Yes. You CAN eat 'normal' food! (my rant.)



  • LOVE IT!!! :)
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    Bless this post!

    I mean... what is "normal food" anyways?

    I try to explain to everybody who asks me why I'm eating pasta that I can eat whatever I want, it's all about portion and moderation! I NEVER say no to something I really want if I know I can afford the calories!
  • I eat "normal" food, fast food, and junk food! In moderation and when I really want it! I've lost 98 lbs.

    Well said!
  • Semioticghosts
    Semioticghosts Posts: 7 Member
    Spot on and thank you. Something they say here is that a little of what you fancy does you good. And if you fall off the wagon sometimes and -enjoy- it (today's Oreos, I salute you!) and move on and keep working on it, that's what makes weight loss (or gain for those of us trying that) sustainable.
  • I completely and TOTALLY agree :) I have lost 70lbs eating all the foods I love...just in the correct portion sizes and within my daily calorie allowance :) I am able to stay on track, be healthy, and ENJOY food again :)

    This isn't about HATING food and making it your's about EMBRACING food and learning to work WITH it so that our weightloss is lasting :)

    Well said my friend...well said :)
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    Yes you absolutely CAN and is all about what I CAN do long term by making small changes, better choices, adding more exercise etc. I am making life long changes here and the weight I lose is just a result of that. Are some days better than others??? SURE but that is what it all about. Bob and weave and then right the ship as you go along!!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    The thing for me, I can't afford to go out and buy ingredients to make some fantastic low cal, low fat, low sodium, non-processed meal. Our oven doesn't even work, we have to use the toaster to "bake". I'm on a starving student budget and I'm lucky that I don't have to survive off of noodles. On top of all that I don't own a food scale. I seriously doubt anyone in my entire family that I have met at least once in my life owns one. So I can't measure out my food and toss out what doesn't fit in my budget. I know how many calories are in a 6 inch sub with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and ranch because I can easy look up the ingredients. I know what I'm eating when I pop a Marie Callendar's meal into the microwave because it says so on the box.

    It's how I watch my portions. Instead of getting the 12pc nuggets from Chick-fil-a I get the 8pc and a water. Instead of a double whooper with everything on it, I get a whooper jr w/o the fries. Little things, it's what counts. Now maybe one day I want to munch on a celery stock while lifting 30lbs of weights, but right now I want my freaking hamburger and sugar cookies so I won't murder the poor guy that looks at me weird in the Wal-Mart check out.
  • sr823204
    sr823204 Posts: 53 Member
    Portion control and exercise have been working for me so far.
    But I've also changed some habits as well.

    Bottom line, find what works for you and do it!!
  • Love this post!!
  • FABULOUS post.
  • klross
    klross Posts: 49 Member
    Here Here!!!! Well said and very succinct. I'm glad you wrote this!
  • I totally agree. When I first started this site it was in my busy season with my kids. I work 40 hrs a week and would run kids in the evening to sports. No time for me. I would have to eat on the run at McDonald's or other fast foods. I started losing weight tho because I watched the calories and portions. As time has progressed I try to eat better but I have never been a salad person and never will be. I have lost 60 lbs and that includes some type of sweet each day. I love my 40 calorie fudge bars each night. Do I want to eat more healthy? Yes but it's not always possible with my life. The key is to eat what you like but calories and portions.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Real quick here: for those "healthy eaters" who think that what they eat now as "normal" food, do you think that if everyone "normally" ate that way, they'd be overweight or obese? I'm betting the answer is no.
    So since the majority of overweight and obese people probably didn't get that way from eating whole grains, vegetables, whole foods etc., then wouldn't the processed, junk, high sugar, high fat foods actually be the norm?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I definitely got overweight that way. Eating a huge bowl of pasta with meat sauce while you sit on your *kitten* is still going to pack on the pounds whether or not the pasta is whole grain and the meat sauce is made with veggies and grass fed beef. Making a wonderful veggie stir fry and serving it over a double helping of rice is still going to get you overweight. My problem was portion control. And sitting on my *kitten*. My problem was not that I ate a bunch a processed junk. Sorry to disappoint.

    I grew up with a home cooked and well-balanced meal everyday to go along with my packed lunch. Every once in a while my mom would fry chicken or fish or take us out to eat at McDonald's or Taco Bell. I still cook all the time. I LOVE to cook. I love to cook with whole grains and veggies. I always have. Even in college I was the one having baked chicken with brown rice and veggies while everyone else ate their Hot Dogs and top ramen. I had fast food maybe once or twice a week when I was too busy with school to cook.

    The fact of the matter is that eating processed junk is not everyone's normal.

    Same here. I always ate a lot of veggies and fruits and hardly any junk food. Almost always bought produce and meat instead of boxed stuff. What changed for me when starting MFP was becoming more active again and controlling my portion size. For me to still eat my "normal" foods means still eating pasta/rice, an occasional pastry, ect. but probably less than I use to before joining.

    What's considered normal to someone isn't normal to another person, whether that normal is junk food or health food.
    There are exceptions to every category and like I mentioned, the MAJORITY of people who are overwieght or obese DIDN'T do it eating this way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Churble
    Churble Posts: 85 Member
    I feel like we've all somehow gotten distracted from the most important issue, though...

    What IS going to happen to my boobs?
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I feel like we've all somehow gotten distracted from the most important issue, though...

    What IS going to happen to my boobs?

    Two words... Deflated Balloons. Start saving for the breast lift now. LOL
  • kendra1225
    kendra1225 Posts: 6 Member
  • Reignfyre
    Reignfyre Posts: 22 Member
    I eat very clean and healthy for 5 days and my treat for doing so is 2 larger meals (one sat & one sun) and I usually eat out & have a little dessert!!!!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    You CAN'T eat processed foods and expect things to be great. Just saying
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You CAN'T eat processed foods and expect things to be great. Just saying

    Depends on how much of it you're eating. My body is adaptive enough to be able to handle a Snickers bar, or pizza, or Hot Pocket, every now and then. I wouldn't expect great things if I ate only Snickers, pizza and Hot Pockets, but since more than 80% of my diet is healthy and I'm meeting my nutritional requirements... I'm going to enjoy my weekly pizza and daily fun-sized Snickers, and on days when I'm absolutely stumped on what to have for lunch, I'll have a Hot Pocket.
  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I want to thank you, so so much for saying this. I have lived my whole life eating bad for you food. I got on here, made some MFP friends, did pretty well at first. The friends that I knew in real life or from other social networks are super supportive, and really don't judge when I don't eat well. On the other hand, there have been some other people that message me telling me "you really shouldn't eat like that, why don't you try more blah blah blah?" When they have no idea how hard it's been to cut out the many many things and quantities that I was eating regularly just a couple of months ago. That losing 15 lbs has been really hard. That I really am doing the best I can. Not everybody grows up like the ORLB... not everybody can afford to eat that way. I certainly can't, which is how I got so big in the first place. Bad food makes you fat. Period. Granted, I'm eating tons less now than I was a year ago, I still have to stick with the same basic foods, because that's what my budget allows.

    I realize I'm starting to ramble, so again, thank you.