Hubby trying to lead me astray



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT TRY TO FEED YOUR HUBBY GROUND TURKEY!!! Nothing screams "diet food" worse than ground turkey. But look at the nutritional stats for ground turkey vs 90/10 ground beef, or even 85/15! Turkey has a little more protein, but that's it. IMO, The only thing you get for switching to ground turkey is some sort of weird self flagellation that you're sacrificing something (taste and flavor!)to lose weight.

    Does hubby need to loose a few pounds also? If so, hubby needs to get on the program, but he will still need more calories than you.
    He doesn't have to live on carrot sticks,apple slices, and celery while you diet. A lot of foods are healthy you can both eat. You can both pretty much eat lean meats and non-starchy vegetables. Add a filling carb (potatoes,yams, beans or rice) to his meal and you can both skip the bread. You could put him on a healthy eating plan and him not actually realize it.

    Don't fall for the "no-eating at night rule" many dieters adhere to as some sort of law of the diet universe. Save the bulk of your calories for dinner together. You can eat like a bird during the day and more of a regular meal at night together. As long as you are in a daily negative caloric state you will loose weight. I lost a buttload of weight last year, and I eat more calories between 6pm and bedtime than any other part of the day.

    Funny to me because as much of a meat and potato guy that my hubby is he LOVES ground turkey in certain meals!!! I make tacos and tostadas with ground turkey and meatloaf with ground turkey. I bought a pre-made meatloaf one time because it was on sale and within my calories that was made with beef or pork or something that WASN'T ground turkey and when I asked my hubby how it was he said "it's no Turkey Quinoa Meatloaf". We laugh all the time that I MAKE him eat my "diet" food because he loves everything I make.

    Of course, my "diet" food includes marinated pork roasts, marinated pork chops, chicken tacos, turkey tostadas, Southwest Chicken casserole (thank you Philadelphia Cooking Creme), BBQ Ribs in the crockpot, turkey meatball subs, potatoes, veggies, and eating out. So he loves what I'm doing, it's healthier for his heart and he eats awesome food......I'm a pretty good cook if I do say so myself!!!!
  • chrmar69
    OMG this sounds like we are married to the same man. My first day of my healthy life style change he wanted to go out and eat. But i stayed strong. My advice to you and one that I take as well for myself, if this is what you want and if you want it bad enough no one can control it except for you. So Stay strong, and stay focus, becasue what ever changes you make to your food intake will make a difference. And if he dont want to eat what you want oh well, sooner or later he will eat what you eat, or he will find for for himself.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am genuinely shocked that so many women seem to cook for their husbands on a daily basis, honestly - do they never cook or do you not cook together? I've always cooked with my partners, it was a bonding, romantic sort of thing. Though to be fair I am the single one on this thread - perhaps I need to get my apron on!

    My husband doesn't really like to cook - although he is capable (somewhat, haha), but I LOVE to cook, so not a problem. I even do the grilling! He's a great cleaner-upper though...

    As far as the cooking goes, as long as there is plenty of meat, he is happy. When I make mashed potatoes, for instance, I just have half a cup, and I also make things lighter, and have smaller portions myself. He does actually like it when I cook a little healthier or in smaller quantities - I just make sure everything has lots of flavor!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I am genuinely shocked that so many women seem to cook for their husbands on a daily basis, honestly - do they never cook or do you not cook together? I've always cooked with my partners, it was a bonding, romantic sort of thing. Though to be fair I am the single one on this thread - perhaps I need to get my apron on!

    I do most of the cooking; and he eats whatever I prepare; and except for a few dishes, says "nom, nom, nom." I do the menu planning and shopping. He cleans up afterwards, and he does the housecleaning -- dusting, furniture polishing, and BATHROOMs. And he does a great job. He also does all the packing (military style) when we travel. I do the laundry, and fold; but he puts his own stuff away. He irons my stuff and his if it needs it. Generally he picks up after himself, although with his recent acquisition (1976 TR6) I've been finding car parts around the house -- including the kitchen table, bathroom, and the top of his dresser. I'm the Budget and Finance Manager., and take out the trash. I make drs and haircut appts for both of us.

    I appreciate what you say about prepping a meal together. We bond when we remodel our living space -- spackling, ripping out bathrooms and kitchens, painting.
  • ldimango8
    I wish I did. I have the same problem. It takes a lot of discipline not to eat the same things as your husband. And, husbands sometimes are not the best support. I really have to separate meals for my entire family because I have growing children too.
    Just try to make your meal before their meal so that you are not tempted:)
  • imdelishus
    imdelishus Posts: 9 Member
    It's always hardest to eat healthier when your partner doesn't need to lose weight. The 2 meal thing... Usually I make enough dinner to take leftovers for lunch. I kinda just do that all week so I don't have to think about it. Don't know if that helps or not. But don't stop moving forward!
  • Yvesdiva
    Yvesdiva Posts: 6 Member
    I understand what you mean. Lol. I never thought I'd be in the kitchen alone, either, but now that we have kids, careers, after school activities, it's just easier if we alternate. So, Sun, Tues, Thurs he cooks, Mon, Wed, Fri, I cook. And now that he's on My fitnesspal, it's much easier to eat healthy all week. But, you got to train them. They are very trainable, I've found.
  • joyoflife1
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I am genuinely shocked that so many women seem to cook for their husbands on a daily basis, honestly - do they never cook or do you not cook together? I've always cooked with my partners, it was a bonding, romantic sort of thing. Though to be fair I am the single one on this thread - perhaps I need to get my apron on!

    My husband cooks his own meals. If I want what he's making that's great; if not, I prepare my own meal. I can't talk him into wearing an apron though.
  • GigiBee824
    GigiBee824 Posts: 32 Member
    I won't cook two meals, but I do give consideration to what my boyfriend enjoys, just as I take what I enjoy into account when planning for dinner. I do most of the cooking, but he does most of the dishes so I'm cool with that. He's not a vegetable person unless the veggie is slathered in cheese. So I will eat steamed broccoli with a bit of pepper on it, and he will eat steamed broccoli with cheez whiz on it. No biggie. He'll eat my vegetable experiments like the good sport he is, and he'll even eat it again if he liked it the first time. If he hates it, then I'll probably try another recipe and leave that one for when he's out of town. A good relationship is all about compromise.
  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    We've cooked separate meals for 9 years. He competes in body building and his food requirements are completely different then what I or our young son need. I agree if you do all the cooking then he can eat it or figure out how to fend for himself.
  • ruggedBear
    I am genuinely shocked that so many women seem to cook for their husbands on a daily basis, honestly - do they never cook or do you not cook together? I've always cooked with my partners, it was a bonding, romantic sort of thing. Though to be fair I am the single one on this thread - perhaps I need to get my apron on!

    I work full-time, spend my evenings as a kid taxi (2 sports each, every season), clean, laundry, yardwork, vehicle maintenance, etc. And I find time to go to the gym every day. If it must be done, it can be done. Welcome to the reality of marriage and the real reason multi-tasking is key! It must have been invented by working moms :happy:

    PS - my husband works 10 hour days and commutes 3-4 hours each day - so if I want to eat before 7pm and don't want him to have to waste family time with pesky things, I cook. We only go do fun stuff or to the kids games when he's home!
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • ValentineMomma
    ValentineMomma Posts: 51 Member
    That is very difficult to do when you have a spouse who won't join you. So....why not just cook the healthy way and don't tell him about it? He's an adult, he can cook too. :)

    For me, I actually did start to buy a few things for myself which are healthier choices for my 99% egg whites, 45 calorie bread, 1% milk, ranch dressing, lowfat mayo, low sodium bacon, etc. But since those are my choices, I still buy the other stuff for my children. I find that my husband doesn't really notice the difference if I happen to use the healthier/low fat stuff.

    Good luck.