The Paranormal



  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    Here are some of mine..

    When I was dating my husband we used to talk on the phone for hours and hours. One night we were talking and I was laying in bed, it was against a corner by the window, it was a hot day so I had the blinds up and the window open a little. It was at midnight, I was looking out the window and I thought I had seen something and I told him and he said something but I don't remember what then it went quiet. Then out of nowhere I felt myself get very heavy, I would try to move and I couldn't, I tried screaming but nothing would come out, I felt like ants were crawling all over me and then it went away. I still had the phone to my ear and I said omg baby you aren't going to believe what just happened to me and he said you aren't going to believe what just happened to me. I said tell me. He then tells me, I had my curtains closed and a figure opened them from the outside of the window and said he was going to kill me and I'd close them and he would open them. He said he would get in even if I kept closing them. He said he felt tingly and couldn't scream either. I then told him what happened to me and he said that he heard me trying to say somthing but it was like whimpering. I was so scared and so was he, that we never hung up until we fell asleep which was around 5am. Ever since then I've been scared of the dark and having any sight of the outdoors at night.

    Another one, when I was pregnant (living with him) I was laying on my back and I wasn't asleep, just had my eyes closed, all of a sudden I felt someone walking on the bed right next to me. You know how when someone walks on the bed and it sinks down? Well that's what I felt! The only person home was my MIL and she wasn't inside the house! I asked her if she went in there and she said no. She did then a cleanse and I haven't felt anything. Oh, I still live in this creepy room. It is also the same room where the first story happened to my husband.

    Other things in this creepy house.. voices, door knobs being wiggled, things falling.

    I'm beginning to think my MIL is the haunted one.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I have had several. two that have left scars. sort of a magnet for that type of stuff.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    MoogieOh: I'm a Paranormal Investigator. I cannot tell you the number of times I have encountered spirit activity.
  • Lora0626
    Lora0626 Posts: 54 Member
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Alright, now that I read more of my book and finished my design and did somewhat of my other work I have some free time before I go workout.

    1. This story is about my mom's boyfriend's cousin, his name is Omar. Omar and his wife were living with some of his family in a house that everyone knew was occupied by a spirit. This spirit was playful, but really did not like men. When the girls/women of the house would go to the front gate it would swing open for them as well as the front door. Then when the men tried to open the gate or front store it would shut on them or be locked (even if it was really open). Another weird thing is that every single morning they would wake up to hair balls on the stairs... they'd clean it up then the same stuff would be there the next morning.

    2. My mom's boyfriend Jimmy told me this weird story... I think this falls into alien talk or something of the sort. One day him and his friend went to use the port-a-potties before class. Jimmy's friend came out of the port-a-potty in a panic and tried to drag him into the stall to show him something he saw moving down there!!! So they both looked down and they saw a big ball... (like the size of a beach ball) with something like crab legs sticking up out of it (like a hand) and opening and closing like a fist... so they went to get a stick to poke at it... they kept poking and it would stop moving, but when they stopped it started moving again. They went to tell the teacher, and I guess they called firefighters to get it out thinking it was someone alive... but I guess it frightened the firefighters and they buried it alive...
  • lpatterson327
    ive had a few experiences, never got scared in the moment but really creeped me out later, my favorite one tho is right after my father in law passed, he loved his beer. one day when no one was around the remote for the stereo or around the stereo itself, it turned on and just one line of a song came on "i'm pretty good at drinking beer..." then it shut off again, my hubby and i were amazed at that
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    ive had a few experiences, never got scared in the moment but really creeped me out later, my favorite one tho is right after my father in law passed, he loved his beer. one day when no one was around the remote for the stereo or around the stereo itself, it turned on and just one line of a song came on "i'm pretty good at drinking beer..." then it shut off again, my hubby and i were amazed at that

    Haha! I take it he had a good sense of humor huh?
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Anyone else got more stories? :)
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Bump for later
  • Kelleinna
    Okay, these are not nearly as cool as some of the other ones, but here's what I've got... :)

    I'm a teacher, and the school I worked in last year is around 100 years old and has been a school all of that time. The custodian, who is often there alone until 9 p.m. or later, had told me before that she believed the building was haunted, but she said it was a friendly spirit. One night I was there alone at around 6 p.m. (well after dark in the Oregon winter) and I was down in the basement. I clearly heard the sound of a metal folding chair being dragged across the floor upstairs. (Everyone knows that sound, right? Those crappy metal folding chairs that are everywhere?) Nobody in the building but me, doors locked. The custodian had already warned me about such, so I just laughed and yelled, "Hi!" and went about my business.

    The school I work in this year is also close to 100 years old, and was originally a church before being partially converted to a school about 10 years ago. I say partially because the basement level is what is used as a classroom, while the upstairs still looks very much like a church sanctuary, with fancy windows, velvet drapes, a piano and the whole nine yards. We enter and leave the building through the basement door, and nobody ever goes upstairs for any reason. I usually leave a little before 5 p.m., but two of my coworkers often stay as late as 7, and both of them were telling me that they were afraid to be there alone because they hear footsteps upstairs. One night I deliberately stayed late with Rachael, and she and I did indeed both hear footsteps upstairs. I went running upstairs to check it out (she was too scared) and found absolutely nothing and nobody. I live within a mile of this building, so I've volunteered to come sit with anyone that has to work late if they get freaked out and don't want to be there alone. I was there until 7 tonight, actually, but nothing happened tonight.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    No more stories? This thread is too good to end!
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I have had several. two that have left scars. sort of a magnet for that type of stuff.

