New Clothes? When to buy them?



  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    I was just thinking about this today since my clothes are starting to get too big... I have to keep pulling up my pants which is annoying but like someone else said, it's a good kinda annoying lol Looks like I'll be hitting up some cheap stores until I reach my GW... no sense in buying new clothes every few months :-)
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    thrift stores and Ebay. although with myself i am tryng to fit back into an old wardrobe.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I pretty much waited until my clothes looked silly.

    ^this. I looked incredibly frumpy, which is not exactly a good thing when you work in the corporate office for your company. I got rid of the clothes that were huge on me and kept a few things that were a little big but looked okay. I've been watching sales for jeans and such to tide me over. It really depends on what you're comfortable doing.
  • jolin49
    I think this is a very good idea, and one that I have utilized myself. I still have 40 pounds to go, and I do not want to go out and buy clothes that hopefully in a month or so will not fit again. So I have started going to a thrift shop until the rest of the weight falls off.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I shopped at thrift shops all during loss.......cheaper and when I was done with them I donated them back.

    This in my opinion is one of the smartest way to go especially on a budget. You are going to change sizes so often when you have a lot to loose that you will be buying and trashing clothes regularly. My friend knows I love jeans but could never fit into them so when I had lost about 45 lbs last go round she shows up to my house with a bag of jeans from the local goodwill that she got for 6 bucks. All but two pairs fit! The jeans were in great shape! They were all name brand as well! So wash and wear and I had some great transition clothes! :) Good luck! :)
  • chedainc
    thrift stores baby!! you can find some decent stuff, good will, salvation army etc. that way you are not spending much. save the big buy for new stuff after you get where you want to be.:smile:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I budgeted and bought signature pieces to pair with things that were too large. For example, I could buy a white dress shirt (Target, $30) and pair with too-large, belted dress slacks... and get by. I could change the look by adding a cardigan (ok if it was baggy)... and as someone else mentioned, even try belting it all to tighten it up. The next month, I could buy a new pair of black slacks. I stayed with neutral colors that I could layer with pops of bright so it looked like I had a larger selection than I really did. So under that white shirt I could wear a hot pink shell... and the next day pair it with a lime green one and make it look like a new outfit.

    I also found a local seamstress that would work cheap - and she could nip in the clothes every couple months.

    Always pair a better-fitting garment with a baggy one... that was another trick I used a lot.

    What a great problem to have! Congrats!
  • karrowr
    karrowr Posts: 8 Member
    I am like many other posters, I have a range of clothes from size 5-12 in my closet. Since having kids, my size has slowly increased over the years. So I will be able to pull clothes out that I haven't worn in years and use those until I reach my goal weight and then I will treat myself to a new wardrobe. I love to shop so I can't wait!!!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    If there's one in your area you should check out Burke's Outlet (Bealls Outlet in some states) which sells mostly overstocked merchandise from other stores. They're similar to T J Max, I think. Their regular prices are up to 70% off the original department store prices, but the real deals are on the 30% to 95% off clearance racks that take up nearly half the store. All of the jeans I'm currently wearing came from there and none of them cost more than a couple of bucks. I'm in maintenance now, but when I was actively losing, I could buy nice looking jeans and tops in there at practically give-away prices and not care that they'd be too big in a matter of weeks.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    If it's shirts...I just keep them. I don't like clothes to form fitting. Pants, I wait until they are about 2 sizes to big. I.e. I was a 34 and didn't buy pants till I was a 32. Then waited Till I was a 28, etc.

    Pj's and underclothes are different. I refuse to buy new pj's until I reach my goal weight. Underclothes I only buy when they are literally falling off of me and won't stay on until I buy new ones.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I loved buying new clothes in a smaller size along the way. I would just buy a few things at a time to get me by. I also had 2 boxes of smaller sizes I had kept for years so I had lots of clothes to grow down to. It was really fun to have things that I could try on until they fit and eventually until the got too big. I still have a few things to grow down to. I kept a bunch of bigger clothes and hope to have them taken in when I get to my goal.
  • alslau02
    I had my formal clothing tailored. It only cost 20 buck to take a size 10 suit down to about a size 6.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    My wardrobe is shamefully small right now, but it doesn't bother me. An issue I had when I was a size 28 was that I viewed buying clothes as investing in my current size, so I avoided it unless it was absolutely necessary.

    Now that I'm a 16-18, I still avoid clothes shopping until I really need stuff, not so much that I view it as an investment, but more so that I know I won't be wearing it long so I don't want to spend much money. :bigsmile:

    1/3-1/2 of my wardrobe is workout clothes. Most of the rest is either clearance or cheap. I will keep a couple of cute tops/dresses in a size I can wear that might not be cheap, but I'll try to make sure it's something that will last me a few sizes, for example I have a long pinstriped button-down shirt that I LOVE but is a couple sizes too big for me now. I still wear it every so often with one of those wide stretchy belts over top & it looks great.

    I only shop when I have to because everything is too big, & that happens every couple months. I'll hit up Old Navy, Burlington Cota Factory, Target or Walmart & always find a few pieces to get me through.

    My goal size is 12, so once I get there I will start doing more "serious" shopping & actually buy some pieces that are more trendy/stylish. For now I don't care about wearing cheap stuff, as long as it fits properly it looks fine.

    P.S. If I find something really cute that's a little small & it's a good deal, I'll go ahead & buy it. I make sure I keep a section of goal clothes in my closet & play dressup every couple of weeks! Keeps the motivation up.
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    So, for those of you who have many sizes to go down, what is the plan regarding clothes? I am down about a size and a half and noticing my clothes are too loose, yet I don't want to buy a lot of new clothes now when I am only going to go down several sizes. What has everyone else done? I noticed today how annoying it was to keep pulling my jeans up, but a good problem to have :-)

    2nd hand stores. Where I live there are several second hand clothes stores that focus on name brand items. Good luck. Or...why not splurge just a bit to celebrate that size and a half down? Atleast a new pair or two of jeans. Congrats by the way on your progress!
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    Can I ask how often do you drop a size? I mean after how many lbs lost? I was a size 20/22 and have lost 11lb, have noticed my clothes loser but dont want to try on a size 18 in case the button wont do up and i get fed up - not going to give up that easily in it for the long haul but would be disheartening especially when i am happy with the progress on the scales. anyone the same size would be great to hear your feedback just to know when i even go in to try on smaller clothes - even if i buy nothing!

    At 15lbs loss I tried on the smaller size pants on and they fit. Everyone's body is different though. :smile:

    The general claim is that 10 pounds separate the sizes. However, everyone loses weight on their body where they have the most fat stored. For me it's my back. So, that theory doesn't really work for me. I wait to buy new sizes until the clothes I have are literally falling off. Then I'm usually down 2 sizes.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
  • BecksFit88
    Shop at goodwill/salvation army to get your in-between clothes.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Go to a thrift store like good will. They have things really cheap and you can always re-donate them when you're finished.