Where did you meet your wife/husband/bf/gf



  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I worked with him for 7 yrs he chased me the whole time and I wrote it off as just being a flirt. We became friends and the rest is our love story. He truly is the most amazing man.
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    Second grade: I moved to a new school. He was there. He and another boy immediately threw "Will you go with me? Yes or No" notes at me. I circled NO on his!!! :D Fast-forward to senior year, and although we had never really dated, we were pretty good friends. I had gone away to a residential high school at a university, and I came home for a visit and went on a date with him, and he took my V-card. We did not become an item. Fast-forward again to our ten-year reunion, and I had filed for divorce a week and a half before. He had been sitting at his parents' house, contemplating whether or not he felt like going to the reunion (he was single after a nasty breakup and was very down and out in general), and his mother told him to get off the recliner, get dressed, and go, and he could always leave if he wasn't having fun. We have now been together for 11 months, and it has flown by. He has helped me deal with all the crap from my divorce, and he's been completely supportive in everything. He is the best thing that ever happened to me, and sometimes I have moments of surreality where I just think, "Is this really happening??? Me and Brett?!?" And yes, it's really happening! :) I expect us to be married within a couple of years, and he's on board with it.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    I met him in a Salsa Class I was teaching...he was my student! hahah
  • On a flight to October Fest in Germany! He's Dutch and I'm American.
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    i met my fiancee at work. I was working valet and she was working the gift shop at a casino nearby. On March 31 she started her first day and I saw her bent over the counter bored so I went in and said hi. For two weeks I could not get myself to talk to her and finally I went in and she asked if I was ignoring her (I wasn't ignoring her, I was awestruck by her beauty and did not know how to act in front of her), so we talked a little and then it took me two weeks to sneak her my phone number and then it took her five hours after getting off work to text me and we have been together ever since. Our first date was on Mothers day that year, our second date was on Fathers day, my kids did not meet her until Sept. and I met her daughter in Sept as well.

    On March 31, 2012 we are getting married and in April we are going on a cruise in the Caribbean for our honeymoon.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I met my fiance through datingdirect.com. I'd heard radio ads for this website so thought i'd take a look. I didn't really have many male friends and had never been out with anyone before. There was an option to "like" someone so i pressed that and he did it back. He was the only guy that wasn't begging to meet up on the first message (that freaked me out!)

    I started emailing in the June 2006, met up in the August (he came to Drayton Manor theme park on his own with me and 4 other mates - brave man!), starting dating in the September and have been together ever since, and in March we will have been engaged 2 years :o)

    Worth the £4.99 i paid to be able to message him i'd say ;o)
  • thejessjones
    thejessjones Posts: 15 Member

    some may call that website 'the catch and release program', but i found my adorable boyfriend and the rest, the awful old relationships, were history.

    and it's free!
  • luraharrell
    luraharrell Posts: 3 Member
    We met in cancun in a nightclub.
  • I met my husband in a parking lot. I was in a car with 3 girls and he was in the parking lot with 3 guys. The driver stopped them and asked if they needed a ride so we in turn squeezed 8 people in a car that could barely fit 4 people in it. I had to sit on my husband's lap and that's how we met. I was 15 years old and we have been together for 13 years now and married for 6.
  • ChevyChick88
    ChevyChick88 Posts: 356 Member
    okcupid.com online dating can work miracles.

    Me too. Getting married in June. :bigsmile:
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    i camped in the same spot at the same campground for over 10 years.
    i gave up my spot cuz i was getting married & moving on. well 4 years later the wedding didnt happen, that relationship ended.
    So i decided to go back to my favorite place. my camping spot.
    well sad to say my spot was taken, so i took the next best thing, the spot next to my old spot.
    thats where i met my true love. :love: not only did we combine our spots, but our hearts are interlocked forever as well. :heart:
  • nubeing
    nubeing Posts: 23
    We met at university. He pissed me right off within five minutes of meeting him and I absolutely couldn't stand him! We've been married for almost twelve years now. The rest, as they say, is history.
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    My husband was the "hot dog guy". He had a Vienna Beef Hot Dog cart at the end of our office complex. OMG... So freakin' cute we'd all drive by and gawk. So one day he waved at me and smiled that smile with dimples - no less... I was just starting divorce proceedings with my ex husband and no way did I want a "relationship" and made that clear when we started talking. So he took me on a date and we talked on the phone every moment we had the chance and I'd go sit with him at his cart where all the ladies liked to hang out but I was the one that got to stay! So much for the "no relationship" plan - man was I hooked. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and I can't imagine my life without him. 11 years together, 7.5 married. And he's still so freakin' good looking!
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    Totally lame but met my husband on a blind date 24 years ago, have now been married 19 years!!

    Mine too! 16 years ago! Two beautiful girls!!
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    met her on AOL after she messaged me thinking i was someone else..... she had me at head cheerleader!
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I don't know where I'll meet him, but it better be soon :laugh:
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I met my fiance at a country dance club. He was home from college for the summer and I was taking summer classes. I wasn't going to go out that night because all of my friends backed out but a girl that I barely new said she was going so we went together. Turns out she knew him. I actually thought he had a girlfriend for most of the night because there was a girl with him all of the time. Lucky for me it turns out they were just friends. During one of the hiphop songs he came up and started dancing with me, we never spoke and had to leave right after because our mutual friend was drunk. He text her and asked her to give me his number. We talked that night and the next day, when he asked me out for that night I actually turned him down! Luckily he was persistent and asked again the next night. We spent the next week and a half together before he went back to school. We saw each other once a month until he moved home and moved in with me, now a year later we are planning our wedding for this October :).
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    My dad was dating this woman and she hated her son's gf so she always asked me to date her son. I meet him one day and hated him. Thought he was a cocky guy. Welli was dating a few guys and one night i was bored and called up the son of my dads girlfriend. Well long story short my dad and his girlfirend are no longer together and me and the son have been together 12 years married for 5 and have a amazing son. Pleasenote we were not the reason our parents broke up :wink:
  • Oh my!

    Well, where to start... I worked at a bank, his mom ran the call center there (she was kinda important and everyone watched out for her). His cousin worked at the branch with me. My mom worked at another branch of the same bank. He, his roommate, and his girlfriend all banked there. Each time one of them came through I was reminded that "He's X X's son." "He's X X's son's roommate." "She's X X's son's girlfriend." all as kind of a warning not to screw up. His girlfriend and I started hanging out. My ex and I started hanging out with them, kinda double dating. Eventually He and I started to realize things we had in common, common interests and sense of humor as our bf and gf sat bored together...

    One thing led to another and in about 3 months time we left our "partners" and I was moving in with Him. 2 months later we were pregnant. Now, 6.5 years later we're still together in love, with 2 beautiful daughters and will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary this year :)
  • I met my husband in high school while waiting on the school bus to come. I always joke that he stalked me because he said he saw me at the Homecoming Dance in October but he did not actually approach me until April and I had no idea he existed in a school of 1500 students. And now we've been married for almost 7 years.