5'0 tall weight loss goals and starting points?



  • aa323
    aa323 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my highest weight was 214 two years ago (thank you freshman 30, sophomore 30, and another 30 after moving back home!), I lost about 30 pounds on weight watchers when I finally saw how much I'd really gained (I'd been in denial), and then got totally stuck and went back to school and got lazy and have kind of yo-yoed between 185 and 195 since. I'm 190ish right now. But I'm starting to realize I'm not getting any younger and the longer I put it off the worse it will get, and I want to start having kids in the next couple years, and to be able to keep up with them and encourage them to have healthy habits.

    So, yeah, I know you didn't ask about all that, but my goal is to get somewhere around 110-120 by the end of the year for BMI reasons (which I know are inaccurate if you have a lot of muscle, but I don't want to be "cut" or anything). I'm aiming for a 2lb a week loss through counting my calories (aiming between 1000 and 1400 a day), and exercising. My goal is to work up to a 45 minute workout 5 times a week until I lose about 20 pounds and then start running again.
  • blissy_girl
    blissy_girl Posts: 45 Member
    5'2" - I personally do not aim for a "scale" weight, as that is really inaccurate measure of true size, shape , composition. Muscle is dense, so you can have alot of muscle, look smaller, tighter, and leaner - but weigh heavier on the scale.

    See this example:

    Skinny fat vs fit: (heavy lifting)

    Heavier scale weight - tighter and smaller body:

    Both Size 2, one fit, one fat

    Stacy, heavier weight, but tighetr. leaner and smaller: (heavier lifting)

    Body Fat percentage images:

    How to find Goal Weight based on Body fat desired:

    Why women should lift Heavier for best results, not light with many reps.

    So with all that, I actually weigh much heavier then I look. But I am smaller, clothing wise. I am aiming for a roughly 19%-20% bodyfat range. For me thats probably about 120-130 lbs. Will know more when I get closer to that point. :)

    I actually weigh More now, then I did a while back - but I am at least two sizes smaller in clothing, tighter all over, and leaner, with some cut abs starting to show. (yay) Many times I loss inches, but not scale weight.

    I Lift heavy weights 3 times a week. I eat about 1600 cals a day right now doing the Olivia Method of MFP.


    I was eating 1200, lost weight then stalled. Moved upto 1400, lost a lb or two, then stalled. So now upto 1600 and looks like I am losing again.

    For me, I want to loss fat, and keep my lean muscle. So to low a calorie count is a concern for me. I need to keep my muscle, that I work so hard for.

    I eat 1 gram or protein per lb of lean body weight most days.

    I have a free food/ no cal count day once a week. (lost 60 lbs doing that)

    I do a P90X doubles program with heavy weights using P90x and Rushfit.

    Thats fast heavier Weights circuits three days a week, cardio 3 days, with rushfit in the PM (cardio on some days, lighter weight circuits others)

    When I lift heavy, I have much better, much faster results then lifting light with many reps, and or cardio only.

    At 5'2", age 47 I am very strong for my size, many people are shocked. LOL

    Great links!! Thank you!
  • im 4'10" and started at 124 pounds...got down to 112 or so and then started mfp...so ive lost more than my ticker says :D

    i began eating less than maybe 3,000 calories per day <.< then got stuck at 112 and went to around 1,200...

    then got stuck at around 100-105 (well...it would take 2 weeks for a 1 pound loss) so i dropped my calories again...now i eat between 600-1,200...usually 800-1,000 though ^^ i am losing much more quickly now...just want to hit my goal weight and maintain xD

    i sometimes ride my bike to and from school etc...lately i have been walking instead as i bought a bus pass *too cold*

    i am on an orange diet though...i mainly just eat oranges xD i love them and the man i buy them from has awesome prices and is right next to my school (i buy so many today he gave me around 20 free cuties XD)...that is my secret to not feeling hungry and not binging on too many sweets :)

    Orange diet? Are you for real? That is so unhealthy. You are missing some vital nutrients that your body needs to function properly. I think you need to do some serious research before you continue.

    As for the OP, I'm at my maintenance now..95 lbs, but I'm not scrawny. I have muscles (way more than my profile pic which is from the summer. MFP has me set to 1550 cal/day, but I usually eat closer to 1600-1700. I'm 4'11" (well, 4'10.5" but I round up to 4'11", I'm sure you can sympathize). I'm actually 7 pounds heavier than I was this summer, but I look hella better. I do calisthenic type stuff, acro/gymnastics and circuit training and was running until my knee flared up last week.
  • i smiled from ear to ear when i saw this... i am 5'0 starting weight was 150 lbs current weight 145.8 lbs. will finish reading the rest of this thread in the am. about to go to sleep... but i did not know that mfp had this forum i just downloaded the calorie counter and journalapp to my phone... will be back though.....
  • I'm 5'0" - heaviest weight 158, starting mfp weight on 1/3/12 148.5, I am now 136.6. I eat at least 1200 calories and then eat back about 50% of my work out calories. In January, I did cardio about 5 times a week and treadmill for 20-35 minutes everyday. For February, I started 30 day shred and am continuing with the treadmill. I have went from a size 11 jean to a 7. My goal weight is 125, but I may lower this when I get closer.
    My weight has fluctuated over the years, I have done adkins and weight watchers. I have to say that MFP has been the best decision by far. I can't wait to hit my goal!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hello all. I'm 5'0 as well. And i'm getting a lil discouraged here. I have been on this site for 30days now. And have only lost 9 lbs. I weight myself every sunday. i walk 5 times a week. and the scale is showing me 0.2 weekly. My calorie intake is 1200, i'm wondering am i eating to little or do i need to up my calorie intake. I have it set at loosing 2lbs a week. please help.
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm 5ft tall and I weigh 196.2
    I net calorie usually around 1200-1900 calories
    I try to do cardio at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes
    circuit train for 10-30 minutes 2-4 days week
    i also up my calories for TOM by 500-300
    Oh and I am set at lightly active and i have my cal goal at 1 lb a week I have lost 6 lbs so far and ive been hear for a about a month
    my mfp goal is 140 my dream goal is 128 -132 ive been there before and i think my body looks pretty awesome at that weight
  • virgomuse
    virgomuse Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5 feet tall. In Oct 2010 I weighed 198 pounds and found the determination for change. I am "eating right for my blood type", mostly veggie/whole/raw foods. I got down to 171 before the holidays, then back up to 177 before turning to MFP to keep me in check and focused. My goal weight... 120 would be nice but I"m think 130 is more realistic (age and having given birth 4 times) I know my BMI says 105 (which I was 1993, but i bet my bones alone weigh that much, lol. ) - 125 is a good weight, but honestly I think someone very twisted came up that figure! I like hiking/walking, yoga and tai chi, but this is where I struggle, getting the exercise in. But mostly I want to be fit and well. :O)
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    5'!" here-curently at 155# -trying to get to 120 and will re-eval from there. Doing 1200 cal/day although I find it very difficult on some days and go over. Last two weeks I've stayed the same. I try to fit in at least 3 days per week of some form of exercise-usually walking or dancing. I'm 55 years old so the high impact it a bit much for me-for now at least-hoping I can eventually take it up a notch.
  • babyfatbegone
    babyfatbegone Posts: 42 Member
    Hey! I'm 4' 11 3/4", but I just tell people 5'. My starting weight after having my son was 162. My goal weight is 112. I agree that MFP doesn't account for short people. I've been asked why my diary is locked. For someone our size the calorie intake we need to maintain once we reach our goal is under 1200 a day. So far I'm at about 40 pounds gone, but still have a bit to go. Good luck to my little ladies...and men.
  • muggs1090
    muggs1090 Posts: 45 Member
    I am 5'0 tall and starting at 174. I started a C25K and its going good, I also started Zumba and love it!! I have been beter about working out than eating well. Cant seem to get the two, to jive.
  • consrvtvmom
    consrvtvmom Posts: 19 Member
    I can't believe I got up to 200.1. I am currently 185.6 and I would love to see 130 or less.
    I am stocky and I have always weighed more than I looked. I want to feel good about how I look and get healthy, these are my main priorities.
    I am currently eating the Suzanne Somers way and I am gluten-free. This seems to work for me.
  • tunktunk5583
    tunktunk5583 Posts: 76 Member
    There's not a lot of people as short as 5'0 that i have seen on MFP. I was just wondering about the weight loss from some other people my height. I would love to hear anyone's diet and exercise regimes and goals.

    I'm 5' and so far lost 15 lbs. All about eating the right amounts of food and working out!
    I increase my caloric intake every few pounds so once I reach my goal, my body will be used to eating more food and not gain all the weight I lost back in 2 days.
    I also work out a lot but as I lose more weight, I plan on scaling back the days I'm at the gym. Right now I go between 5-6 (mostly 6) days a week anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
    Also, be realistic with your weight loss goals. If you're under 120 (at 5'), try and lose 0.5 lbs a week instead of 1-2 lbs.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    4'11'' and my starting weight was 147lbs. My goal weight is 105lbs.
  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    I’m 5’1-ish, started at 132. I originally set a goal weight of 112 but then revised it to 108. I’m at 111 now. But as I lose more, I’ve suddenly started losing it in the bust, so that’s no good! I was hoping to slim my thighs. :-( So maybe I’ll stop and just try to tone my thighs more, or do more toning as I get down to 108.

    MFP says to eat 1200 cals/day, but I find that I lose weight if I eat 1200-1600. More than 1600 and I plateau. I’ve been trying to slow down my weight loss lately since I’m approaching my goal. I have trouble finding time to exercise, but I usually manage to do about 30 min of fast-paced walking about 4x/week, plus 1-2 jogs per week and 1-2 yoga sessions per week. I work full-time (desk job) and go to school 75% time, so I spend about 12 hours per day sitting.

    I’m naturally *very* buff-looking, although I’m a medium-light exerciser. I’ve looked this way since I was a kid; I have pictures of me as a 10-yr-old with defined biceps and triceps. I don’t weight-train because I already get mistaken for a body builder, and that’s not the physique I want.
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    5'2" - I personally do not aim for a "scale" weight, as that is really inaccurate measure of true size, shape , composition. Muscle is dense, so you can have alot of muscle, look smaller, tighter, and leaner - but weigh heavier on the scale.

    See this example:

    Skinny fat vs fit: (heavy lifting)

    Heavier scale weight - tighter and smaller body:

    Both Size 2, one fit, one fat

    Stacy, heavier weight, but tighetr. leaner and smaller: (heavier lifting)

    Body Fat percentage images:

    How to find Goal Weight based on Body fat desired:

    Why women should lift Heavier for best results, not light with many reps.

    So with all that, I actually weigh much heavier then I look. But I am smaller, clothing wise. I am aiming for a roughly 19%-20% bodyfat range. For me thats probably about 120-130 lbs. Will know more when I get closer to that point. :)

    I actually weigh More now, then I did a while back - but I am at least two sizes smaller in clothing, tighter all over, and leaner, with some cut abs starting to show. (yay) Many times I loss inches, but not scale weight.

    I Lift heavy weights 3 times a week. I eat about 1600 cals a day right now doing the Olivia Method of MFP.


    I was eating 1200, lost weight then stalled. Moved upto 1400, lost a lb or two, then stalled. So now upto 1600 and looks like I am losing again.

    For me, I want to loss fat, and keep my lean muscle. So to low a calorie count is a concern for me. I need to keep my muscle, that I work so hard for.

    I eat 1 gram or protein per lb of lean body weight most days.

    I have a free food/ no cal count day once a week. (lost 60 lbs doing that)

    I do a P90X doubles program with heavy weights using P90x and Rushfit.

    Thats fast heavier Weights circuits three days a week, cardio 3 days, with rushfit in the PM (cardio on some days, lighter weight circuits others)

    When I lift heavy, I have much better, much faster results then lifting light with many reps, and or cardio only.

    At 5'2", age 47 I am very strong for my size, many people are shocked. LOL

    Thank you for this!
  • the_unmistaken
    the_unmistaken Posts: 5 Member
    5'0 started at 170 a while ago. I'm now 122. and I want to be 98. (:
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm 5'1" and currently weigh around 118. I don't really have a goal weight. I want to be lean and fit, and will know it when I get there. At my fittest, I was 112, so. Maybe that's where I'm headed. Currently, I workout at home, doing a mix of strength training, circuit, yoga and pilates, with a tiny bit of cardio thrown in. My diet tends to lean vegetarian, and I'm trying to up my protein intake, since that helps with maintaining muscle mass. I try to net 1300, so eat somewhere between 1400 - 1600 cals daily. I'll just adjust on the basis of results.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    4FT 11 here <<<<<
    7st 10lbs
  • Hello all. I'm 5'0 as well. And i'm getting a lil discouraged here. I have been on this site for 30days now. And have only lost 9 lbs. I weight myself every sunday. i walk 5 times a week. and the scale is showing me 0.2 weekly. My calorie intake is 1200, i'm wondering am i eating to little or do i need to up my calorie intake. I have it set at loosing 2lbs a week. please help.

    Do some weight training about 2x3 times a week to help burn the fat fast and tone yourself. Just cardio won't do it, your calorie intake looks fine, but you might want to check what your eating and how much strength training you are doing :) I can't seem to lose 2 lbs either, but I guarantee once you put the first two together you'll see results within a month :) I also forgot to mention, that in order to lose even 1 lb a week you need to burn 500 calories a day for 6-7 days. Try setting a goal for 1 lb a week or 1/2 a pound then work your way up