What do you want to be when you grow up?



  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm 32, married for 9 years and have an 11 year old son and I'm not grown up :laugh: I've never had a "proper job". I care for my elderly grandmother who has Alzheimers but I don't know what I want to do when the time comes for me to have a "proper career" :frown:
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    23 years old isn't grown up?

    definitely not. I'm 23 now and I feel like I still have way more "growing up" to do. I haven't graduated college yet, I don't have a real job yet besides my part-time one, I haven't ever paid for a mortgage on a house or raised children. just because you can pay bills and not live with your parents doesn't mean you're 100% grown up, lol.

    I guess this is hard for me to understand. At 22, I had graduated college, was supporting myself, and living a "settled" lifestyle. Everyone is different, I suppose.

    I can definitely relate, minus the graduated college aspect. In all other parts of my life, including supporting myself, I feel very settled.
  • scatgash
    scatgash Posts: 101 Member

    But seriously, probably working outdoors being a mountain expedition leader or something
  • unionironworker
    R E T I R E D
  • Living4Liz2012
    I to was confused and lost...wanting to be a painter...photographer...cheif...famous dancer...doctor...lawyer even a teacher
    What made me decide in the end I wanted to be a cop had nothing to do with power or a gun trust me...I'm to strong,tough and smart to chase a dream not meant for me......
    Growing up I hated cops because of family,media, freinds and just what I heard and what was put into my head...I was always a trouble maker and trying and doing things I knew I shouldn't do and MAYBE ONE DAY WOULD BE THE DEATH OF ME...TRUST me when my parents split I was a evil bad azz child...
    Anyways I got a hold of some bad stuff...almost died and decided at 20 I needed to GROW UP and GET MY LIFE ON TRACK...So about 5 years ago I moved to FLORIDA and worked my butt off at a dead end job I could not stand. The money was good and BELIEVE it or not I was working with alot of ex cops, U.S. marshals and state troopers who were surprisely GOOD PEOPLE and HUMAN JUST LIKE ME..lol...So they took on the role as my fathers and older brothers HELPING ME kick bad habits and realizing life was to SHORT and I WAS TO SMART TO BE WASTING MY LIFE HERE...SO I decided at 22 to go back to COLLEGE...It was HARD and a STRUGGLE..I couldn't pick a major and almost quit. However a woman I never met before SEEN SOMETHING IN ME I DIDN'T and TOOK ME UNDER HER WING and MY FATHER...With FAITH,ATTITUDE,DETERMATION and PASSION I picked LAW ENFORCEMENT AS MY MAJOR and 3 years later I have about 4 months of college left....I'm excited and I can't wait to be doing something I KNOW WILL BE TOUGH BUT I KNOW I WAS BORN TO DO...WITH THE PASSION AND DRIVE AND GOOD SUPPORT SYSTEM I HAVE TRUST ME I AM DESTINE TO DO GREAT:)

    Sorry the stroy is soooooo LONG but I just wanted to share my story of what I want to be when I grow up:)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I wanted to be a teacher, a vet, a farmer, and a mother when I was a kid...

    Now I want to be an ultrasound tech and a mother... but I can't be either until I finish school!
  • mamalade1
    23 years old isn't grown up?

    It is... but I was kind of being silly. I still have some growing up to do...

    No! 23 years is nowhere near grown up! I'm 41, and still don't know what I want to do when I grow up :) I've been through a number of careers and expect to go through a few more before I'm done.
  • julie_a_griffin
    julie_a_griffin Posts: 58 Member
    I want to get my Masters in Autism Studies, and eventually either become a manager of a challenging behaviour unit, or open up a day centre that works with autisic adults with challenging behaviours. I currently work in a res unit for severely autistic adults, and I love it! I'm lucky I seem to have found my niche.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Trading real estate and driving a rally car at the weekend for fun.
  • koulamara
    koulamara Posts: 19 Member
    Actually when I was a little girl I wanted to be a nintza (true story). Obviously I didn't manage.... so I will stick to my present career until someone offers me my dream job that is travel around the world and being payed for.
  • Cellomanlove
    I'm 22 and just graduated with my music education degree. I'm one of those people who knew they wanted to teach in junior high, but even with a career chosen, I definitely don't feel "grown-up." For now, I'm working part time and trying to find a teaching job. Might as well get myself in shape :)
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    Well I'm an accounting major , but I was planning to do tax law. Then I realize that while I love taxation, I don't think I want it to be my career.

    Then I went back to my high school dreams and realize that I had abandon my med school dreams in high school because of my weight and depression . So I already dealt with depression and now I'm dealing with my weight .

    I don't want to be a hypocrite , like many other doctors I know that are obese but try to tell other people what they need to do to be healthy . Before I can help anyone , I need to help myself.

    I looking for some volunteering experience to see if I really like this field and if I do then I will probably continue the path as a pre-med after I graduate with my BBA.

    So I'm looking about 8 years more of school,
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I used to want to be a dentist, they make mad money, but alas, life got in the way of college. I now work as an office manager for a construction company and I LOVE what I do
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I kind of "fell into" my career. I had a job through a temp agency and they offered a perm position. Because of how I am, I kept trying to improve myself and my performance, so took classes, et al. Eventually, I became very good at what I do and have been doing it for 30 years. It's not what I would have chosen to do with my work path if I had the opportunity to choose, however. I supplement the bean counting with creative projects to satisfy that side of my personality.

    To help you decide what you want to be...think of this: Do you want money, fame or daily enjoyment from your occupation? The three are not necessarily entertwined. If you can find something that you are good at AND that you enjoy, that may be your best option to be successful financially.
  • KazeKaiyouHime
    I really want to be an engineer, either aerospace or environmental. I also want to have a job that let's me travel to places I want to visit- like being an anthropologist (assuming I'd get approval and funding for my research).

    My major has gone from undecided to biology to med tech (then I was told they were cutting the program) so back to biology (human biology concentration). I hated my advisor so much, she gave contradictory advice so I switched to a bio tech concentration, then switched to anthropology, then back to bio tech, then to undecided. My last advisor told me that given my strengths I should consider either a degree in anthropology or math. I just want to restart, go to a school with a good engineering program and try the introductory classes to see if it's really for me and then pick.
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    When I was younger (in age) I decided I would never "grow up". It's worked for me so far: I've had 2 fulfilling careers and once I retired, I decided to try for another one. So that makes 3 so far and I'm still having a blast.

    If something does not work for you, don't be afraid to switch it up. You never know what's around the corner.
  • mamalade1
    23 years old isn't grown up?

    definitely not. I'm 23 now and I feel like I still have way more "growing up" to do. I haven't graduated college yet, I don't have a real job yet besides my part-time one, I haven't ever paid for a mortgage on a house or raised children. just because you can pay bills and not live with your parents doesn't mean you're 100% grown up, lol.

    I guess this is hard for me to understand. At 22, I had graduated college, was supporting myself, and living a "settled" lifestyle. Everyone is different, I suppose.

    At 22, I had a 3 year old, was supporting myself and going to university. I felt grown up at the time. Now, though, I see I had a long way to go & I understand I probably still have much growing up to do. In the words of Bob Dylan, "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." However, I do see people around me that seem to have it much more together, even long-term, than I ever have, and it sounds like you are one of those people. Some people just have a real clarity and drive about what they want to do. I admire that, but it's definitely not me :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    I'm already grown up and I want a do-over!