probs w/ hubby. idk who to turn to need others opinion.



  • losingtwenty4miami
    You are losing weight and becoming healthy. So I'd bet that you look much better now in a wife beater than you did before. Keep in mind, that even though people may INITIALLY support you in your efforts to live a better life, that encouragement can quickly turn into jealousy when you're actually successful at it. Because you two are married, I suggest you two communicate with each other and really get to the root of the problem and reach some sort of a compromise. If that doesn't work, than it may be time to let go and move on.
  • Pir8Rav
    Pir8Rav Posts: 36 Member
    Sounds like he has some bigger issues - insecurity and fear of something he fails and inable to communicate.

    I dont know how it works in your house- but now and then - a good vent and ***** session helps clear the air- maybe not to solve any issues, and maybe even to agree to disagree - but you both get your positions heard... which is a good starting point.

    You dont know what you dont know - and I agree its inexcusable to simply send out blanket statements.

    If theres apprehension or unwillingness to at least get to the ability to talk - than I'd say evaluate your next move and plan accordingly.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    That would be a problem to me babe! It's not as if you are of a religion that requires you to keep your skin covered. Does that mean that in the summertime you won't be 'allowed' to wear a string top, because you might look like a slut? No. I think you need to really knock this on the head sooner rather than later. Tell your husband you won't tolerate being called a slut, or being told you look like one. As far as finances, I hate to fight about money, it makes me sad :'( I know how hard it can be to have money worries, I live in a country that's mid recession, my mortgage won't stop going up and I've taken 2 paycuts, taken on an extra job in the office when they let the other accounts girl go, so am now literally doing double the work for less pay than I was on doing one role. My fiance was made redundant from his job, got another one for less pay and travel expenses of nearly 200 a month. BUT despite all that, we are getting by because we have made out a budget, and stuck to it. Maybe you have already, but look online for tips on cutting back spending, use coupons and sell old stuff, old jewellery in cash-for-gold shops, old clothes/handbags on ebay, that kind of stuff

    I hope things get better for you, keep your chin up

  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If my husband EVER called me a slut, I'd be calling him an EX.

    No ifs ands or buts.

    Regardless of whether I was right or wrong, nobody talks to me that way and stays in my life.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Your appropriateness of attire aside (or lack thereof) I think the real question is how appropriate is your husband. the answer not very. If your husband was really uncomfortable about what you are wearing - he could have said- Honey, I see that you were hot/unconfortable/etc in your uniform shirt- I will run home and pick you up a t-shirt (or whatever) to wear

    did he do that? no- he called you a slut-

    I presume that when you married eachother, you did so because you believed that you wanted to be together "forever"- I would therefore suggest marriage counseling for the two of you (and some anger management/ behavioral therapy for him) if he is unwilling to go to marriage counseling then you will need to think about what is right for you adn quite probably getting out of the relationship.

    Regarding financial fighting- number one cause of fights in a marriage-perhaps create a budget tofether, keep track of every penny you spend (pay only cash, visit the bank machine once a week- that's it) - we had to do this before, it was tough but it kept un on budget
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Your "husband" sounds like a ****. You wouldnt let anyone call you why think your husband should be able to? Clearly he needs to have his *kitten* handed to him...or some divorce papers.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Sounds like he has some trust issues. Maybe you guys need to sit down and talk and try to find out why he's feeling like he can't trust you.
  • CanadianMomma
    CanadianMomma Posts: 66 Member
    You should not tolerate that language being spoken to you by anyone. And for someone who is supposed to love you and support you to the max, that is even more unacceptable. I personally think you need to have a nice long open conversation with your husband, and you should also go down the road of counselling. If he is unable to change his ways, you should do what you need to in order to be happy. Not sure if this is the first time he's spoken to you like this or not, but regardless it needs to be addressed and noted to him that it is completely unacceptable. I don't think that a tank top type shirt is completely inappropriate but that depends on your company's dress code policy and that is up to your supervisor to address. Not for your husband to use foul language towards you.

