Worst book you had ever read?



  • jennifer2977
    I gave up on the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo after the first few chapters. Couldn't get into it. I saw the movie (not the one with Daniel Craig) and really enjoyed that but man, just cannot do the book.

    I liked The Host better than the Twilight books. I did read them all :embarassed:

    I had to stop reading James Patterson. I think that has more to do with being annoyed by him through social networks than his writing, but I cannot bring myself to read him anymore.

    I felt the same way until i was halfway thru..Then I ran out and bought the next two in the series. Those are better reads in my opinion, but the ending of Dragon Tattoo is pretty good!
  • HappyHeart1993
    HappyHeart1993 Posts: 14 Member
    On my SIL's advice (should have been my first clue, lol), I read "The Alchemist". SIL and all these reviewers said it was "life-changing". Meh. Not so much. More life-changing advice can probably be found in "The Tao of Pooh", lol.
  • snakehead
    I'm a big scifi & fantasy reader. I loved The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy but could not get into anything else Tolkien wrote. I like Koontz's early work. Phantoms, Lightning and Watchers were all good books in my opinion. King the same way, early stuff good, later stuff just writting for a check. And I could never read Twilight once I saw the Demotivational poster for it.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I read a lot, alway have always will, but believe me when I say the Twish1te books have to be the worst if only for all the hype surrounding them. Talk about style over substance. And sorry, Vampires don't sparkle!:angry:

    Other than that, Eat Pray Love springs to mind. I thought I would enjoy it as she travels to all the places I've been, but found myself unable to finish the book, something that almost never happens.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Atonement, couldnt even make it through the first 50 pages... although i fear that i was not in the right mindset (vacationing in punta cana)... maybe ill give it another try

    Don't bother, it's not worth it.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    The Twilight series didn't bug me too much. I took the writing and the plot for who it was meant for (teenage girls)

    ^^^This. It wasn't as bad as everyone is making it seem considering the fact that it was for young teens. You need to take that into account! The story was perfect for young girls, the writing was perfect for young girls. I didn't care for the books either, but I think everyone needs to get over the Twilight craze AND the Twilight bashing.

    I do agree that it was meant for teenage girls, but not everyone can relate to Bella! I WAS a teenage girl when it came out and I just couldn't relate. For me, if I can't relate to the character and like the same people the main character likes or want the same things, then I usually don't enjoy the book despite the age group it is intended for. Twilight is only one example for me, though I have had books where I didn't relate for the most part but they would have the ONE character that would keep me going.
    However, I don't HATE Twilight, or the people who do like it, but I definitely don't enjoy it. :/

    To each his own.

    "The story was perfect for young girls"? Are you nuts? "Here girls, is the meaning of your life: having a boyfriend. Without that, nothing else matters". That's the message of the Twilight series.
  • Trinasan
    Trinasan Posts: 44 Member
    Inheritance - Christopher Paolini. Bad bad bad. I should have counted all the times he used the word "alit" .. Drove me nuts. Total let down if you like that type of book.
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Sweet Valley High is better for young girls than Twilight!
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    I'm sure it's been said several times already, but the Twilight saga. My mom bought the set for me as a gift and I was reading it along with two other friends who LOVED it. I just...I couldn't get past the crappy writing and the crappy plotlines and the crappy minutiae and the crappy character development. It was just. Crappy.

    Also, I'm not really a fan of Audrey Niffenegger. The Time Traveler's wife was mediocre, in my opinion, and Her Fearful Symmetry just pissed me off.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member

    Also, I'm not really a fan of Audrey Niffenegger. The Time Traveler's wife was mediocre, in my opinion, and Her Fearful Symmetry just pissed me off.

    OMG Her Fearful Symmetry was terrilbe! I was pissed at having read it to the end...maybe I shouldn't be in book club anymore...
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    The Twilight series didn't bug me too much. I took the writing and the plot for who it was meant for (teenage girls)

    ^^^This. It wasn't as bad as everyone is making it seem considering the fact that it was for young teens. You need to take that into account! The story was perfect for young girls, the writing was perfect for young girls. I didn't care for the books either, but I think everyone needs to get over the Twilight craze AND the Twilight bashing.

    I do agree that it was meant for teenage girls, but not everyone can relate to Bella! I WAS a teenage girl when it came out and I just couldn't relate. For me, if I can't relate to the character and like the same people the main character likes or want the same things, then I usually don't enjoy the book despite the age group it is intended for. Twilight is only one example for me, though I have had books where I didn't relate for the most part but they would have the ONE character that would keep me going.
    However, I don't HATE Twilight, or the people who do like it, but I definitely don't enjoy it. :/

    To each his own.

