Model With 20 inch Waist



  • AllezCheryl45
    AllezCheryl45 Posts: 22 Member
    That IS disturbing! The lie of the fashion and advertising industry is truly exposed in that pic! That's what's called slavery , not to mention anorexia. Poor girl! She doesn't even "get it" as to how much of a pawn she is. I hope she gets the treatment she needs before her body gives out. Maybe this will help us all to realize that "healthy" and "super model" aren't the same thing--not even close. So thankful/grateful for my own body at this moment!
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    i saw this and looked up her for almost an hour so unreal and a lil disturbing but im not going to hate on any body type i love big skinny medium i love it all it is intriguing all the different shapes like art... im weird in this way ..
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I worry about her organs doesn't look like their is much room in there for everything.
  • frugalmomsrock
    That's got to be the oddest looking person I've seen in my life. Got to be.
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    She physically can't put on the weight and has been trying since she hit puberty, which was when her weight plummeted. I guess the good news is that she's put on 5" since then?? She's got to have a health condition, I hope she'll get treatment sometime.

    Contrary to what headlines would have you believe, when you read her story it's actually sad. She doesn't actually want to look that way, and she faced ostracism due to her over-thinness growing up.

    i completely agree with you.
    i read the story myself the other day and it was very sad, i hope she gets treatment soon too
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    If this is the result of a natural health issue (which, if you read any articles, it seems to be), then I feel terribly sorry for her, because there are probably complications that come with it -- not to mention people who would hate her for her skinniness or accuse her of trying to maintain that body on purpose. She's certainly making her figurative lemonade. I mean, obviously that's a body that would sell corsets, even if the look wasn't achieved through corseting. I think it's really sad that there are people on this site hating on her for something she can't seem to do anything about just because she's trying to make the best of it.

    ^^^this x549!!!

    walk a mile... well, you know the rest!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    Illness etc. aside, she's in a corset. Her corset-free pictures show a more natural waistline than the one in the pic above. Her waist in this picture is as natural as my *kitten* drawn 4" tighter in Spanx shorts. Don't get your hopes down over this one.
  • Andrew_z
    Great good for her. Now for the rest of the 99.9999999999% of the people that is so not achievable nor is it healthy unless you were "born" into it. Regardless of what the modeling industry said, unless some one has extremely fast metabolism and is naturally thin as a rail, there is always some sort of eating disorder below the surface of each and every model. Most models are like canvas, they are simply to display the designer's clothing. And offer no shape of their own. They like to use different terminology for it, but a horse in a housedress and slippers is still a horse.

    It's not healthy whether you're born into it or not. I feel sad for her. She's just as unattractive as someone that's morbidly obese. Who would want to look that way? The fact that she's a model makes a disturbing commentary on society. I thought models were supposed to be the ideal of physical perfection! Anyone who looks at her picture and thinks, "wow, I wish my body were like that," ought to have her head examined.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    That IS disturbing! The lie of the fashion and advertising industry is truly exposed in that pic! That's what's called slavery , not to mention anorexia. Poor girl! She doesn't even "get it" as to how much of a pawn she is. I hope she gets the treatment she needs before her body gives out. Maybe this will help us all to realize that "healthy" and "super model" aren't the same thing--not even close. So thankful/grateful for my own body at this moment!

  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    She physically can't put on the weight and has been trying since she hit puberty, which was when her weight plummeted. I guess the good news is that she's put on 5" since then?? She's got to have a health condition, I hope she'll get treatment sometime.

    Contrary to what headlines would have you believe, when you read her story it's actually sad. She doesn't actually want to look that way, and she faced ostracism due to her over-thinness growing up.

