gym is not an option..



  • sspetter
    sspetter Posts: 20 Member
    And don't forget the easy one! Don't know where you live, but load up the stroller and go for a family walk! It's free!!!!
  • tashakk86
    great idea! thank you
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    you don't need any type of equipment for jumping jacks, push ups, squats, and lunges.
  • Kevww1982

    Here is a great work out plan and it goes week by week and increases with intensity as you go. I do the guys workout which is in the gym this is for the womens which is at home.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Do the SHRED or RIPPED in 30 by Jillian Michaels !! $9.99 at most stores!
  • GW1970
    GW1970 Posts: 81 Member
    same problem , children stop me from going to the gym so i got a Wii fit . i've lost 23lbs so far . highly recommend:happy:
  • Smansfield1
    Smansfield1 Posts: 50 Member
    Do you have Netflix? They have tons of instant streaming workout videos. I do that or I do my Zumba for the Wii if I can't make it to the gym
  • Miss♥Ivi
    If you want the P90X program, I can give you mine. I don't use it anymore. I think I have a Wii laying around that I would also not mind sending you especially with such small kids. They'd love it. I got a black one for Xmas and I think my white one (one of the one's that first came out) is somewhere in my storage unit. I don't have any games I can give up since my hubby would probably kill me but you can rent them! (:
  • tashakk86
    thanx everyone!! alot of great ideas!! i think i might actually have a plan now on how to workout without the gym :)
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    If you want the P90X program, I can give you mine. I don't use it anymore. I think I have a Wii laying around that I would also not mind sending you especially with such small kids. They'd love it. I got a black one for Xmas and I think my white one (one of the one's that first came out) is somewhere in my storage unit. I don't have any games I can give up since my hubby would probably kill me but you can rent them! (:

    This is really, really awesome! I hope the OP takes advantage of it! :flowerforyou:
  • mv0912
    mv0912 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a single mom w 3 kids, and I too find it hard to work out at the gym. I try to, when its nice outside take them to ride their bikes while I walk, or let them walk with me. We have a wii and we do just dance or other workouts together. I dvr these yoga sessions that come on early in the morning and find that my kids like to do them as well. We tried a yoga for kids video and honestly it wasn't much of a work out.
  • JennedyJLD
    JennedyJLD Posts: 123 Member
    I've lost 50 pounds without a gym membership. How about jogging?
  • ammiehill79
    ammiehill79 Posts: 31 Member
    great app on iphones or ipads....Gain fitness
  • tashakk86
    ivi you are so sweet and that would be really great!! are you sure?
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Hula hoop .... you can make them with stuff from Lowes ... instructions are available at I made mine with the 3/4 inch tubing (about half the price of the 1 inch). 100 ft was about $20. Connectors were $0.50 each and colored electrical tape for $5.00 a roll (one roll for a large hoop). Make your hoop about 42" in diameter, add at least two cups of water for weight. You can make smaller ones for the kids and you can all do it together. I made my step daughter one and she loves to hoop with me (and loves the water swishing - we are going to make one with rice in it too). Once I got it figured out, I used the extra tubing and sold the hoops for $15 to make up my cost ... you could even turn it into a home business.
  • alwinkler
    alwinkler Posts: 5 Member
    I abolutely do!!!! Beachbody has many programs that don't require anything except a dvd player, tv & YOU!!! Insanity is one, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Slim N 6, just to name a few!
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Many gyms (like the YMCA) offer scholarships. All you have to do is apply. Also, I work at my local YMCA just two days (6 hours) a week and get my membership free (plus minimum wage). My daughter's is $7/month.

    I have a pair of dumbbells and a kettle bell and that affords me quite a few at home strength training exercises. Look up They have quite a few things you can do to target different muscle groups.

    DVDs are great and inexpensive Jillian Michael's etc.

    I also like to think about how people stayed in shape back before tvs and gyms. Of course it depends on where you live and the weather, but you can certainly get a lot of outside activity in. My daughter and I love to bike and we frequently have "no car" weekends (meaning we bike everywhere we go.) Since you have a hubby you can run/walk in the am or pm before/after he goes to work. You can have a garden...that's tough work! I ran a half last year and my daughter had to ride in a stroller for most of my training. (That's tough for a 5 year old.) The other day she saw my race bib and said, "Mom when are you going to practice for the race again?"

    The elliptical isn't the magic's the moving that makes the change happen.
  • Miss♥Ivi
    ivi you are so sweet and that would be really great!! are you sure?

    Omg yeah! It really isn't a big deal..I don't use it and the hubby bought us a Wii when we moved in together in black because well, the PS3 and XBOX and everything else is black and he thought my Wii looked out of place! Lol Men! I'll go to my moms and check if it's still there, if not, I'm sure it's in storage. I bought it when they first came out and I think I played it once!

    As for the DVDs, I don't mind sending them over. I'll send you a message now (:
  • Danielle_Star
    Here is a website that offers great workouts with little to no equipment just a little bit of your time. Check it out! They even have a few just for women! They are intense full body work outs!
  • marquesajen
    Dance! Play some latin music or whatever you like and get down! If you have Netflix streaming there are workout videos from Crunch on there. You can lift books or chairs or bags instead of weights. You can do calf lifts on stairs too. If you want you can pick up Jillian michaels' 30 Day Shred on Amazon for cheap, or any number of videos. Good luck!