Never going to give up !!!!! challenge



  • Istnlontry - you are too cute! I love talking flowers :wink: that put a smoke on my face. Yummmmm homemade tortillas! Great goals! Have a lovely evening! Jammie time for me as well!

    Goodnight all of you wonderful friends!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Here it is almost 10 o'clock and I'm finally off my feet and sitting down. Good day though. I don't mind being busy. Took my daughter to get braces today. The xrays look terrible, poor girl. Went out shopping after dinner because we are having winter storm for the next 24 hours or so. School has already been cancelled for tomorrow.

    Goal check:
    Increase water to 5 glasses a day - yes
    exercise - begin jogging again, weather permitting, YES! and took the dog with me. She did pretty well staying with me. For once she wasn't pulling. :-)
    strength exercise each day - no
    housework - 1 hour weekdays - yes
    Stop procrastination - I'm going to count the jogging here also as I have been meaning to do so for a few weeks.
    Log calories and exercise - yes

    Jemma, we like go watch pro lacrosse games. If you like running games like soccer or field hockey, then you will likely enjoy lacrosse too. Elimay, did you get your teeth fixed yet? Istnlondry, good goals.

    I'm taking the rest of the day off. Good night.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello :happy:
    clover good job on goals. You had a busy day today. Im going to the dental school which is very time consuming but cheaper, so I have not actually had work done yet, the dentist student said something about pulp being dead in that tooth Im thankful the pain is gone :wink:
    Istnlondry what a great ma ma you are :smile: awww I love it !!!! I need to do that (plant daffodils} macaroons yummy , I had fozen yogurt from sweet spots with goodies on top :tongue: I just counted 300 still under calorie goal wooo hooo.

    Sammy good job!!!!! It was very hectic but fun , my niece wore her neclace to our meeting tonight.

    Penny awwww you are welcome ,Its everyones encouragment that makes it a great group. Im ready for tommorow mini. I am feeling better I think it is out of my system now thank you. Diet is going ok Im under cals.

    Has anyone heard of the color 5 K? I am going to do it with my girls in may you are painted multi colors by the end , I am really excited.

    1. under cal
    2. water nope : <
    3. excersize doing it in a min I already logged it.

    Goodnight my friends :flowerforyou: have a great friday !!!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Yay, it's Friday!!!! Youngest daughter has a day off school today so we are going shopping - the best way to burn calories :smile:

    Lstnlondry that macaroon sounds lovely - yum

    Penny, why don't you see how you feel once you have done the last session of week 4, you could always just do an extra session without repeating the whole week. I have found week 4 difficult as well, but I want to push on to week 5. Remember I am doing it indoors so probably not as hard for me as it is for you.

    Elimay the color 5k sounds like fun, we shall all be wanting to see photos of you when you have done it.

    Clover good job on the jog, I wonder how many calories your dog burned?

    have a great day everyone x
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Getting ready for 15 inches of snow here!!! Love snow if I can stay home!! Hope you all have a GREAT FRIDAY!
    Later my friends.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    My other challenge is going well this week--it is a miles challenge so that's pretty easy. Needed to get 35 miles but with my biking I am already up to 118 miles and still have till Sunday(my miles will help pull up people that could not get to the 35). The second part of the challenge is to write a letter to myself about my accomplishments-that I am struggling with since I'm not happy with my progress. (I'll keep that little rant to myself since you have heard it all before).

    Dee-heard about Nebraska getting hit with a big snow storm....please keep it out there! I am traveling a lot for work over the next week and don't want to deal with rescheduling! Of course I would like some snow on the ground to ski and snow shoe(bought the stupid things and not been able to use them all winter).

    My eating has pretty much sucked this week.....I seem to be grabbing the jar of PB at night and happily snacking away. I have the rotten mindset that I burned all these calories so everything is far game-so wrong!

    Hope that everyone has a great Friday--keep up the awesome work. Everyone is doing great on their goals!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Butt kicks done - didn't really know what these were so I did 2 different sort of exercises, hopefully 1 of these were right.

    Had a lovely day shopping and Nandos for lunch - yum yum. This has meant that I've gone over cals but only very slightly. Exercise was done this morning.

