40+ Workout Challenge (New Every Month)!



    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Fitnfun! Was this the thread you were telling me about?? Im having trouble finding things on here!! I think this is it after reading the posts!! I would luv to join cuz im needing some motivation and support!! Just let me know what Im supposed to be doing! :) Have a great day everyone!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hey MnM! Great to see you :smile: Basically, we try to challenge ourselves in new ways every month, always seeking that combination that makes things 'click' for our ol' bods :laugh: Post up what is working for you!
    Mspix- Oh no! Not the cheesecake sucking you in! Oh dear, I have had those weeks. Whenever I get in that mode, I switch to pigging out on fruits and veggies, good food, and it helps switch the mind set again. By the way, do you have TJ Cardio Remix? If not, you must get this one. It is 30 min of slightly more intense (not as crazy as Fire) workout and the combos are so much fun!
    Glad to see you are back and feeling better!
    Thanks for the suggestion, I am back on track for the most part, have been pretty diligent this week. I don't have the Remix, it is one I want very much. I like the 20-30 minute workouts, it allows so much more flexibility and the ability to mix n match to change things up.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Sun - 1/22 - walking(shopping), crunches, squats
    Mon - 1/23 - run, walk, bike, crunches, squats
    Tue - 1/24 - walk, elliptical, ST, crunches, squats
    Wed - 1/25 - walk, crunches, squats
    Thu - 1/26 - ST, bike, run, walk, crunches, squats

    It's been a LONG week. May attempt to take an easy weekend (never seems to actually happen!). Looks like everyone is really doing well!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Sherrill - looks like a good week. I know what you mean about not being able to rest, but I do hope you are able to take some time off if needed.

    Mspix - The remix is also a notch up a level from the regular TJ so I think you will really like it.

    MNM - You found it! All you need to do is post your workout week. We will be having a new challenge in a few days so whatever you are doing for now is fine. I hope it has cardio, strength training and some stretch or mind/body workouts.

    Today I decided that even though I had Sunday off, I will need to take off either today or tomorrow in order to get back to my normal schedule. Otherwise it will throw off when I like to workout which is Sunday - Friday or Saturday - Thursday. So, this week, I am only at 5 due to the flu on Sunday. Bummer, but that's life. Tomorrow I will be doing my TJ day. Last night I ended up doing the mini-tramp and then the kettlebell workout for 20 min. I have to get the kettlebell in this week! :wink:

    I went to the library and checked out a couple books about metabolism. I'll post if anything is super interesting!

    :smile: What challenge should we go for next month? I had suggested maybe some high calorie burn weeks. Are we up for this yet? Any suggestions???
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Quick log in. I ended up doing Ripped in 30 Level 2, and this workout is intense! I hope it gets easier this week. I'm definitely doing TJ tomorrow for some fun.

    Oh, and I also found a used copy of her Metabolism book. I'm reading it and finding myself amazed at the information I did not know. I highly recommend this book. I bet you can find it used on Amazon or Barnes and Noble on line too!

    I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Where is everyone? I'm rattling around in here by myself. LOL! :ohwell:

    Here's my goals for the week:

    Sunday TJ Remix 30 min/TJ 3T 30 min.
    Monday Ripped in 30 Level 2
    Tuesday Kettlenetics 40 min./ 20 min. Yoga
    Wednesday Ripped in 30 Level 2/ 10 min. Yoga or stretch
    Thursday Shape Toning Workout 20 min. cardio/ 30 min. ST/15 min. mile
    Friday Off or Hip Hop Abs 30 min. cardio/ No More Trouble Zones 24 min.
    Saturday Off or Hip Hop Abs 30 min. cardio/ No More Trouble Zones 24 min.

