What do you want to be when you grow up?



  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I've always wanted to be a nurse

    ....but that just seems like a whole lot of upgrading and university so I'll stick with my current profession. Lol
  • Years ago, I wanted to be an actor working in the movies. That eventually changed. Someone asked if I want to be a personal trainer.

    But my ultimate career would be a licensed occupational therapist with experience in personal training and nutrition. That's what I'm going for!!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    23 years old isn't grown up?

    It is... but I was kind of being silly. I still have some growing up to do...

    Just trying to get some perspective before I answered your question. :smile:

    I think if you're going to experiment around to find your niche, now is the time to do it. Waiting until you have a family relying on your income-- not so much. It's a wise decision to get it all worked out now.

    I totally agree with you! I just flip flop between ideas all the time. I really have no idea what I would be happy doing for the rest of my life, or even to support a family.

    Have you ever completed a personality or career inventory test? Your school should offer one.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    23 years old isn't grown up?

    definitely not. I'm 23 now and I feel like I still have way more "growing up" to do. I haven't graduated college yet, I don't have a real job yet besides my part-time one, I haven't ever paid for a mortgage on a house or raised children. just because you can pay bills and not live with your parents doesn't mean you're 100% grown up, lol.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I've always wanted to be a nurse

    ....but that just seems like a whole lot of upgrading and university so I'll stick with my current profession. Lol

    what's your current profession?
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    I work as the administrative Assistant for a fire department, met my firefighter boyfriend here and everything, most people think it sounds cool but there is a lot of bs and cattiness so i don't know if I will stay here forever, It's good for the benefits and I make decent money but I would like more! I might go work for the police dept at some point for a change :)
  • A rich housewife! lolol
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Well, isn't that the million dollar question.

    I haven't figured it out yet. Retired is on my list eventually, but there's a whole lot of working between now and then.

    I'll continue in the realm of education.
  • I will soon be 27 and I am about to finish my bachelor's degree in Business Administration...but I still have no clue what I will do with it:blushing:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm a Tax Accountant and I actually really enjoy it. I'm with a great company with great pay and benefits. Honestly, the only thing I would change is I would prefer to run my own business out of my home, but right now I have to support our family while my husband is going to school so that is going to have to wait.
  • something with cats

    Brilliant. I'm there with you.

    I want to do something unique or interesting. Something that you don't usually hear when you ask what someone does for a living. Oh and it will obviously make me a lot of money.
    Realistically though, probably something in art - graphic design, concept art, etc.
    Definitly not there yet....I'm a just a CSR right now :happy:
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    23 years old isn't grown up?

    definitely not. I'm 23 now and I feel like I still have way more "growing up" to do. I haven't graduated college yet, I don't have a real job yet besides my part-time one, I haven't ever paid for a mortgage on a house or raised children. just because you can pay bills and not live with your parents doesn't mean you're 100% grown up, lol.

    I guess this is hard for me to understand. At 22, I had graduated college, was supporting myself, and living a "settled" lifestyle. Everyone is different, I suppose.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    An art teacher which I am currently pursuing.
  • I'm currently a first year in college working on a History degree with a Spanish minor. My dream job is to be an archivist for one of the Smithsonians. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I would LOVE to own a gym/tanning salon with my boyfriend. BUT. The economy in this area isn't good. There are tanning salons and gyms going belly up ALL over the place, so my dream would likely lead us to bankruptcy court.

    Right now, my current job works for me. It pays pretty well, has some benefits, works around my kids, etc.

    Once my kids are able to drive themselves around - I may consider going back to school. But, for now what I'm doing works for my family.
  • Beaukitty
    Beaukitty Posts: 34 Member
    A web designer or digital artist (because it's what I went to school for) who eventually becomes a crafty/artsy old lady... :smile:

    I'm in the same sort of situation as you though and I'm 24. Everything else seems like it'd be interesting to at least try! You just never know until you test out anything that has potential!

    Edit: I still dream of working for Disney and helping to bring back Walt's true vision and imagination...
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I wanted to be just what I became.
    And there was a moment when I reveled in that. I liked being the alpha male, hard-charging, get-it-done rogue.
    And I was the best at what I had transformed into.

    And something changed. I saw an opportunity to get out and live the rest of my life apart from the rat race I once longed to be a part of where I thrived. So, I am all grown up, and what have I become?

    A playful child once more.
    And I never want to grow up again.:glasses:
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    So, I am all grown up, and what have I become?

    A playful child once more.
    And I never want to grow up again.:glasses:

    He speaks the truth.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I've always wanted to be a nurse

    ....but that just seems like a whole lot of upgrading and university so I'll stick with my current profession. Lol

    what's your current profession?

    I have a Bachelor of Commerce degree and CGA designation - I'm an accountant. Right now I work for a company that deals with freight forwarding, it's interesting.
  • I have just turned 24 at the end of January. I have a 3 year old son who will be starting school next year which is when i will ne returning to work and I can't think what path is right for me either. I have all of my Administration and Business qualifications, but I know its not were I want to be, working in business never made me happy but I know it's a great fall back.

    good luck finding your path :-)