    Best of luck.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Sounds like a lot of us have been in your shoes. My ex-husband was similar. He didn't call me names but was highly concerned about what I wore to work (I was never inappropriate) or how many phone numbers I collected (I was a hair stylist on a college campus and I never took numbers). The reality is my ex and your current husband have a huge problem of being very insecure and very controlling. It sounds like you already knew he wasn't really coming to see if you wanted something to eat, since you put it in quotes. He was most likely checking up on you making sure you were where you said you'd be. Really look at this situation, I suspect that there are more factors here than you have paid attention to at this point. This type of person does not wake up and suddenly see the error of their ways. They get worse. You're a young woman with a hopefully long lifetime of potential happiness. Don't let fear of the unknown keep you in a bad relationship. Good luck to you and stay safe.
  • DecemberNick
    DecemberNick Posts: 64 Member
    Honestly, the best thing you can do in regards to your relationship is to put a counselor between the two of you and talk it out. Put an unbiased, third party there to help discuss these issues and diffuse the situation. Have your husband tell another person that he thinks you're a slut and watch how he realizes how completely foolish he is. Better yet, tell him that you'd rather move on that to live with that. He'll change his tune.

    I've been through some ups and downs and I can say for certain, the best thing you can do is to put this stuff out on the table. Don't stew, don't let it fester, don't wait until it's unbearable. This is a guy you loved dearly once, so much so that you pledged your entire life to him. Likewise, he chose the same when he offered you that ring. Ask yourself if that's something you are ready to give up.

    Nobody is perfect, we all have our weak moments. I'm not excusing your husband's poor behavior but life throws us all curveballs. There's a reason for his insecurity. He needs to attack that, not you. Help him see that.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Honestly, the best thing you can do in regards to your relationship is to put a counselor between the two of you and talk it out. Put an unbiased, third party there to help discuss these issues and diffuse the situation. Have your husband tell another person that he thinks you're a slut and watch how he realizes how completely foolish he is. Better yet, tell him that you'd rather move on that to live with that. He'll change his tune.

    I've been through some ups and downs and I can say for certain, the best thing you can do is to put this stuff out on the table. Don't stew, don't let it fester, don't wait until it's unbearable. This is a guy you loved dearly once, so much so that you pledged your entire life to him. Likewise, he chose the same when he offered you that ring. Ask yourself if that's something you are ready to give up.

    Nobody is perfect, we all have our weak moments. I'm not excusing your husband's poor behavior but life throws us all curveballs. There's a reason for his insecurity. He needs to attack that, not you. Help him see that.

    WELL PUT :)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I know what Dan Savage would say.


    And he'd be right.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I think it's time to say goodbye to an abusive relationship.

    {waves bye bye}

    Life's too short.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    He sounds like a guy I was with for 3 years, once I finally ended that relationship it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I never looked back. If he hits you as well as the verbal abuse, like my guy did, then you need to get out of that. It won't get better.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Has this behaviour increased as you have lost weight? Is he insecure now that he perceives you as more attractive to other men?
  • jesirabbit02
    perhaps he's jealous of you and has internal issues he needs to work on.
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    Who can say for sure, but if he is calling you a slut and being accusatory, then he is probaly the one that is cheating. Karma is a mother-bleeper thou. Good thoughts coming your way....take care.
  • lovemonkey143j
    my hubby has grown more insecure with each losing pound so I can feel your pain........
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Having just left a 20 year marriage with a controlling *kitten*, I recommend you get the unfortunately titled book "Ditch That Jerk." It illuminated for me all of the emotional and verbal abuse that I had endured. The physical abuse was easier to know it was wrong...but the other stuff is also wrong. Learning that I wasn't crazy to think how he was treating me was wrong really helped me make the best decision for myself and my kids.

  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    No matter you are wearing, your husband calling you a slut is unacceptable. It doesn't sound like you were wearing anything inappropriate, but if HE felt it was he still didn't have the right to call you a slut.

    I don't dress revealing at all, but I am a busty lady and my husband celebrates that both at home and in public. I can't imagine how it would feel if my husband called me something so hurtful and filthy. I think there are some deeper rooted issues at play here