    I hope to see you all soon! :glasses:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn; looks like a great plan for the week. The book sounds interesting, I will look for a copy. Unfortunately, the Wendy Ida book was a flop for me. Just not interesting, nothing new *sigh*

    Here is my plan for the week:

    Today: 40 min TJ2, 20 min yoga
    Tues: 40 min kettlenetcs, 20 min TJ
    Wed: Amy Dixon-50 min circuit, 10 min stretch
    Thurs: 40 min Kettle, 20 min TJ
    Fri: 40 min TJ2, 20 min yoga

    My HRM is on its way, I am really hoping that getting better accuracy on my burn will help me. I am looking for more intense workouts to add to my mix. Thinking I will pick up TJ remix for sure. I was looking at Kettleworx, that looks like a good solid workout!

    Here is to a great week!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    It's official. I am burned out and need a little time off. I weighed myself and I am pre-holiday weight again. I think me and my body are just feeling blah. I'm giving myself a rest week with maybe only walking.

    Yesterday I lost my iPhone and my computer caught a virus - more universe messages telling me I need time outs.

    I hope you all post so I can live vicariously through your great workouts!

    I will still focus on my eating. From the Master Your Metabolism, all the chemicals and stuff in our food, plastics, beauty products, are making us fat and sick. I'm going to work on detoxing my environment and also clean up my diet to be more 30-40-30 (protein,carbs,fats). She also suggests you eat this way at each meal, stop eating by 9pm, and end caffeine by Noon.

    Let me know how you are doing.

    Mspix- I really need to get an HRM too. I am sorry the book was a snooze for you. Oh, and beware of Kettleworx. I did research and read the reviews - not so great. I need to keep looking for my next big challenge. Plus, it is February, and we didn't name one.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Fri 1/27 - walking, swimming, squats, crunches
    Sat 1/28 - Wii Free Step, squats, crunches
    Sun 1/29 - walking, squats
    Mon 1/30 - running, jogging, swimming, squats, crunches
    Tue 1/31 - walking, squats
    Wed 2/1 - running, walking

    Better week. Completed my Jan challenge of 2012+ squats and crunches in the month! YAY!! And that was even with a week and half off :-)

    fitnfun: sounds like a good choice to take off some time for YOU! I took a week off after surgery and again when I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago. I definitely feel better about getting back into the swing of things now. Enjoy your extra time! Also you had asked for suggestions for Feb - I think we should take an "unchallenge" month. Seems like everyone might benefit. Of course everyone will still work out and post but just no push. Just an idea.

    My plan for the upcoming week is to GET OUTSIDE! We are forecasting sun for the entire week and temps in the 50s. I'm so excited to get some "real" vitamin D!

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: Sometimes the universe gives you suggestions, lol. Sounds like a good plan to give yourself a break. Thanks for the feedback on Kettleworx, I will definitely look around some more. Do you have a particular KBell workout you would recommend? I am enjoying Kettlenetics but I know I will outgrow it quickly. I hope your time off serves you well. Focusing on food actually sounds like a good challenge to me...it is one area I tends to get slippery on, then try to out-exercise bad choices.

    Sherrill: Great looking week for you! Congrats on completing your challenge, that is a LOT of squats and crunches! Your weather sounds like ours for the coming week, I am hoping to put some time in my yard this weekend :) Really looking forward to longer days in order to take advantage of outdoor activities!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    We are getting hit with snow right now so I hope you do enjoy the sunshine.

    Sherrill- Awesome job!!! I can't imagine doing all those squats.

    Mspix- I would check collage. I think there is Paul Katami. His workouts look really good, and I am thinking about getting them. The Kettlebell Goddess and Bob Harper's Cardio Shred workouts are good and straight forward. It is challenging, but both are very seriious and not as much fun as Kettlenetics. I see what you mean about outgrowing. I looked at 3 old workouts that I will probably donate. They were too easy or not what I want anymore.

    So I have been walking and doing some ST. Sometimes I am walking doing weights. I tried my Tai Chi DVDs. One was an almost cardio version. It could be useful, but since I wanted the typical, the other DVD is just right!

    Today I finally bought some ankle weights. I did Lower Body TJ with them. Whew!!!!