    "The story was perfect for young girls"? Are you nuts? "Here girls, is the meaning of your life: having a boyfriend. Without that, nothing else matters". That's the message of the Twilight series.

    Are you serious?! They are for entertainment, they are not self-help books. It's FICTION. Jesus. Just because that's the message YOU got, doesn't mean that's the only message. Like I said before, I don't care for the books, but I'm pretty sure the author didn't mean them as a "message" to girls that nothing else matters but a boyfriend. It is for ENJOYMENT. Don't be so freakin' judgemental. Next, you're going to be saying the author should go to prison for sending the message to people that vampires exist.....
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Rain of Gold by Victor Villasenor...

    That book scarred me for life... Do we really need several pages describing a young mexican girl having her first period while walking on a trail to get out of Mexico?
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Happy Birthday, Charles ****ens. This thread is just for you. :wink:

    ETA Censoring ****ens? dirty minded site...
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    The Twilight series didn't bug me too much. I took the writing and the plot for who it was meant for (teenage girls)

    ^^^This. It wasn't as bad as everyone is making it seem considering the fact that it was for young teens. You need to take that into account! The story was perfect for young girls, the writing was perfect for young girls. I didn't care for the books either, but I think everyone needs to get over the Twilight craze AND the Twilight bashing.

    I do agree that it was meant for teenage girls, but not everyone can relate to Bella! I WAS a teenage girl when it came out and I just couldn't relate. For me, if I can't relate to the character and like the same people the main character likes or want the same things, then I usually don't enjoy the book despite the age group it is intended for. Twilight is only one example for me, though I have had books where I didn't relate for the most part but they would have the ONE character that would keep me going.
    However, I don't HATE Twilight, or the people who do like it, but I definitely don't enjoy it. :/

    To each his own.

    "The story was perfect for young girls"? Are you nuts? "Here girls, is the meaning of your life: having a boyfriend. Without that, nothing else matters". That's the message of the Twilight series.

    Are you serious?! They are for entertainment, they are not self-help books. It's FICTION. Jesus. Just because that's the message YOU got, doesn't mean that's the only message. Like I said before, I don't care for the books, but I'm pretty sure the author didn't mean them as a "message" to girls that nothing else matters but a boyfriend. It is for ENJOYMENT. Don't be so freakin' judgemental. Next, you're going to be saying the author should go to prison for sending the message to people that vampires exist.....

    IDK about jail, but idealizing a suitor who ruined Bella's car so she was trapped because he loved her so much he was going to keep her from Jacob.....sure sounds like the wrong kind of story to me. :noway:

    Edward is NOT a good boyfriend, yet Bella gives up her entire life for him. He's controlling to the nth degreee. Teaching our young and impressionable girls that if a man REALLY loves you, he acts like he owns you, is a problem IMHO.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    The Twilight series didn't bug me too much. I took the writing and the plot for who it was meant for (teenage girls)

    ^^^This. It wasn't as bad as everyone is making it seem considering the fact that it was for young teens. You need to take that into account! The story was perfect for young girls, the writing was perfect for young girls. I didn't care for the books either, but I think everyone needs to get over the Twilight craze AND the Twilight bashing.

    I do agree that it was meant for teenage girls, but not everyone can relate to Bella! I WAS a teenage girl when it came out and I just couldn't relate. For me, if I can't relate to the character and like the same people the main character likes or want the same things, then I usually don't enjoy the book despite the age group it is intended for. Twilight is only one example for me, though I have had books where I didn't relate for the most part but they would have the ONE character that would keep me going.
    However, I don't HATE Twilight, or the people who do like it, but I definitely don't enjoy it. :/

    To each his own.

    "The story was perfect for young girls"? Are you nuts? "Here girls, is the meaning of your life: having a boyfriend. Without that, nothing else matters". That's the message of the Twilight series.
    Exactly. This is really disturbing.
  • lyndsei
    lyndsei Posts: 153 Member
    A Tale of Two Cities
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Well, these might not be the worst books, but for whatever reason I could not finish them.

    The Grapes of Wrath: I love Steinbeck and I have read everything else that he ever wrote. But this book was just too depressing.

    Crime and Punishment: There was too many nicknames to keep track of, it made my head hurt

    The Notebook: I actually finished this book and I just thought it was a piece of yuck.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Didn't finish them, but: TWILIGHT SERIES
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I don't remember the name of the book (helpful, huh? :indifferent: ) because I got so angry reading it I threw it in the trash, but the two quotes that stick out in my mind are:

    "men secretely admire rapists because a rapist does what they want to do.." (to that affect) and
    "a man will never love a daughter as much as a son because a man doesn't respect women like he does a man.."

    TRASH heap!!! :explode:
  • DominoFrost
    Currently reading Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell. My 19th century Brit Lit class has disappointed me. =[