*February Weight Loss Challenge*



  • mkwow
    mkwow Posts: 65 Member
    I am in!
  • I am in !
  • I'm in
    Starting weight 175.0
    Goal weight 165.0
    I'm hoping to lose this weight for my health and any help would be appreciated. I really don't have a meal plan just watching what I eat and I am down to between 1200- 1600 calories a day. I'm trying to stay on the low side of that scale. I don't really exercise, but I'm a server so I do a lot of walking for work. I wear a pedometer and I average about 10,000+ steps a day.
  • EricaLynn1
    EricaLynn1 Posts: 20 Member
    I am in!

    Current - 174
    Goal for Feb - 164

    Need to get active!!!!!!!!
  • kristenanna
    kristenanna Posts: 33 Member
    Weight: 133.8
    Goal End Feb: 128
    Goal: 120

    Waist: 27.25
    Chest: 35.75
    Hips: 33
    Thighs: L 22.5 R 21.75
    Arms: B 10.5

    Keeping at 1200-1400 cal.
  • snaggly
    snaggly Posts: 48 Member
    In too!

    Starting with today's weight: 131.4
    Goal weight for Feb (also my GW): 120

    Plan: continue healthy eating, cardio/strength training x5/week.
  • would love to join

    starting weight 170.6
    goal weight 135
  • miss_glitter
    miss_glitter Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! :)
    Today's weight: 157
    Goal weight for February 29th: 148
    If i get to that goal, i will DIE.

    And my plan is to continue tracking. I think that works the best for me!
    PS: Add me as a friend if you want! Im looking to give and receive tons of support!
  • My starting weight is 222.

    I would like to be 210 by the end of this month. (12lb loss)

    Here's my weekly workout:

    Mon-Cardio 30min-60min
    Tues- Cardio 45min- 90 min Strength 20min
    Wed - Cardio 20min strength 20min Juijitsu 90min
    Thurs- Cardio 45min- 90 min Strength 20min
    Fri-Cardio 60min strength 20min
    Sat- Cardio 60min
    Sun-Cardio 30min

    My 30th birthday is on the 27th!
  • My starting weight is 149
    Goal for month 139 (10 lbs
    Total goal weight 125
    Continue with couch to 5k along with targeting a different area each day
    Also counting calories

    So excited about this challenge!!
  • rahrah82
    rahrah82 Posts: 30 Member
    Starting weight - 222.5

    Goal - 212

    Plan - Keep tracking every day and making good choices. Continue 60mins of exercise 6 times a week. Hopefully it works like last month :o)
  • Im in!!!
  • I would love to join. I will post my starting weight etc.....first thing in the morning. I look forward to February.
  • I am in! Right now I am 167 lbs and want to lose 10 to 12 lbs by the end of the month. Drink lots of water, eat 1200 to 1300 calories per day and exercise 10 to 15 hours per week. (Already doing the exercise, just need to cut down how much and what I eat!
  • I like this idea :) the next 29 days lets all join together to lose weight and reach our fitness goals!
    My weight loss goal is about 5lbs give or take for the month. I'm at 124.5 right now and I'd like to be under 120 by the end of February. I'm basically sticking with eating as clean as I can and keepng my total calories under 1400. I just started turbofire's 20 week plan so I'll be doing those workouts pretty much daily. My ultimate goal is to get to 105lbs, hopefully I can get there by summer!
  • New month, new challenge!

    This challenge is open to anyone who is ready to buckle down and lose significant weight this February. For the next 29 days lets all join together to lose weight and reach our fitness goals!

    For the Challenge:

    ~Simply post to join.
    ~In your initial post please include your weight loss goals for the challenge, starting weight, starting measurements(optional) and a summary of your diet/fitness plan.
    ~On Wednesday's each person will weigh in, update measurements (optional) and give an update on their progress.
    ~I will post weekly rankings on Thursday for most weight lost (as a percentage of body weight) and most inches lost.

    I encourage everyone to actively participate on this thread posting questions, helpful hints and support. The weekly check ins are meant to keep us all on track and tweak our plans as needed. Let's all join in together to make this February your best yet for weight loss!

    Question - do we post our info on our own page or do we come here and post it like we just did to start?
  • AngieFlames
    AngieFlames Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in! Need some encouragement for myself! Thanks!!
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    Count me in!
  • My starting weight is 165 my goal weight for this month is 155 total goal weight is 130. Plan 1200 calories good choices controled portions work out 6 days a week for 60 minutes. Good Luck every one!:drinker:
  • I would love to do this, Thanks for your tip