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Weight loss pills?



  • Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    Pills simply don't work. Lots of things that might help temporarily but only changing patterns works longer term. Might as well binge and purge as trying some type of diet pill.

    and right out of the box you get negative comments. Never ceases to amaze me.

    No nor me, was just a simple question.. no need for idiocity..
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    oh honey, I have tried a few things. Fat blockers, Carb blockers, water pills, cleanse pills, etc. There really is no miracle cure. they all do a tad, but def not reliable for a good loss. Like i take the otc water pills before, during, and after my period to prevent such bad gain/bloat. and carb blockers i still use now right before a cheat. but i cant tell you that they really do anything for my weight loss. (carb ones are now more me trying to cheat my gluten intolerance)

    it really just takes good old fashion diet and excersise. you can still take things to boost metabolism like chromium and kelp and etc, but dont hope for anything dramatic with any pill sweety. ;)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    Pills simply don't work. Lots of things that might help temporarily but only changing patterns works longer term. Might as well binge and purge as trying some type of diet pill.

    and right out of the box you get negative comments. Never ceases to amaze me.
    Truth is truth, and an honest discussion is not all unicorns and rainbows.
    Don't bring up such a divisive topic, then request that only people who agree should comment.

    Sorry, welcome to planet earth.
  • Clenbuterol, but would recommend against it without understanding the risks, and is also probably illegal in your country.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    Pills simply don't work. Lots of things that might help temporarily but only changing patterns works longer term. Might as well binge and purge as trying some type of diet pill.

    and right out of the box you get negative comments. Never ceases to amaze me.

    So we should all just lie and say it works wonders so that there is no negative comments? If the OP did not want honest answers (be it positive or negative) she should not ask for peoples opinions.... Diet pills don't work!
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    In college I used SlimQuick in conjunction with working out. That was before they added all the extra junk to it, though. I tried one of those "fat burner" pills at one point-it's a rip off and not worth it. Not good for you, either. If you want something to help you along while you are following a healthy lifestyle, here's what I would tell you:

    1. Avoid anything that contains ephedra. It can cause seizures, heart problems, and worse. It does not matter that it is "natural." Don't take it.

    2. Try to avoid things with caffeine. This is my personal issue b/c I don't like the side effects.

    3. Talk to your doc before you take it. If your doc is a jerk about such things, find a nurse practitioner. I find they are better listeners sometimes. Mine has been on both sides of the weight loss fence and will listen without judging.

    4. Remember that it's not a miracle cure, just a helpful aid to add a little bit extra to what you are already doing.

  • I would just use the money that you would spend on the pills and buy healthier foods and a good pair of walking shoes. All I have done since being on MFP is walk every day and begin eating better. I have dropped 30 pounds. From walking and eating like a person and not an animal.

    Pills are no good, they race your heart and cause internal issues you may not even notice until it is to late.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member

    So we should all just lie and say it works wonders so that there is no negative comments? If the OP did not want honest answers (be it positive or negative) she should not ask for peoples opinions.... Diet pills don't work!

    No, don't lie. But if she's asking for experiences of persons who have tried said pills, then share the experience. If you have not tried the pills, do not post that you think they are evil. If you have tried the pills and you found them evil, share that. If they worked, shared that. The point is to answer the question in a helpful manner, not beat her over the head with morals and beliefs.
  • I have been on Orlistat, and I lost loads of weight on that (I went from a size 20 to a size 16!). I found this helped eating habits and I think it actially taught you what was not very good to eat because of the side effects!!
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I wouldn't use any of that stuff! It is filled with so many extra toxins that you are only ripping your insides apart. I have been using Herbalife for 5 months now and I love my lifestyle. I am down 26 pounds and 18 1/2 inches. I have gone from a size 22 to 14/16. I have tons of energy, I don't get sick and most of all I can keep up with my kids! This is the best I have felt in years. It is all natural and made up of only food! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! :happy:

    herbalife? wow, all the issues with that stuff scared me away long ago. bad enough the founder of the company died in his 40s from "an accidental overdose". How many lawsuits has herbalife settled?

    Glad you're doing well with it. But seriously, be wary of the side effects and long term ones.

    Herbalife: It's such a scam. Total scam for people that work for that company and have to sell it to all their friends and family. I refuse to stand up for a company that operates like that.

