
    Tues- trainer (plus sometimes some cardio)
    Wed- run @ gym
    Thurs- home DVD, driveway running
    Fri- long walk
    Sat - outdoor run
    Sun- day off but usually some wii just dance with kids or swimming