    Have a great morning tomorrow. It's Friday!!!!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Thu 2/2 - walking
    Fri 2/3 - walking
    Sat 2/4 - walking
    Sun 2/5 - MORE walking :laugh:
    Mon 2/6 - walking, running, bike, swim

    A light and easy few days. I'm feeling a bit renewed. Also ate like crazy (not TOO crazy but still) on Sunday but I'm not even dwelling on it. Life happens.

    I am determined to:
    - get MORE water (already made water bottles with lemons and put in the fridge for tomorrow)
    - MORE veggies (going to incorporate veggies in EVERYTHING)
    - MORE ST - I WILL USE this darn thing hanging on my door!!!!
    - and finally MORE sleep

    This is my plan!!! Now just need to get on and stay on track!!!...starting now...Good Night!:happy:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hi everyone!

    Sounds like we all needed to take it down a notch.

    Sherrill: Nice walking week :happy:

    Fitn: Your lightened workout schedule looks great!

    I purchased an HRM to help me dial in on what parts of my goals (fitness/eating) are causing me to stall. This morning I got the thing programmed correctly (finally!) and it looks like I was underestimating the kettle ball workout by over 100 calories. While I don't think that is enough to derail me, I think that over time it could. So, this week will be an experiment of a sort-I will be adjusting my intake to reflect the outgo per the HRM. The other thing that I think I am not mindful of is sodium. I will be paying better attention to that, as well.

    Here is my plan for the week:

    Monday: TJ 40 min
    Tuesday: Kettlenetis 45 min
    Wednesday: Amy Dixon 50-69 min
    Thursday: Kettlentics 45 min
    Friday: TJ 40 min
    Sat: TJ or walking depending on weather

    Sherril, I like your determineds! I will join you in:
    -MORE water
    -MORE veggies
    and add:
    -LESS sodium

    Happy week everyone!
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    I too like the adding of veggies and less sodium. Thanks for the push:)

    Monday-rest ( I needed to work out but could not get out of bed, sick kiddo all night)
    Tuesday- boot camp 45 minutes
    Wed- yoga 45 minutes
    Thursday-walk fast pace 45-60 minutes
    Friday-bike & weights 45-60 total
    Saturday-walk maybe try running again
    Sunday is day off:)

    Thanks girls for always keeping me moving forward!! I was off for a women's conference this weekend and put on three pounds!! Could not beleive it when I stepped on scale this morning!! YIKES!
  • ff1diver
    ff1diver Posts: 30 Member
    2/5 2500 meters swimming
    2/6 3100 meters rowing; 1500 meters swimming
    2/7 2500 meters swimming
    2/8 3500 meters rowing; 1500 meters swimming; 15miles biking
    2/9 2500 meters swimming
    2/10 3750 meters rowing, 2000 meters swimming; 10 miles biking
    2/11 3000 meters swimming

  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    ff1diver - I love your avatar. So cute! It looks like you have a fantastic swimming schedule with miles of biking.

    lovestobake - Great variety! I'm sure those 3 pounds will come off soon with that kind of schedule.

    mspix - Let me know how many calories you are burning during your kettlebell. I have been guestimating too. My stats may be different, but it would be nice to see if I'm in the ball park for myself. I need to get a good HRM soon!

    Sherrill - Walking is so fantastic. I have been doing some of the indoor version with Leslie Sansone since the weather has been so snowy. I think I will also join you in more water, more veggies.

    This has been a crazy beginning to the week. I had to take my cat to the vet today, a specialist, since my vet thought she might have had a mass/polyp. The good news is she didn't, but her blood work was showing some kidney problems (slight) and heightened white cell count, probably due to her ear infection. So, good news mostly, but she is getting older. She will be 16 this year.

