Never realized how many Calories...



  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    EVERYTHING. I was one of those "one serving OBVIOUSLY equals one container" people. I'm ashamed now to think of how many times I used to sit there and just ... inhale an entire bag of chips or package of oreos or something. OH and those freaking Odwalla drinks!

    Same. The easier question would be what DIDN'T i eat out of control!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Basically anything I eat outside of what I cook at home. I'm indian and one of THE most caloric item that I cook on my "guilt free day" once a week is called "biryani". Even if I make it the most unhealthy way, its about 900 cal for a big sized serving (and by big I mean HUGE!). However, if I step into a restaurant, anything I touch is atleast 500 cal. Plus if you account for all the added processed food, its even more crazy. At home I know how to pronounce the ingredients yet at those restaurants (not just fast food, now this is done by almost every restaurant) most of the dishes is loaded with chemicals!
  • Oreo cheesecake blizzard from Dairy Queen. It haunts my dreams:sad:
    When I found out the calorie count in that thing I almost fainted.
    I make an awesome chocolate cheesecake that I freeze and have some when I am craving.
    Saves me 750 calories:noway: :)
  • removed, my thoughts were already stated by someone else.
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    My breakfasts were horrible: a McDonald's McGriddle, 3 donuts, full breakfast from our cafeteria with bacon, eggs, bagel...(oh - not all of that in one day, but still...). I'd be starving by lunch and go back to McDonald's. Maybe just a happy meal, but again... Then a candy bar in the afternoon because I was hungry again. Since I've been PLANNING my meals, I've saved money AND lost weight! AND I'm not hungry all day...AND it feels like I'm always eating! This is better.
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • YES everything!!! lol.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Anything at mcdonalds. Horrible! Now I hate going there but if I do go with the family I have a happy meal at a shocking 580 calories. I can't bring myself to finish it anymore.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    Besides EVERYTHING, I'd say one of the biggest shockers was the Bisquick waffles I used to make. I'd have 2 for breakfast (over 500 calories EACH), slather them in peanut butter (probably half a cup on EACH like roughly 600-700 calories on EACH waffle), and then pour fake maple syrup on it (you know, the stuff that is just sugar, water, and corn syrup instead of actual syrup)...It was probably a 3000+ start of my day. Totally, 100% insane!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Pretty much anything fast food. Ok, so I was never stupid enough or naive enough to not think it wasn't bad for me, I KNOW it is/was. But even when I'd go out to eat and think I'll just get a salad. Some had calories into the 1000's and some blew your sodium limit for the day in just that one salad. CRAZY!

    Also things like fancy coffees such as lattes and cappuccinos from Starbucks and other places. Kissed those goodbye.

    Another ... pancake syrup!!! I don't eat pancakes very often but when I do I use sugar free syrup. I have some right on the fridge door. Also I use the light pancake mix and stick to the serving size. No more dinner plate sized flapjack stacks!

    I'm sure there are more but these popped into my head first.
  • It is important to remember whether or not the calories you are consuming are "empty" or not.
    Fruits, nuts, avacados...they are not bad foods. Yes, they have high calorie counts but are loaded with a ton of health benefits (vitamins, minerals...all that good stuff).

    For me...I second the Cadbury Cremes. SO good and yet SOOOO bad.

    Why does any food have to be labeled as bad?
  • Starbucks! I used to get a Skinny caramel machiato 3-4 times a week. Even though its Skinny it's still a waste of calories!

    And Keebler's Grasshopper cookies! They are SO addicting.
    Of course, OREOS, double stuffed!
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    chow fun noodles and steamed rice...way too much carbs to eat in one sitting
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    My weakness is: Santitas Tortilla Triangles...a whole bag with a big container of Pico De Gallo in one sitting...Just the chips are 1540 calories! At least the Pico De Gallo is made with veggies. lol
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Anything at Applebee's!!! Practically the whole menu is over 1,000 cals.

    YUP!!!! I used to get the fiesta lime chicken! 1200 cals! I always ate every bite, too.... :(
  • i tried green tea for the first time,which to me tasted really yuck so i added some honey,,,,,, n sat in front in front of the tv sipping on my green tea feeling proud of myself lil did i realize i was drinking all these damn calories n carbs from the stupid honey unbtil i added them in my MFP. awwwwwwwww i felt so bad!!!!!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    i never realized until tonight a 3 cheese mac and cheese pasta bowl, with bread bowl from dominos was 1500 callories! i ate one then looked it up... doubled my calories for the whole day :(
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    hint of lime tostitos, 150 caloires for 6 chips!! Who eats 6 chips? (and never mind the sodium) I still have them every once and a while but I actually count out induvidual chips and then eat them with big scoops of homemade salsa to add something good into an otherwise terrible but delicious snack. Most of the time when I have a chip craving I just use baked tostitos and squeeze fresh time juice over them
  • 10_M
    10_M Posts: 22
    Peanut butter. Sounds dumb but I didn't think it was THAT bad.
    Tortillas, too.
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    Those Hostess chocolate donuts.
    I'd grab those in the morning before going to work, along with some generic cappuccino from the gas station.
    Never paid attention to all the calories, fat, and sugar that were in them until I got serious about getting into a more healthy lifestyle.
    OMFG, my diet was HORRIBLE,
  • heavenlyhazel
    heavenlyhazel Posts: 89 Member
    Candy. I am a sugar addict. I used to eat a whole box (or 2 or 3) of the Movie Theater size candy from the dollar store. Hot Tamales is one of my favorite. Each box has 4+ servings (20 pieces each serving) with each serving having 140 calories. So 560+ calories per box! Ugghh!!! No wonder I have gained 25 pounds in the past 3 years! Still love them, but just eating them in moderation now.