Awkward starving day with the inlaws yesterday:(



  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    as much broccoli I could without looking like an idiot.
    LOL i feels ya on that!
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    As far as denying food that someone offers, it's all about choosing your battles. Is it worth it to come off as rude or starting drama?

    I don't expect anyone to care that I'm trying to lose weight. Doing so, and then not getting the reaction you want, will only cause disappointment. Plan ahead next time, or eat what you can. One day of not eating ideally (including a Pepsi) is not going to undo months of work.

    I agree. At the risk of offending of the inlaws. Is it really worth it??? I mean it is impossible to know the whole situation, but you got to give and take a little. Especially when people are sick and overcoming illness one cookie is not really the issue here. Family is.
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    Take this as a learning experience to have some healthy snacks in your purse or car. Breathing helps also:happy:
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I didn't read through everyone's responses, but I always make sure to have some snacks in my purse ... because in addition to trying to lose weight, I'm also allergic to gluten -- so if I don't, I can't be sure there will be something that I can eat...gluten sneaks into everything.

    I also always try to eat a snack (or small meal) right before we go somewhere where I don't know what's being served...just in case. You can get pretty far by just picking at things and "eating" slowly while pushing the rest of the food around your plate. My husband and I even do a plate swap if there's stuff I can't/don't want to eat and I don't want to be rude.

    Sounds like you controlled yourself pretty well, though! If I was that hungry, I probably would have gone buck wild! Be prepared next time !!
  • :( OK..... I'm going to be the mean one here.... but with all the "driving time".... If i was that STARVING I would have hit a grocery store, a conveneince store or even a gas station .... I'm sorry I just can't see why you didn't think of that

    I was thinking the same thing. Being in the car all that time you must have passed a zillion (okay, not a zillion) but many, many places you could have found nourishment.
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Sorry you had such a hard day!!! I have SO been there. I now just pack my own food. Emergency food in my purse and depending on the situation just make the best of the meal like you did.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 396 Member
    :( OK..... I'm going to be the mean one here.... but with all the "driving time".... If i was that STARVING I would have hit a grocery store, a convenience store or even a gas station .... I'm sorry I just can't see why you didn't think of that

    This is what I came to say. Pack snacks next time. Doesn't mean you have to eat them. I'm one of those people who has to have food physically away and out of sight, or I will eat it- so I popped a few granola bars and portion bags of my favorite crackers in my glove box one day, and I usually don't remember they're in there... Until I'm super hungry or stuck in traffic and my stomach is growling, and I can grab something without feeling guilty or feeling obligated to have something that isn't on my plan.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I'm surprised at how many people are congratulating OP for starving herself all day and being miserable. I don't see any praise-worthy behavior here. This was in no way a "healthy" day.
  • KAREN1691
    KAREN1691 Posts: 9 Member
    Poor you what a day, well done with all your hard work though xx hugs
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Please pack a cooler or zip lock any time you leave the house. Toss in protein bars or if you have a cooler, hummus, meats, cheeses, even some fruit if you tolerate it. Even if I leave for a few hours, I carry a zip lock with me. In mine is usually a protein shot, a protein bar, extra water and sometimes even a meal bar. I refuse to be stuck anywhere without my security blanket! HUGS!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I hope you let your son have some snacks along the way!!

    Ditto this.

    Also, learn to eat within your calorie allowance, don't forbid foods when you're that hungry.
  • Constructive critism is one thing. Accusing me of not feeding my son and calling me names is another. I will always pack a snack, thank you for those suggestions
    The question of whether the kid was hungry was asked, and you answered it. I did wonder the same thing, as you mentioned not having eaten and that the baby was crying. Folks were curious.

    I missed the name-calling. Where was that?

    Edit: Yeah, reviewed the thread, and cannot find any name-calling. Sweetheart, folks were just providing feedback. No, not everyone was supportive of your decision to starve yourself. They offered their opinions.

    You cannot see the name calling because I hit "report this reply" and they are now gone. The first one was : decisions like these are why you are a fatty. I will leave it at that. I did appriciate the suggestions of snacks. I could not stop for food, only a person in my shoes could make that decision. I was writing to vent and hoping for support. I have had 6 friend requests and 8 messages of support including one from a LONG time member who cannot believe the response to this thread and who are apologizing for your responses. Good luck to you, you will never see me on these boards again, I and many others have learned many lessons here! BTW- I am far from your sweetheart!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Constructive critism is one thing. Accusing me of not feeding my son and calling me names is another. I will always pack a snack, thank you for those suggestions
    The question of whether the kid was hungry was asked, and you answered it. I did wonder the same thing, as you mentioned not having eaten and that the baby was crying. Folks were curious.

