Never going to give up !!!!! challenge



  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello girls !!!!!! I am on tract today yay !!!!! Getting ready to do excersize, still working on water , under calorie.
    I will do butterfly kicks dont know what they are but will look them up :wink: See you all tommorow :bigsmile:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Great job Elimay!!

    Happy New Week challengers!

    Goals are to
    Stay at calorie goal
    Burn 1000 calories most days
    Focus more on me/house/procrastination list

    Today I ate a bit over only because I had a good workout
    I burned just under 1000 calories
    I am stilll working on this procrastination list but things are coming along!! Dreaded dentist appointment tomorrow but this challenge reminds me to stick to my goals-any of them!!

    Here's to a relaxing Monday night!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Haven't checked in much which I apologize for.

    I stepped up my biking last week for another challenge and ended up riding/walking 143 miles. I have been better about getting in some strength building each day. This week, I have to do burpees, push ups and crunches for my other challenge so plenty of work there! I also did the butterfly kicks yesterday. So what's our next mini challnge?

    On the nutrtion front, I tried cooking a few things-kind of flopped but what's new. I have been trying to have some fruit or veggie with each meal as well. Staying in the green on calories and been drinking more water (part of the team challenge so extra incentive).

    My big change (and granted it has only been a day) is that I put the scale in the utility room. It was a bizarre this morning when I was getting ready to shower and there was no scale to grab. I felt at a loss. I figure I need to break this habit since the numbers have not been moving which just was ticking me off each day. Guess we'll see what happens tomorrow!

    Hope everyone had a great day and gook luck with all of your goals! Hope February is a great month!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning all

    Goal check:
    Water - 5 glasses a day - yes plus 1
    exercise - no
    strength exercise - no
    housework - 1 hour weekdays - yes
    Stop procrastination - yes - soccer registration and sink refurb in garage.
    Log calories and budget - yes

    mini challenge butterfly kicks yes - Thanks Penny.

    How about donkey kicks for Wedensday? 50 each leg. Good for the hamstrings.;_ylt=A0S00MrLVDFPtmAAbw77w8QF?p=donkey+kick+exercise&fr=yfp-t-701-s&fr2=piv-video

    It's snowing again. Time to go shovel.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hello ladies

    I'm in for donkey kicks tomorrow, thanks Clover. You are having a lot of snow aren't you, we had some on Saturday but its all melted and gone again now.

    Wow Hawkeyegal, you do so much exercise, I don't know how you have the time or the energy!

    Lstnlondry, hope the dentist goes well.

    Todays goals - finished under cals unless I go crazy this evening. Workout done this morning and a little walking done too. C25K continues tomorrow.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well my dentist appointment went so well I will be going back for the next 3 days! (don't ask) The good news is that I went there and that was huge!

    Goals are this week are to
    Stay at calorie goal
    Burn 1000 calories most days
    Focus more on me/house/procrastination list

    1. Today I had the option of throwing away the day (not logging) as I stuffed my face with chocolate chip cookies that I made for my kids. (yeah, right) But the good news is that I hit the gym and "bought" more calories so I could eat dinner!!
    2. I burned just under 1000 calories today
    3. went to the dentist & folded laundry & put it away!!

    Happy Tuesday night yal, I'm hitting the shower!!
    Elimay!! You doing alright?
  • PennyChallenge
    Lstnlondry- hope you get all your teeth good and strong! 4 days ouch! I will be thinking of you for sure!

    Hawkeye- that is intense workouts missy! Great job! I couldn't live without my scale but I do understand your situation! You will tone up and before you know it lose the weight you want! Those last couple are surely the hardest and most stubborn!

    Clover- Donkey kicks it is for Wednesday! You're welcome and thank you!


    Sammy- I did week5 day 1 worried about Fridays workout though :0/

    As for me....I have been super busy and my oldest daughter 7 is sick :0( so I have not had time to really write but I have been steady working out and sticking to diet! Reached my Valentine's day goal early! Can't believe the scale these days just keeps moving down. It gives me such motivation to keep pushing hard! Doing well with C25K but extremely worried about this Fridays workout ....we shall see what happens! Also, I started Zumba its freaking awesome and I love it! It gets me all fired up and pumped for the day! On a personal note my baby girl started rice and is now using her jumper so stinking cute! Life's gift is being a mother to three beautiful girls and having such an amazing Husband who is truly my best friend!

    Goodnight All and yo All a goodnight!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Morning gang!

    I am tired already....burning the candle at both ends right now with trying to work out and run all over the state for work. I want to win on the other challenge so I am pushing myself to cover as much of the burpees, crunches and push ups as possible for those that can't get them done. Glad it is only for one week as my body is sore right now. I will add the donkey kicks to tonight's drill when I am finally home.

    Made it another day without the scale but My brain is screaming at me that I probably gained 5 pounds since I have't checked since Monday.

    Lstnlondry-you have my admiration for going to the dentist....that is one of my phobias so I refuse to go.

    Sammy and Penny-awesome job on the C25K work! Keep it up. I'm jealous. I saw a fun looking 5K and was wondering if I could train for that...honestly I am not sure how my knees would do (or where I would find the time to add more training into my schedule right now).

    Keep up the great work everyone and have an awesome day!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hello friends,

    Goals: log calories and budget -yes, exercise no, strength no, housework yes, procrastination list no.

    So much dental activity going on. I took my daughter to the dentist this morning to have two teeth extracted as part of her orthodontic treatment. I sat by the chair and held her hands the whole time.

    Time for me to go exercise, so I don't mess another day. Oh, and Penny, I love seeing all the pictures of your little babe.

    DeeBear, where are you?
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Soooo tired this evening, I've had a long day at work.

    Gone over on cals today
    No exercise - day off
    C25K - continues tomorrow

    Short and sweet from me today, night all x
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Girls sorry I was Mia. I got way off tract for a few days. I had a great day today though.I am under calorie. drank most of my water, did my excersize. happy with my day. Donkey kicks hmmmmm Im 52 I could not do butterfly kicks we will see about donkey kicks :laugh:
    Im going to find our DeeBear and bring her back :wink: Thank you girls for missing me :happy: missed you too. What is it with teeth thats crazy clover and Istnlondry. Mine hurt today so I have an app friday urgggggg I took 2 aleve a vicodin to make it stop hurting.
    Ok I think I can handle donkey kicks :happy: I looked them up. I love the baby pic penny she is adorable !!!!!!!
    See you all tommorow donkey kicks sit ups and to bed night night :yawn:
  • PennyChallenge
    Goooooooood Morning!!!!!!!!! Beautiful day here! I use to wake up exhausted but I think I have been sleep better than I have in a very long time;0) I did donkey kicks last rear is thanking you Clover! Plan to clean house, go grocery shopping, walk to get the girls from school, intense workout and the have a cup of tea and relax.

    I have started a group within my friends and we all check in every night with each other. It is so awesome to here everyone's skinny for the day, which is something you are going to do, look forward to when you get skinny. Then we also include best part of our day! Its great. Just thought I'd share!

    I am shooting for 30 pounds.......push push push!

    DEEBEAR where did you go? I'm gonna come find you missy.

    ELIMAY so glad you are back we all have moments we need to take a break! Love you woman!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning
    Glad to see you back Elimay.
    Goal: log and budget - yes, aerobic exercise - yes, strength - yes, housework - yes, procrastination list - no.
    Donkey kicks yes.

    Mini Challenge for friday: 50 push-ups. Don't be scared, these can be any style like standing wall push-ups, table, modified, full body. Chose a style that matches your strength and ability.

    Have a wonderful Thursday.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Good evening ladies. It is good to see you all on here.

    Goals today
    Calories have finished under for the day
    Exercise - had my usual start to the day with the Wii Active, but wasn't really feeling up to it so didn't quite get the usual burn done
    C25K - W5D2 completed, omg it was hard. 2 lots of running for 8 minutes, quite a struggle but I did it - yippee

    Day off work tomorrow so I am going to keep active all day, might do a little zumba, not done that in a while

    Clover, 50 push ups!!!! That will be tough but I will give it a go :laugh:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    I'm back you beautiful people. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Have had a few days where I don't feel like talking. (I know that is a hard one to believe). Occasionally I get that way. I have been following all of you though. WOWWY, ZOWY you all are rocking the house. Dang I am so proud of all of you. You all have helped me get through this slump. You make me smile.
    Anywho Penny what can I say WOW girl you are amazing. Keep up the GREAT work. And that baby is so precious. Thank you for sharing the pictures.
    Sammy YOU GO GIRL! I really would love to sit and visit with you some day. You are doing so well.
    Hawkeye girl do you ever have any ME time. You are such a caring giving person. Love you.
    Clover5 looks like you have as much snow as we have and more on the way. I don't shovel much anymore. You are AMAZING!!! I remember the days of orthodonture so well. UGH what our poor children have to go through to be beautiful.
    lstnlondry I HATE DENTISTS. I have not been for 2 years. They make we sweaty! I have so much admiration for you.
    Elimay Miss you girl. Hope all is well with your sister.
    Anywho I have been drinking my water.
    I have been staying under calories.
    I have been exercising 30 minutes every day.
    And I have missed all of you terribly.
    I am signing off for tonight but will talk to you all tomorrow.
    HEY where is kerryannk? I have really missed her also. Has anyone heard from her? Hope all is well with her.
    Love all of you guys.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Went to the dentist today and I survived, one more to go tomorrow. Yuk! Congratulations of the Valentine's Day Goal and Elimay, did you thank us for missing you?? Funny Girl!! Good luck with your teeth as well.

    Goals are this week are to
    Stay at calorie goal
    Burn 1000 calories most days
    Focus more on me/house/procrastination list

    1. I stayed at calorie goal while my mouth was numb..hee hee. Then stress & leftover cheesecake kicked in.
    2. Tonight I burned 1200 calories
    3. Today I focused on that dentist appointment & I actually put away laundry.

    Everyone have a delightful evening because we ALL worked hard this week. Even if we skip a couple days of checking in, you just can't "shut it off" now that we all know what it feels like for our hard work to pay off!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Istnlondry I agree it feels so good when we are in control and eating right. Thanks you too I hate the dentist I am white nuckle the whole time :frown: We will both be at the dentist tommorow funny:smile:
    Yay our DeeBear is back we missed you, glad you are feeling better :flowerforyou: Kerry messaged me so she is back I will message her back and make sure she finds our new page I told her she was very missed.
    Sammy you are doing awesome with your running good job :happy:
    Good job clover I will do mini for friday. I have to confess I never did the donkey kicks sorry.Thank you its good to be back :wink: good job on your goals.
    Awww thank you Penny love you too :wink: DeeBear is back yay!!!! you are doing great penny, Love seeing the pic of your little girl. You are almost at your 30 yay for you!!!!!!

    1. under calorie yes
    2. excersize in a min
    3. water still working on it Have a great friday girls !!!!!!!!!!!
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    1. Keep going with Insanity (Finished day 12 and been on schedule!)!
    2. Keep under my calorie goal this week (I'm saving my splurge for the future :P)
    3. Keep drinking my water :D
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning

    Goal check: log and budget - yes, aerobic exercise - yes, strength - no, housework - yes , procrastination list - yes - emptied and cleaned the refrigerator. I always do this in the winter when I can just put everything in laundry baskets and put it outside in the back yard. DeeBear, you are doing great. Glad you are feeling better. Elimay and Istnlondry good luck at the dentist. Hate having dental work done. Makes me feel lousy about myself when I need major work.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Just made it home from work-started the day at 6 AM and drove about 600 miles for meetings! Needless to say, my diet sucked for the day!

    I did get in the push ups for the day as part of my other challenge. For the week I have done 485 push ups, 1150 crunches and 230 burpees. My legs are sore so I am skipping my evening work out and am going to relax. Hopefully tomorrow I can pick it back up.

    Hope everyone survived their day in the dentist chair!

    Have a great weekend!