    ^^ this, It is a very sad story. I found hers a few months ago while reading about the barbie doll image we are feeding our little girls from child hood.
    I felt sorry for her and hope things get better for her soon :flowerforyou:

    We need to stop being so fixed on out looks, everyone is beautiful for who and what they are. Just love yourself and feed yourself out of love. You will find more healthy items appearing on your menu and more exercise in your future with that diet plan.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    That IS disturbing! The lie of the fashion and advertising industry is truly exposed in that pic! That's what's called slavery , not to mention anorexia. Poor girl! She doesn't even "get it" as to how much of a pawn she is. I hope she gets the treatment she needs before her body gives out. Maybe this will help us all to realize that "healthy" and "super model" aren't the same thing--not even close. So thankful/grateful for my own body at this moment!
    Did you even read the article?
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Glad that I wasn't the only one who took offense to her post!

    I can only assume people are just looking at the picture and making assumptions rather than reading the story behind it, it's the only way some people's comments make any sense to me.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    That just looks awful!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    She sounds very sincere! When I first saw her picture, my immediate thought was 'she wore a corset to shrink her waist.' As you read about her, she comments she can't gain wait, but would really like to to even out her proportions. I read an article where she says she eats 3 big meals a day and snacks on chocolate and chips. If I did that, I'd be as big as a barn!

    She can't beat her weight so she's making the best of it by modeling.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Glad that I wasn't the only one who took offense to her post!

    I can only assume people are just looking at the picture and making assumptions rather than reading the story behind it, it's the only way some people's comments make any sense to me.

    Honestly this is what I did. I didn't read the story, but just looking at her picture, she reminded me of a barbie.

    it is amazing that it is so acceptable for people to be "able" to judge someone that's "too skinny" but it's so wrong to judge fat people.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I don't quite believe her story. Nobody's body is shaped like that...Unless they have done a lot of corsetting.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I kinda wanna hug you right now. Just sayin!

    When I was growing up I could not gain weight AT ALL. I weighed 70lbs when I started highschool. I was on a diet to GAIN weight, and it didn't work (obviously I don't have that problem now!)
    People made fun of me and I would not wear shorts or fitted clothes or dresses or a swimsuit; I wouldn't wear anything that wasn't exremely baggy and covered everything because it was embarassing that people could count my ribs and see my hip bones! When I FINALLY hit 100lbs at the beginning of my sophomore year I was ecstatic and actually cried when I saw the scale at the doctors office.

    You have no idea how much it hurt to be made fun of like that for something I was trying so desperately to "fix"

    sidenote: I'd kill to have about half of that metabolism back though =/

    Haha I know what you mean, but I still struggle to be honest. Though I have managed to put on around 3 stone over the last 5 or 6 years which I'm pleased with (at the same body fat %age I might add :D )

    But it has been so much hard work, forcing myself to eat until I physically couldn't any more.

    I was like you and didn't like to show my arms or legs and I still look back and hate how I was in the photos.

    But I don't like when people think you have it easy cos you're thin. Fat and thin are just 2 sides of the same coin.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    I read about her the other day and as far as I can work out she doesn't *naturally* have a 20inch waist. Yes, she is naturally very thin (for whatever reason) but she's a fetish model who uses corsets to squeeze her waist to that size. You use corsets for long enough and it's going to permanently alter your shape.

    (I'm happy wearing a corset to get to a 26inch waist and that's enough for me :D )
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    that is crazy looking but who am i to judge .....I m not so i will not.
  • lovelyl0ve
    lovelyl0ve Posts: 25 Member
    I'm shocked at some of the comments about her body. Whether it's natural or the result of an eating disorder or an illness, there's nothing disgusting about her body. Her body is her body, and no one has any right to judge. Body shaming is the only thing disgusting.

    That said, it's really not that extreme. I had a 22.5 inch waist at one point, and that was at 105 pounds. Too thin, yes, but not extremely underweight by any means. If I'd lost another ten pounds and hit the anorexia level, my waist might have been close to the same size as hers. So seeing a 20 inch waist is really not that uncommon. It's sad, I won't deny that. It's too thin for the majority of people. But her waist looks like that because she's a corset model, and it emphasizes it.

    But please, don't call this poor girl disgusting. That's just shameful. She's beautiful in her own way.