5' 7'' What is your goal?



  • I am 5'7" aiming for 140. If i weigh less than that i look sick!
  • i'm like 5'7" or 5'8" deciding on who is measuring! current: 130 Goal: 123-125
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    5'7 and some change
    Started at 204
    Now a very unattractive,untoned147
    Goal 120-130 but TONED no more unsightly jiggle!!! Closer to 120 most likely since I have hectic thunder thighs. 19%bf would be ideal. *sigh* still such a long way to go....
  • I'm also 5'7" currently at 165. I want to be in the 130s. but I want to be toned, so if i feel good and look good and I'm a little above the 130s, I'm fine with that. as long as I'm not jiggling! haha
  • astow8
    astow8 Posts: 24
    I'm 5'7 and am currently at 171. I started out on christmas at 182 (my heaviest weight ever). The smallest I've been is 150. My goal is to reach 130 and stay there, hopefully by July if I really push myself.

    Also for reference I'm a 21 y.o female :)
  • I'm 5'7ish", with a large/solid frame. My goal is to get down to about 160 and re-evaluate. I'm currently at 170, and I really can't see losing too much more, I'm pretty happy with how I look now, and I think I'll be able to maintain 160 pretty easily.
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    5'7" with a large frame. My main goal is 165... I know I look good at that weight and can be toned. Once I get there it may go lower... I don't think below 150 though. Once I get below that I start looking awkward and lose boobage >_<
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    Im 5'7" and muscley and aiming for 155
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal weight is 165. I've got a medium build and hourglass shape. I play to reevaluate when I hit my goal!
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    I'm also 5'7"! started at 154, currently 150ish, want to get to 115 which was what I used to be in highschool, which also is probably way to little. Whenever I'll feel content I'll stop. And I really want muscle going on so therefore I'm gonna be a lot heavier than that. i'll see :)
  • qwe3nz
    qwe3nz Posts: 29
    I'm 5'6" i'm currently pregnant with my 2nd but before my lowest was 125pounds and i reckon i could of toned up a bit more in my legs. It was easy to maintain I ate extremely healthy/clean (around 1800-2000cal per day) and exercised daily with 5x 1hr weight sessions and 6 x 1hr cardio sessions a week. I didnt really care about weight though I cared more about body fat percent which I was 15%. I reckon focusing on body fat percent is better than focusing on weight
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently 128 lbs. My body fat % is around 27... so my goal is to get my body fat down to 20% and at the very least, 17% or so.

    I no longer care what the scale says, because I'm weight training and building muscle (to burn this fat) and to get stronger. Whatever the scale ends up saying when I've recomp'ed my body down to 20% fat with some added muscle I'll be fine with. Hopefully, I'll uncover some pretty freaking awesome abs in the process.

    Good luck... and I think it's good to have specific goals to shoot for (and realistic ones).
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 5'7" and hoping to make it to 140. But that would be my weight when I was 18. I've got an hourglass shape - (defnitely top heavy) so I doubt that much less than that will look healthy on me :)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Funny I don't remember if I am 5'7 or 5'6, I think its 7, but any who

    I really have no clue, i've been chuby and Fat my whole life, I was going to sell myself short and just shoot for 185 cause I was at that weight and really loved it, and I wore it well if I do say so myself, but then I gained it all back and before loising 21 pounds I was 278, then I realized I think it's cause I didn't really believe in myself to get to an even more fit size, then after talking with my mom said I probably caould have lost another 30 or even more maybe, if I wanted too,

    so now Im shooting for 150 but I think I really will decide once I get there, I met try for 130, who knows? I might be able to pull that of healthy, I am built with a lot of bulk muscle, but I am really excited about being really slick and lean!

    Im even ok if I lose my breast while doing it, I can't wait to feel really good and fit, but any who good luck to you on what ever weight you mind up it =)

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  • TahliS
    TahliS Posts: 52
    Im aiming for around 154 :) But in all honesty id be completely thrilled if I could hit 165.
  • hardatwork45
    hardatwork45 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5"7 and wayyyyyy back as a teenager I was 134 pounds which I thought was way to skinny and tried for years to gain weight. Well I got my wish, after 5 babies and stressful life my highest weight was 283...I got down to 199 about 5 years ago and then lost a little more so my lowest weight after that was 165 which I thought was perfect, I was down to about size 8-10. I'm currently 188 and my goal is back to 165 but may go just a little lower maybe 150, I'll have to see how it looks on me but at 165 -I was a HOT momma...LOL
    I'm hoping to reach this goal by June, I hope I'm not pushing it but I want to be ready by summer. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My ultimate goal is to be "GROWN and SEXY"....LOL!!!!!!!!!
  • hardatwork45
    hardatwork45 Posts: 80 Member
    Im aiming for around 154 :) But in all honesty id be completely thrilled if I could hit 165.

    this is my goal as well....WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm 5.7 and my goal is 130lbs, i think 125 through to 135 would look amazing, but whenever iv been more then that iv always felt i want to lose more. so my goal is 130 :)
  • RedKH
    RedKH Posts: 58
    :smile: Hi :-D

    My name is Kristie....I'm 5ft 7".....I started on here in the new year and have so far lost 6.5lbs

    My SW: 170lbs
    My CW:163.5lbs
    My Goal: 135

    I did at one time weigh a steady 9.5st - 133lbs and was a UK size 10.
    Underactive Thyroid found me and transformed me to UK18 - 13st 3lbs - 185lbs in just over a year!
    It's taking time to come off but i'm getting there. Would love to be around 133/135 again! :-D

    Good luck to you all!
    Also if anyone would like to add me, feel free
  • I'm 5'8, larger frame, my goal weight ultimately would be 160, but Im aiming toward 170 right now :) still have quite a ways to go to get there!
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