When is the last time you were at the weight you want to be



  • or1ch6id
    19 years old...before i had my oldest son...was 145 lbs...
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    My goal is 150 and I have no idea when I weighed that. Had disordered eating issues in high school when I was at the weight I am now, upper 180s, and only gained from there. I want to say I had to be 150 in middle school but that sounds insane. I honestly don't know; as a kid I never weighed myself. Could prob check doctors records and see... in face, calling my mom now to ask.
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    High School!!
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Sadly 11 & 1/2 years ago... before I started having kids
  • sampa91
    sampa91 Posts: 72 Member
    Never ever!
  • Malani2010
    My goal weight is between 125 and 130. The last time I was EVER that weight was around '93 or '94 so almost 20 yrs ago for me. Wow that just made me feel old. lol
  • sarah32lee
    sarah32lee Posts: 5,279 Member
    Im not sure but prob when I was about 15 years old or younger..that was 15 years ago WOW!!
  • niknanette
    I don't think I was quite there between babies #3-4, but definitely was between #2-3. So thats something close to 6 years. Yuck, i never thought of it in years. :( Had #4 6 months ago.
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    Not in any time that I remember sadly. If I had to guess, somewhere around 11 or 12 I'd say.
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    About 2 years ago for a very short period of time... I've never really maintained at the weight but this time I will (when I get there!)
  • mad4beinhere
    mad4beinhere Posts: 63 Member
    I am 47 and have three children. After each child I managed to get down to my goal of 58kg and hovered around that for some years after my last birth.
    The years go by and you get all engrossed in what they do and you forget about yourself.
    That was back in 1993/94.
    I just made it to 61.2 and loving it. Even though I only had a small amount, 12kg or so, It still feels like a huge accomplishment.
  • Jennhasfaith
    Jennhasfaith Posts: 187 Member
    Just a year ago, my husband and are a trying to have a baby. I went thru fertility treatment drugs causing weight gain. I want to get back down to150, only 12 lbs more to go! Before we try again this spring.
  • ashielovesdashie88
    oh sweet jesus ummmmmmm i guess i was 17. And i thought i was fat then? i was 130 and now i'm 217. Oh well. i'll totally lose this weight! i'm excited for me to do this right and not use starvation to get results.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    My nearest goal is under 200. I havent been under 200 since i was 19 - that was 10 years ago.
    My ultimate goal is 160. I havent been 160 since I was 16 - which was 13 years ago.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Never have been.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    lol never....well maybe while i was growing....i never weighed myself though so i really have no clue! i got within 1.5 lbs from my goal though before i went on vacation last month.... :P
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    2 years ago
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    MMM, never! lol.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Never! Ever since I was aware of the stigma of weight, I have been unhappy with my weight. It started picking up in high school and really hit hard in college.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I was at goal weight in 1990, while stationed in Korea. I walked everywhere, played racquetball and worked out at the gym several times a week, and danced at least 6 nights a week. When I returned, I continued running and maintained for a couple or years, until I met my husband. I love him, but it was hard to stay thin after we began dating and married.