    Here's my schedule:

    Sunday - TJ Cardio Party 1 43 min./ ST 20 min./Kettlebell 17 min.
    Monday - Rowing Machine 60 min.
    Tuesday - Pilates 20 minutes/ ST 15 min.
    Wednesday - 3 mile walk/20 min. ST/10 min. stretch/yoga
    Thursday - TJ 20 min./TJ 3T (ST with resistance band)
    Friday - Day off or Hip Hop Abs Total Body/Tai Chi 15 min.
    Saturday - Day off or Hip Hop Abs Total Body

    During my slower week this week, I have been reading a bunch of metabolism books. Here are a few pointers I have learned:

    *Eat your main higher carbs of the days up to 3 hours after your workout. The other meals of the day, use a protein/slow carb and minimal fat formula.
    *Eat protein with your carbs at every meal. This means no all carb meals or all protein meals.
    *Eat 6 meals during the day using this formula - snacks should be around 200 calories max.
    *Calorie counting only works if you are eating good food. A 100 calories in a chocolate bar is not the same as 100 calories of fruits and veggies. The type of food you eat counts.
    *Don't eat after 9 pm at night.
    *A 30 protein/40 carb/30 fat ratio is a good formula for all your meals
    *Get to know which carbs are slower and faster to digest. You can eat unlimited low carbs, limited starchy carbs, and smaller amounts of higher carbs. All books suggest eating whole grains instead of processed white flour foods.
    *Strength training is a must
    *Omega 3's are important. All books mentioned to supplement if you are not eating enough foods that would supply.
    * Vitamins B (all), E, A and D are also important.
    *High Fructose Corn Syrup is not a good ingredient and makes us want to eat more. Same thing with other diet sweeteners. They also make our bodies think all sugars won't make us fat so artificial sweeteners can really mess us up.
    *Think about all the estrogen plastics and chemicals (pesticides, cleaning agents) that might be in your lifestyle that you could switch to glass, stainless steel, organic foods. These chemicals make us fat by increasing estrogen levels.
    *The increase of estrogen levels when we get older increases our likelihood of gaining weight in our belly (apple/pear figures).
    *Eat slower
    *Eat super foods that have tons of nutrients at every meal if possible.
    *Drink enough water throughout the day
    *Get enough sleep 7-9 hours worth. Under 7 and over 9 can be bad for our health and slow our metabolisms down

    I hope these tips can help you. I do recommend Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism. She gives a ton of information so we can understand how our metabolism works.
  • ff1diver
    ff1diver Posts: 30 Member
    2/7 2500 meters swimming complete
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Water +
    Veggies + (look at the VERY YUMMY veggie wraps that I had for lunch Monday and today!!!! SO GOOD!)
    Sleep + (a bit over 7 hours last night :smile: )

    ---ST ... Tomorrow!!!

    Now...I'm going to bed! Night all!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Well boo. I had a bad day today eating wise and my schedule went off track so no workout to cancel the extra calories. I think I will try to get in 2 workouts tomorrow to make up for it (morning/afternoon).

    Sherrill - Did you get your extra sleep yesterday? It does take a while to get in the habit, but after that, your body will get sleepier earlier to help you fall asleep easier.

    ff1diver - Awesome!

    mspix - How's the new HRM?

    Waving hello to Laura who is still walking!

    Tomorrow's another day!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Welcome FTDiver! Cute avi :) You have a great swim schedule!

    Sherrill: Veggie wraps...YUM! Congrats for staying on track!

    Fitn: These days happen, which makes it all the more important to be focused on the long term goal. I am struggling a bit myself and have been reminding me that I feel better, I breathe better, I look better...so the fact that I cannot budge the scale shouldn't be so aggravating, though it is.
    RE: the HRM. *sigh* I just don't know. I really had pinned a lot of hope that a more accurate read on my calorie burn would help me make adjustments in my eating in order to start the scale back on its downward trend. This week I based my intake on the HRM outgo and gained a sixth of a pound. That may not seem like much, but it suggests that the HRM is not accurate and that frustrates me quite a bit.
    The other thing that may be a big part of the issue are my weekend habits. Admittedly I have gotten slippery the last three weekends in particular. I haven't logged my food and I have skipped the last three scheduled Saturday workouts.
    I am feeling rather irritable about the fact that I have to mind every freaking calorie that goes in or out in order to manage this cantankerous body of mine. :grumble:
    It will pass, I have ran up against this wall many times over the last year.
    Thank you for letting me vent a bit :smile:

    Happy weekend to all! :flowerforyou: