Weight loss pills?



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Alli works good !!
    Oh sure, if you want to leave a trail like a snail....
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    People are such haters on here..don't mind them :) People who JUDGE others have something obviously going on in their own life, because in my opinion its never our place to Judge. They make ASSUMPTIONS that diet pills are an excuse and a way out and cheaitng ETC ETC well thats not always the case. Of course I'm sure theres a handful of people whoa re lazy and want to resort to everything but putting efffort but thats not everyone.

    I was working out 6 times a week- hardcore; spin class, strength training, kickboxing, personal trainer, yoga, etc etc and eating well (not perfect) but very well esp during the week and wasnt losing anything. I knew that if anyone of my friends or co-workers or family members ate like I did (good) and worked out as hard/much as I did, they'd lose weight...but I wasnt.

    So I went and saw a nutritionist/dietician at UCLA who did all these tests on me; body fat, ekg, blood, etc and he let me know I have abnormally slow metabolism so I'd have to do three times the work as the normal person sometimes just to MAINTAIN yet alone lose. So he suggested, after making sure I could handle it with the tests he took, I go on phentermine for a few months to kick start it and get my metabolism moving. Now I did LOTS of research on my own- and you'll see a lot of people when they stop gain it all back plus more. But 99% of those people never changed their lifestyle/diet/excercise regimen and then expected it to stay off while still doing bad habits.

    I am still excercising the way I used to, my eating has just been better- not as much snacking which I realized I did WAY too much. I dont feel like its 'hard' or im miserable, I love eating healthy now and making good choices. I give myself a weekly cheat day/meal but sometimes I wont even do it because I dont crave that kind of stuff anymore.

    Long story short I went on it 6 weeks ago yesterday and I've lost 19 lbs. Now Some people lose it much quicker, and hte pounds did come off really quickly the first 2 weeks now I am a steady 2lbs a week which is great. I've lost almost 3 inches in my waist and inches in my thighs/butt. I think measurement is more important anyway.

    So for ME: I'd recommend it to anyone who really is trying and making the change to a healthy LIFE STYLE not diet/temporary thing. It has helped me greatly, I will probably stop it after next month and then just work on maintaining :)

    good luck!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I wouldn't use any of that stuff! It is filled with so many extra toxins that you are only ripping your insides apart. I have been using Herbalife for 5 months now and I love my lifestyle. I am down 26 pounds and 18 1/2 inches. I have gone from a size 22 to 14/16. I have tons of energy, I don't get sick and most of all I can keep up with my kids! This is the best I have felt in years. It is all natural and made up of only food! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! :happy:

    herbalife? wow, all the issues with that stuff scared me away long ago. bad enough the founder of the company died in his 40s from "an accidental overdose". How many lawsuits has herbalife settled?

    Glad you're doing well with it. But seriously, be wary of the side effects and long term ones.

    Herbalife: It's such a scam. Total scam for people that work for that company and have to sell it to all their friends and family. I refuse to stand up for a company that operates like that.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    What is the opinion for the "ultimate fat burner" apparently this product has all natural health ingredients :huh:
    The "ultimate fat burner" is just another caffeine pill scam as are they all.
  • To All:

    If ANY of these products were effective, then the FDA would pull em off the shelf and call them drugs. Anything works for someone out there, but of the 10% of the population that gets results, the only weight lost from the other 90% is from their wallets!!!

    If you need diet pills and YES some do because of Adaptive Thermogenesis or other metabolic issues, then have a Dr prescibe you a small dose of Phentermine under his close supervison. Its an ancient drug that stood the test of time. I like Drugs that go generic, it means they are road tested!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I lost over 100 lbs with the original Metabolife 356 back in 2000. I kept the weight off too. Well, until I got pregnant in 2003. It was very subtle. But then they decided to cuts costs and sell through discount stores and people overdosed because they weren't educated on the product... they changed the formula and blech!

    It was nice. I have been on phentermine, adipex and OTC meds. They don't work. I think the Metabolife only worked because I was exercising and eating healthy as well. It did turn me into a water drinker so I am very thankful for that.

    There is no easy way. I see people every day that are still obese after gastric bypass because they haven't changed their eating habits. Diet and exercise is the only answer and the smartest one too. I really hope I don't die early because I tried all those scripts.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    People are such haters on here..don't mind them :) People who JUDGE others have something obviously going on in their own life, because in my opinion its never our place to Judge. They make ASSUMPTIONS that diet pills are an excuse and a way out and cheaitng ETC ETC well thats not always the case. Of course I'm sure theres a handful of people whoa re lazy and want to resort to everything but putting efffort but thats not everyone.

    Seriously? You wear brown pants every day and leave a trail of poo behind you. Do what you want. If you want to take pills that make you leave poo everywhere go ahead. I have light tan seats in my Jeep and that would be a disaster.

    Haters or not, but for those people on MFP that take a drug that makes a poo mess, go for it. Just think of your insides on traditional diet drugs...gross. If there was a magic pill obesity would not exist in the US.
  • ralopez420
    ralopez420 Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I have tried Zi Xui Tang, bee pollen capsules. I tried them when I was initally trying to loose weight. They helped control my hunger. I would find that instead of eating an entire plate full of food, I would only eat a small portion and be content. I understand that pills are discouraged and frowned upon but I felt like this was what I needed to kick start my weight loss. It obviously worked. BUT they are only intended for short term use and i would only recommend this for people who have a massive amount of weight to loose. Unfortunately, people are under the misconception that if you take pills means that its an easy way out. YOU WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL if you do not change your lifestyle and eat healthier and EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you do not incorportate an active lifetstyle in your routine, you will gain all of the weight back.
  • badbull69
    badbull69 Posts: 157 Member
    I have had two work pretty good for me. Neither has had the weight just melt off though..
    USPlabs Pro oxy lite
    IForce-dexaprine-this one made me a bit woosy..
  • KarateGoddess
    KarateGoddess Posts: 93 Member
    You don't need weight loss pills. Your diet and exercise will get you where you want to be. Despite the fact that we would ALL like to, we cannot buy our way out of the hard work it takes to lose weight. Forget the pills, concentrate on healthy eating and exercise.
  • I've had good experiences with DMAA, but it's somewhat dangerous if you have heart problems or take too much.

    I've also been taking Gymnema Sylvestre 30 minutes before meals (make sure to drink water with it, as it's really dense fiber), which helps you to not absorb as much excess sugar. Cool thing about it is that if you sprinkle the herb on your tongue and spread it around, you can't taste sweet for probably 30 minutes to 2 hours...it helps curb those cravings, since things don't taste great if they contain lots of sugar, but you can't taste it.

    I also take piracetam to help me think more clearly - it's not for diet, but I take that as well...

    And of course, vitamins are always a good idea.

    I get all this on amazon, by the way...

    I use these all in conjunction with diet and exercise.
  • I was on Phentermine in 2004 and lost 40 lbs. I paired it with an intense workout regimen and lost the weight quickly. Once I stopped taking it, the weight crept back, not all of it, but about half. Of course, I stopped the workout regimen and started eating more. I'm tempted to get back on it.
  • Phentermine works great, but if you don't eat healthy and exercise after you stop taking the pill you will gain the weight back. Weight loss is an entire lifestyle change.
  • mcgammy
    mcgammy Posts: 1 Member
    My Dr. gave me a RX this this and I have not fill it yet. I have severy back problmes so i need to take off weight but working out is a very painful thing. I swim as much as i can. I am kind of afraid of the pills. just sticking to 1200 a day has helped but not coming off fast
  • Phentermine works, but you need a prescription. The BEST programs using phentermine require a weekly or twice weekly doctor visit to check your blood pressure and weigh you in. These programs are usually in conjunction with a 500-700 calorie per day plan, along with exercise. You will lose a lot of weight quickly, but it is very hard to keep it off ... the programs become like crack because you lose 40# in 2 or 3 months, then gain back 15 and go back for more phentermine.It's not for everyone as you can't have any heart or blood pressure issues; there are loads of side effects, the worst being jittery and unable to sleep. But you have zero appetite. (How do I know this? I used to work in an office where probably 10 out of a total staff of just 40 went to the same clinic.)

    The "phentermine" sold on-line without a prescription is usually fake and if it's real it is very dangerous to take without regular medical monitoring.

    The other stuff, the OTC stuff, is generally garbage. Yes, you may lose weight but you have to stick to a diet and exercise plan. You won't lose weight if you just take the OTC pills.
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    Pills simply don't work. Lots of things that might help temporarily but only changing patterns works longer term. Might as well binge and purge as trying some type of diet pill.

    and right out of the box you get negative comments. Never ceases to amaze me.
  • KarateGoddess
    KarateGoddess Posts: 93 Member
    I lost 28lbs in 3 months by using Alli. It is good if you follow the diet plan as well. Works if you are overweight and it should be temporary. It was 4 years ago and kept it off. If you are careful on what you eat, you don't get the "accidents".

    I am consistently losing 2-2.5 a week - I lost almost 10lbs in January alone - and I don't take diet pills. Don't waste your money - you don't need to.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've tried a couple of different ones in the last couple of years including Hydroxycut and some Jillian Michaels ones and neither of them gave me energy or suppressed my appetite. Over a year into this now I truly believe the best method for weight loss is just eating less crap food as well as less quantity of food and moving more.
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    I went to a doctor once who prescribed appetite suppressants but they were taken off the market. Most of the over the counter or health food pills didn't help much. I read about some pill from the African Mango plant that is recommend by Dr. Oz but I have given up on supplements. I do, however, take a women's multivitamin, iron, and b-12.
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