    Just ending my day with a much deserved glass of wine or 2 :wink:
  • I'm on board. Just joined 3 days ago...
    My 3 goals will be

    1. 64 PLUS oz. of H2O every day
    2. Stay under fat gram goal every day
    3. Exercise 4 times every week

    Great motivators! Thanks!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good evening friends. Welcome Jen. Lots of drifting snow and blizzard conditions here. I've been inside all day. Hawkeye, bring your snowshoes and come to Colorado. I did my butt kicks. I'm not sure what a butterfly kick is. Is this like a swimming frog kick? Elimay, cant wait to see you covered with rainbow paint. Sammy, ha ha, you're funny. I don't know about the dogs calories. I'd like to subtract them from my calories though. I did a boot camp DVD this afternoon. It was a good workout, and only requires a small space - like a closet.

    Goal check:
    Water - 5 glasses a day - yes
    exercise - yes
    strength exercise - yes - Gunnery Sargent Walden covered all the bases!
    housework - 1 hour weekdays - no
    Stop procrastination - yes - sewing task done
    Log calories and budget - yes
  • Jemma_02
    Jemma_02 Posts: 22 Member

    I have had an extremely poor couple of days but I am now back on the wagon and focussed again! I forgot about the mini challenges so I will catch up with them! Also what are butterfly kicks?

    We had snow here yesterday...not quite a blizzard though! Clover I love the sound of your video I don't have an awful lot of room to workout indoors so I am always looking out for new workouts for small spaces!

    Anyway I am off to do spot of shopping and then will return to do a massive workout!!!

    Have a good day x
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Jemma, It's "Harvey Walden presents Fighting Fit Fighting Fat." I got it at the library. Definitaly a military style work out, but it's exercise. Give it a try.
  • Hey Can I Join???
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome crystal !!!!! Hello girls I have been gone all day and yesterday too. wanted to at least say hello :wink: see you tommorow :bigsmile:
  • <
    link to butterfly kicks!

    I am down 24 pounds and only have three more till I'm at 1/4 of my goal! So happy! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

    We took all the kids 4 wheeling yesterday and had a great time. It started snowing and we were soaked and frozen but so worth it all! Got my girls riding by themselves on there new 4 wheelers 250cc. It was awesome to see them so proud! Even got grandpa going around! I love my family but sure miss my Mama! Thank goodness for an amazing stepfather! !!!

    Hugs to you all!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Wow Penny, 24lbs is awesome.

    Goals today:
    I'm over on calories today, probably due to the home baking. We had cupcakes and caramel slices - yum yum
    Exercise - yes i got this done this morning
    C25K - think I'm falling behind a little, I meant to start week 5 over this weekend but didn't manage to fit it in.

    Just got some new digital scales, looks like I'm 1 lb heavier than I thought :ohwell:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello girls, I have not did anything all weekend :grumble: I have got to get back on tract . I have been so busy on the run all day everyday. I need to deal with it because its not going to change anytime soon.
    Good job sammy and Penny . Penny 24 lbs is awesome :bigsmile:
    Penny that sounds like so much fun I have a 4 wheeler too. Sorry about your mama !!!!! I miss mine too she has has been gone since 1988 46 yrs old. I have alot of sisters im happy for that .

    Ok so tommorow I will plan better :angry: goodnight see you tommorow
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Goal check:
    Water - 5 glasses a day - yes
    exercise - yes - snowsnoeing
    strength exercise - yes - wrist curls
    housework - 1 hour weekdays - Sunday
    Stop procrastination - no
    Log calories and budget - yes

    This is my daughter, 12.
  • OK, I am up for this one! I really need to focus on my weight loss. I have the exercise down, it is my food and water consumption that need help! I am struggling to get 10 pounds off, so this will be a huge motivator for me!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Butterfly kicks done, hope everyone else is managing todays mini-challenge.

    Clover your daughter looks a sweetie :smile:

    Goals today
    Not stayed under cals, still nibbling away at yesterdays baking.
    Exercise - day off cardio but did 200 ab crunches and the mini challenge
    C25K - completed W5D1 earlier so I'm pleased that I'm still on track with that and I suppose that counts as a cardio workout really.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good morning ladies

    Goal check:
    Water - 5 glasses a day - yes
    exercise - yes - snowsnoeing
    strength exercise - yes - wrist curls
    housework - 1 hour weekdays - Sunday
    Stop procrastination - no
    Log calories and budget - yes

    This is my daughter, 12.

    Your daughter is cute clover :smile: