Looking for other chicas who need to lose 100lbs too.....



  • I need to lose 100 tooo. :[
  • ionamorgana
    ionamorgana Posts: 30 Member
    I need to lose 120. It is going to be a long road but hopefully we can all support each other. :)
  • paignt
    paignt Posts: 15
    I have to lose a little over 100 lbs. Anyone can add me if they'd like to! :)
  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member

    I have around 140-150 pounds to lose. it seems like a very daunting task... well more then seems ..it is a daunting task. i am looking for all teh help and motivation ican get and would love to encourage and motivate anyone i can. feel free to add me.

    i have been on this site i am thinking for about 8 months or so. i really just started keeping track of my food and such at the beginning of january. i Lost 4 pounds in January. and for me i am very happy with that.

    i was on weight watchers years ago now (wow feeling old and pretty bad now) and when i did it i lost 49.8 pounds. i could not get past that. i had hit a plateau and i could get past it. so stupily i gave up. i know i shouldn't ahve but i did. i have gained back 30 of the almost 50 i lost. but i ahve a goal to be down 50 by my birthday this year. (may 29) but if i dont' hit the 50 i will be ok with that as i am going in the right direction now!!

    feel free to add me and we can get this done together!!
  • shaparra
    shaparra Posts: 32 Member
    Greetings from Sunny So Cal :flowerforyou: , I started this journey 25 days ago and its been great. The support that I have found here is wonderful. Please feel free to add me ( this goes to anyone else too ) I have about 150 lbs to lose and have lost 10 so far. By working together we can achieve our goal of being healthy and well
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I've got a little over 100 pounds to lose. I've just started in earnest a month ago, and haven't been on MFP too long. I've been heavy all my life, but it got bad in high school because I wasn't playing sports all year like I was in grade school.

    I've started walking on a regular basis- to the supermarket, or just a 5-mile jaunt at least 3 days a week. I've also cut out wheat flours, sugar and heavy starches, and am making sure to have some healthy protein in every meal. Basically, I'm on a loose version of the Zone diet.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I will try to be as supportive as possible!

    Greetings from Nor-Cal.
  • gnomes99
    gnomes99 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm in the same boat feel free to add me as a friend. Ive been unwell for a while so counting calories has kept me on track while not being able to exercise. I've been overweight since 12 (now 32) so I'd like not to be the fat girl anymore.

    Greetings from north Queensland Australia
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    still got a way go! anyone can add me if you want to :)
  • I need to lose 105 and this is the hardest thing i've ever done. I was done 30 and thanks to a move from TX to FL gained 15 back. It has been really hard to get my momentum back but i'm trying really hard. I don't have any MFP friends for support and I think it's time I reach out for some cause we all need support to reach our goals. Feel free to add me.
  • Thanks for adding this post. I have over 100 pounds to lose and have felt very alone in my struggle thinking I was the only one (knew in my heart I wasn't, but sometimes our minds play tricks on us). I recently started using MFP again and have lost 12 pounds. Always looking for support. Good luck to all our your journey's. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • she_the
    she_the Posts: 25 Member

    I have around 140-150 pounds to lose. it seems like a very daunting task... well more then seems ..it is a daunting task. i am looking for all teh help and motivation ican get and would love to encourage and motivate anyone i can. feel free to add me.

    i have been on this site i am thinking for about 8 months or so. i really just started keeping track of my food and such at the beginning of january. i Lost 4 pounds in January. and for me i am very happy with that.

    i was on weight watchers years ago now (wow feeling old and pretty bad now) and when i did it i lost 49.8 pounds. i could not get past that. i had hit a plateau and i could get past it. so stupily i gave up. i know i shouldn't ahve but i did. i have gained back 30 of the almost 50 i lost. but i ahve a goal to be down 50 by my birthday this year. (may 29) but if i dont' hit the 50 i will be ok with that as i am going in the right direction now!!

    feel free to add me and we can get this done together!!

    I think you and I have a lot in common!
  • healthymom76
    healthymom76 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi I am looking to lose about 100 lbs also. I lost some at the begining of last year but then I had a baby. so now I am trying to start again. I need freinds and support.
  • I need to lose about 140 & I'm looking for friends as well! Please add me!
  • I have 100 pounds to lose too. One of my problems is that I am 66 years old and it sure comes off a lot slower than going on! Please add me too!

  • i need to lose around 130-140 pounds please add me as a friend and anybody else i would be grateful.it is going to be a long road and i really need motavation and support .due to being disabled i am very restricted on what exercise i can do .:smile:
  • I'm looking for about 80. Not quite 100, but I admire your determination! I'm kinda new here and looking for inspiration and buddies too.

  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Im here too - long journey ahead, but best decision of my life..

    friend request sent - we can all use more friends and motivation!!!

    anyone else looking for new friends to motivate please add me!!!
  • Count me in as well!
    still have another 110 lbs or so to go..would love the friends and motivation :) anyone feel free to add me :)
  • I need to lose 100+ lbs also....feel free to add me, that goes for anybody here. We can support and motivate each other through this!
  • My goal this year is to lose 100 pounds. I am off to a really good start so far, down 17 lbs total since January 1st. I am getting married in September and I would like to lose a minimum of 50 by then. Feel free to add me =)