    I have tried the hebalife meal replacement shakes, seemed to work quite well, a friend of mine had them and I did it for about a week. I lost like 2 lbs that week. I have never heard anything at all about that company before trying this. What's the scam? just curious.
    Also about the diet pills, I have tried some.. I can't remember what it was called...I think one was the acai berry pills and I don't remember the other but they "seemed" to work..keep in mind that I took them while dieting and exercising so it may have just been all a mental thing. Either way, haven't taken the pills in months and I'm still losing so that shows that dieting and exercising alone WILL help you lose weight.
    Lastly, I know there is no "magic" pill, but does anyone know anything that is supposed to work good for metabolism? I have a very slow metabolism... so that makes it a bit harder to lose weight then other people.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    Meh, no need for pills. Just work hard and you will achieve your goals.
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    I've tried Phentermine. They were prescribed by my doctor and they worked extremely well. The side effect to phentermine is that you will a bad case of dry mouth which is kind of good because your intake in water will be huge.

    Diet pills actually DO work. The problem is many people, like myself at that time, didn't have the knowledge of eating and exercising correctly.,...so of course you will gain the weight back. I've lost the weight I needed 20 pounds within 30 months and all I did was walk. My stomach was extremely flat but again I didn't have that knowledge of eating right, so I continued to eat what I want and of course the weight came back on.

    Many doctors will not prescribe them and those that do will monitor you. It's only given as a 3 month supply, you go back to your doctor, you will have blood work done and if the doctor feel as though you need another 3 month supply then they will prescribe it.
  • hauntgoddess
    hauntgoddess Posts: 109 Member
    Pills I have taken: Hydroxycut Max!, Stacker 3, Lipozene, Redline Meltdown, Lipo6....all they did was give me an irregular heartbeat, but they did somewhat help me lose weight the first time I did(especially Hydroxycut Max!) I'm trying to lose weight naturally this time. When I was on the pills, I thought I could eat/drink anything I wanted and the pills would just block it out. I actually lost 45 lbs, but have gained it all back.
  • AJ_MotherRunner
    AJ_MotherRunner Posts: 175 Member
    EC is quite effective

    EC as in ExerCise, EatingCorrectly, EatingClean? LOL.

    I agree if it came in a pill, none of us would be on this site because we would all have it figured out. Not to mention how bad most of these pills are for your heart. Please don't look for the answer in a bottle. Work hard, eat right.

    ***I typically don't answer such questions as this because I know how controversial the threads can get, but as a nurse, I feel very strongly about this. If you have taken these supplements and have been successful, carry on. I just know as a healthcare provider, most of them are not encouraged.
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    Alli works good !!

    isn't that supposed to be used in combination WITH a diet and exercise program? And isn't it only recommended for people with some other medical issue like severe high blood pressure or heart problems that limit their cardio abilities?

    Alli actually helps eliminate the waste you eat. The purpose of it so that you will be cautious of the oil based food you eat. I've tried it but stopped because you can pass gas and actually soil yourself...not a good thing. Everyone I know that took Alli has had very positive results.
  • Sharian2012
    Sharian2012 Posts: 13 Member
    I personally just started using Phentermine and have had no adverse side effects. I've been using it about 3 weeks now. My starting weight was 224 and I'm now 212. I got my eating habits under control first before I started taking it. I counted calories and ate very clean. I incorporated the pills to give me energy and the boost I needed to work out and train hard. I work out 5-6 days a week doing cardio, tabata training, and strength training. I also consult with a personal trainer. I am VERY dedicated and strict with my workouts and eating. Once I stop taking it then I know for sure I can maintain my diet and fitness regime. There are miracle pills out there but you must be dedicated to changing your lifestyle too. I love it and will continue taking it another month then I'm on my own.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Alli works good !!

    isn't that supposed to be used in combination WITH a diet and exercise program? And isn't it only recommended for people with some other medical issue like severe high blood pressure or heart problems that limit their cardio abilities?

    Alli actually helps eliminate the waste you eat. The purpose of it so that you will be cautious of the oil based food you eat. I've tried it but stopped because you can pass gas and actually soil yourself...not a good thing. Everyone I know that took Alli has had very positive results.

    If the purpose is to scare you into not eating certain things, why not just do that on your own?
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry to the people that are down on Alli, but it did work for me. I didn't have any of the "side Effects" but I did follow a well balanced diet. I am also thinking of starting it again since I have stalled. The only downer I have with it is that it is so expensive. I only took one before each big meal and it did work. I stopped taking them because I ran out and I kept the diet going. I did lose more weight but slower, Duh. Now I'm stuck again. I hope to start again as soon as I save enough to get the pills again.
  • heidi2004
    heidi2004 Posts: 35 Member
    My sister swears by Hydroxicut!! I used metabilife back in the day until they change there formula. right now not quiet sure wish i did for that extra bit of energy!! as you can see there are a lot of haters on here!!! if you find a good one let me know!!!!
  • valproulx
    valproulx Posts: 10 Member
    I used Adipex and it worked GREAT! It is a prescription though, you have to get it from a doctor. It can become addicting so you can and should only take it for short time periods. I lost 87lbs on it along with eating right and working out. It helps take away your hunger issues and gives you tons of energy.
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