Okay, question guys. Gatorade, Propel, Soda...?



  • Be careful drinking gatorade... I was drinking mostly that for a while and it was hurting my blood pressure badly. There is a TON of sodium in it. So if you have blood pressure issues at all gatorade is probably worse for you then soda.

    I doubt it was the sodium in the Gatorade that was raising your blood pressure. The electrolytes in it are pretty balanced. More than likely it was your liver processing all of the sugar that led to the high blood pressure.
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I use the Mio flavorings all the time now. I can control how much goes in and I don't use much. It just makes the water a bit more interesting to drink.

    I gave up diet soda last spring. I still have a diet Coke about once per week, but nowhere near the three or four cans per day I was doing.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Okay so what I've been recently trying to do is cut soda out completely...so far I'm doing alright. I went from drinking probably almost a 2 liter a day to drinking Propel Zero and Gatorade and only drinking like a can of soda every other-every two days. I also drink a lot of regular unflavored water. Now my question is, is propel better for you than soda? Also, is Gatorade better for you than soda? I'm trying to drink more regular water than what I normally do, but it's just so plain. I like the flavor. Suggestions?
    I've heard propel is good and heard it is bad and also heard the same about gatorade, but I know with the gatorade I lost a bit of weight last year. ...any ideas guys?
    Also, anyone know anything about MIO?


    I drink regular brewed tea with nothing else in it. Cold brewed tea bags can just be stuffed into your water bottle and left to brew for 5 or so minutes for great iced tea. I like tea plain, but even if you need the sweet, something like this http://goo.gl/e9JYK ro this http://goo.gl/Le8et are both very sweet with no sweetening at all. Really, try it. These, especially the Celestial Seasonings, taste really sweet but have no sweetener.

    The problem with Gatorade and Propel is there is really too much electrolyte in them to make them a regular beverage. You put your heart at as much risk drinking these as regular beverages than if you stayed fat, so consider that. These are ONLY for replacing fluids after a workout. They are in no way "good for you" as a regular beverage and shouldn't be used for that.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Propel is flavored water, but it has sucralose iin it. On the nutrition label it says it has no sugars, no carbs, no fat, no calories...you know...but I've heard things negative about it and also positive. I don't know which to believe.

    How can you stand the nasty aftertaste of sucralose....drink water with a lemon or lime wedge. There is no nutritional value at all in Propel...just chemicals.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Tea! Black, green, white, rooibos, oolong, fruit and herbal ... so many choices!

    Try fruit tea iced and add a little bit of stevia or truvia and you've got a great "juice" that's zero cals, carbs, and nothing but healthy goodness!

    Gatorade is good for replacing electrolytes after an intense workout; say running a half marathon, but I wouldn't drink it just to drink it. It's still just carbs and sugars.

    YES!!! Thanks!!! Perfect answer (imho). Sometimes after a hard workout, I'll drop a NUUN tablet in a big glass of rooibos tea. Simply delicious. One of my MFPeeps puts OJ in her green tea. I must try this - sounds so good! Best problem to have - too many choices for the teapot. I'm diet soda free since 2012 (cold turkey) and tea is helping me not miss it.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You should stay away from diet soda and soda as much as possible. It makes most people more hungry throughout the day.

    You could try adding a Crystal Light packet to a bottle of water. I know a lot of people who can't drink just plain water and thats what they do. I think it's only 10 calories a packet. so nothing horrible.

    Good luck!

    The only difference between Crystal Light and diet soda is carbonation, and it's not the carbonation that makes you eat more, it's the sweetness. There is some evidence that the super sweetness of these beverages dulls your taste buds so you eat more and get less satisfaction from it. If you're not finding Crystal Light to hurt your weight loss efforts, there's no reason diet soda should be a problem either. Both are basically water with sweetener and flavoring. That you add the flavoring yourself makes no difference at all.
  • staceycamp
    staceycamp Posts: 39 Member
    recently I found a recipe for a weight loss water and its really good. And it does seem to knock off some of my cravings and feeling hungry...

    1 picture of water
    cut up cucumbers, lemon (i put lime in mine also),and fresh mint and let set in fridge overnight. Its really pretty good. Im gonna try more this weekend adding different fruits .
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Propel is flavored water, but it has sucralose iin it. On the nutrition label it says it has no sugars, no carbs, no fat, no calories...you know...but I've heard things negative about it and also positive. I don't know which to believe.

    How can you stand the nasty aftertaste of sucralose....drink water with a lemon or lime wedge. There is no nutritional value at all in Propel...just chemicals.

    This is my pet peeve. I work in a chemistry lab. Lemons are chemicals. Limes are chemicals. WATER is a chemical! Implying that "chemicals" are bad implies we can live without chemicals. Here's a news flash. We can't. WE are chemicals. All that "good, clean food" is chemicals. If you want to say there is nothing "good for you" in Propel, say THAT. I agree with you, 100%. But don't imply that chemicals are bad--even the ones you mean when you say "chemicals"--it's just not true.

    (...climbs off soapbox...)
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    If your still wanting the sweetness of soda or gatorade go get Scivation's Xtend , it has 0 cal , sugar etc.. it adds to regular and tastes great plus adda BCAAs to your diet which are always needed , check it out on Bodybuilding.com (Grape and lemon lime are excellent )
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Propel is flavored water, but it has sucralose iin it. On the nutrition label it says it has no sugars, no carbs, no fat, no calories...you know...but I've heard things negative about it and also positive. I don't know which to believe.

    How can you stand the nasty aftertaste of sucralose....drink water with a lemon or lime wedge. There is no nutritional value at all in Propel...just chemicals.

    Thanks for the semantics lesson...for that ,matter I guess we are chemicals too. Shall I specify natural as opposed to processed with chlorine and still a nasty@ss after taste
    This is my pet peeve. I work in a chemistry lab. Lemons are chemicals. Limes are chemicals. WATER is a chemical! Implying that "chemicals" are bad implies we can live without chemicals. Here's a news flash. We can't. WE are chemicals. All that "good, clean food" is chemicals. If you want to say there is nothing "good for you" in Propel, say THAT. I agree with you, 100%. But don't imply that chemicals are bad--even the ones you mean when you say "chemicals"--it's just not true.

    (...climbs off soapbox...)

    Thanks for the semantics lesson. I should have specified NATURAL chemicals or PROCESSED chemicals. Sucralose is made with chlorine...and still leaves an nasty after taste

    Just love being jumped all over ......
  • Levity14
    Levity14 Posts: 34 Member
    i cut out sugar and sugar substitutes like splenda out all the way. It is odd at first, you feel like things just aren't sweet enough. I really think that is the sugar addiction screaming inside of us saying HAY WHERE IS MY SUGARRRRRRRRR????? RAAR!!
    - If you force yourself to stick to water. maybe one cup of coffee in the morning - i use low fat milk and no sugar or sugar sub
    do it just live it for 3 weeks. Your tastes will shift.
    You just have to force yourself to LOVE WATER. I noticed that once I did that I felt so satisfied with water. It was icy cool and sweet tasting! veggies and fruit seemed sweeter and more tasty. because i removed breads and cakes.

    I really think if you are serious about dropping weight - just stick to water and once cup o' joe. You would be surprised at what you can adapt to. Then when you do have something sugary or high in sodium like the sports drinks - you feel bad! Pros are also fab skin and a nice flush of bad crap from the body.
    - add a lemon slice to the water if you like!
    this is just what worked for me!