    I missed the name-calling. Where was that?

    Edit: Yeah, reviewed the thread, and cannot find any name-calling. Sweetheart, folks were just providing feedback. No, not everyone was supportive of your decision to starve yourself. They offered their opinions.

    You cannot see the name calling because I hit "report this reply" and they are now gone. The first one was : decisions like these are why you are a fatty. I will leave it at that. I did appriciate the suggestions of snacks. I could not stop for food, only a person in my shoes could make that decision. I was writing to vent and hoping for support. I have had 6 friend requests and 8 messages of support including one from a LONG time member who cannot believe the response to this thread and who are apologizing for your responses. Good luck to you, you will never see me on these boards again, I and many others have learned many lessons here! BTW- I am far from your sweetheart!

    Do you need a snack?
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Constructive critism is one thing. Accusing me of not feeding my son and calling me names is another. I will always pack a snack, thank you for those suggestions
    The question of whether the kid was hungry was asked, and you answered it. I did wonder the same thing, as you mentioned not having eaten and that the baby was crying. Folks were curious.

    I missed the name-calling. Where was that?

    Edit: Yeah, reviewed the thread, and cannot find any name-calling. Sweetheart, folks were just providing feedback. No, not everyone was supportive of your decision to starve yourself. They offered their opinions.

    You cannot see the name calling because I hit "report this reply" and they are now gone. The first one was : decisions like these are why you are a fatty. I will leave it at that. I did appriciate the suggestions of snacks. I could not stop for food, only a person in my shoes could make that decision. I was writing to vent and hoping for support. I have had 6 friend requests and 8 messages of support including one from a LONG time member who cannot believe the response to this thread and who are apologizing for your responses. Good luck to you, you will never see me on these boards again, I and many others have learned many lessons here! BTW- I am far from your sweetheart!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I could not stop for food, only a person in my shoes could make that decision.
    It's hard to believe that you couldn't stop at a gas station for 3 minutes and buy a bag of nuts. But even if that's so, food was offered to you and you turned it down.
    I was writing to vent and hoping for support.
    Sorry but there's no way I can support such bad decisions. It's not a good idea to get so hungry that you are sick. This is unhealthy behavior and I think that needed to be addressed.
  • Congrats on having lost 42 pounds. Since I started dieting last May I have found my relatives to be totally unsupportive with downright nasty comments that make it clear to me that they are only interested in my failures. To avoid any further angst, I keep quiet about it - after all, I am doing this for me, not them. :wink:
  • chottyyoung1
    chottyyoung1 Posts: 19 Member
    WOW...I have been on here for a few days and have so far loved it. This thread makes me scared to post anything! Geezzze she was VENTING.
    WTF people?
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    So it's a lesson learned about planning ahead and never relying on others for food that you are willing to eat. Now take a deep breath and move on.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Now I want cookies and pork chops.

    Lesson: Always pack snacks and never turn down a cookie. :drinker:
  • I totally understand you because it´s like that with my husband´s family too. They are all thin and they think there is no harm in eating sweets and all. If that was all, it would be fine, but they are always making comments on my weight... Which led to some disagreements in the past. I simply will not have them criticizing me. I weigh 132 lbs, it´s not like I am obese.. And even if I were, I am my husband´s choice, not theirs, so DEAL with it!

    My mother in law is Portuguese and if anyone knows Portuguese people will understand: there is always a lot of food and they will not take no as answer. Good thing is that good part of the Portuguese food they offer me is healthy, and I don´t even like her cooking so it´s very easy to keep my portions small. So I eat that and leave the rest. She used to try to force it down my throat, but I stand true to my principles. One day I was in a really crappy mood and she did that... And I ended up telling her "didn´t you tell me I was fat? How am I supposed to change that if you´re making me eat this kind of food?" I really regret having been rude but I´m relieved that since that day she hasn´t imposed any food on me anymore.

    I obviously make up to them by being nice most of the time and visiting them almost weekly and generally have a good relationship.

    I always plan what I will eat on days out like that to avoid problems. Fruit, healthy biscuits and cereal bar are my top pics.

    Keep up the good work on your commitment. Just be sure to plan :) Thats the key to success.