    Literal scars?!
  • lpatterson327
    ive had a few experiences, never got scared in the moment but really creeped me out later, my favorite one tho is right after my father in law passed, he loved his beer. one day when no one was around the remote for the stereo or around the stereo itself, it turned on and just one line of a song came on "i'm pretty good at drinking beer..." then it shut off again, my hubby and i were amazed at that

    Haha! I take it he had a good sense of humor huh?

    yeah he did lol, he was a good guy :happy:
  • coppercat25
    coppercat25 Posts: 54 Member
    Loved reading this thread. Scary stories!

    When I was born I lived with my parents in our first house till I was about 4 years old. My first memory is actually of something paranormal!

    There was a frosted glass door at the back of our house which lead to a path leading to our back garden. I used to see clear as day, a man with an old fashioned suit and top hat through it. He had a beard and he was pretty short. He just used to stand there and look at me. My Mum tells me that I used to stand at that door and then run to her saying 'Ooo come on' (couldnt talk properly as I was only little) and take her hand and show her the door (she couldnt see anything.) Also our cat used to fluff up and yowl at the door when I used to stand there too.

    I am a christian (but stopped going church when I was 19 - 6 years ago). One time when a small group of us were doing a prayer walk in the local community, which was where we knocked on peoples doors and asked if there was anything thye wanted praying for, we neared this house and I suddenly got a really sick heavy kind of feeling, almost as if someone had thumped me in the stomach. It felt as if a literal black cloud had come down and I strongly felt we should knock on this houses door, even though I wanted to run away so bad! We did, and an old polish couple answered, and they said they needed prayers for protection, and then just shut the door. I am convinced there was some kind of evil spirit/demon in that house.

    I have had a few other small experiences with demons and stuff, like bad feelings around people/places, and then being confirmed that something nasty was there.

    I'm pretty sure angels and demons exist, and spirits too, but I don't really know much about it, so I try not to overthink it as I do get frightened easily!
    A few years ago I was house sitting for my uncle and the only people in the house were me, my grandmother, and the pets. I was in the bedroom watching a movie and wanted to light a candle. I went into the living room where my grandmother was watching TV and asked her for a lighter. She said she didn't have one so I went back into the bedroom and the candle was lit.

    Another time, and I don't know if this counts, but I was having an argument with a friend of mine and we were both yelling but no one was moving around, and when I screamed (whatever it was that I was screaming about) The bottle of cherries slid off of the microwave, onto the floor... the perfectly level microwave. and the cherries weren't even near the edge beforehand.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    The house that my mother lived in while I was growing up was rumored to be haunted. It was an old Victorian house dating from the 1800's on a street pretty much lined with them. Her house was separated into 2 sections, the main house up front and the back house which was pretty small and had a small kitchen then living room, bedroom to the right of the living room and down the short hallway was the bathroom. Behind the bathroom was a storage room tucked under the stairs of the front house, and across from the storage room was a second bedroom. Outside on our side was a big deck with a huge oak tree in the center of it and a huge yard. When we were out in the yard, we could see the entire back side of the front house in addition to ours - including the dormer window on the top floor of the front house. There were many times we have seen a figure in the window whether anyone was in that house or not and we heard the occasional footsteps on the stairs at night when no one was living there. Very benign and we never really thought anything about it. Mom was fairly poor so she split rent with her best friend who had 2 daughters that went back and forth from their mom's to their dad's. I was there every summer and alternating Thanksgving/Christmas.

    One of our favorite things to do was have sleepovers with our friends. The most memorable and scary thing happened to me one time when the two girls I lived with went to their dad's one weekend and I had a friend come over. She brought a Ouija board with her. I remember setting the stage in our living room with candles in a few different places and our Bible sitting on the coffee table next to me. It started off fairly innoucuous, like these things do. We talked to a variety of historical personalities (my favorite was Henry VIII lol), we talked to a little boy named "Fredrick" who claimed he lived and died in the front part of the house but liked to come to the back and watch over us girls. He really liked the games we played. He also confirmed there was a lady ghost in the front house and she is the one who looks out the dormer. Then my "grandpa" showed up. I called my mom in for that one and we had a good ol' time. She even thought it was funny when "grandpa" called my grandmother a slut when asked what he thought of her boyfriend. At this point is when I remember starting to feel uncomfortable. My friend and I were barely touching the pointer at this point and she was a fairly good kid so I don't think she would have used that word. I know I certainly wouldn't have used it to describe my grandmother. After the conversation with "grandpa", my mom went outside into the yard.

    A new entity showed up calling herself the daughter of Satan. We had a brief chat then she had to go because her father was calling her. And then a new one showed up claiming to be Satan himself. I ordered him off the board because we didn't want to talk to him. Every time I would order him away he would turn the pointer to "No." So then I threatened him with the Bible, which he responded to with "No." Keeping one finger on the pointer, I flipped open the Bible and started reading the first passage and the pointer shot off the board so hard it flew across the width of the room and hit the stereo stand that one of the candles was lit and sitting on. The flame of that candle turned blue and bend sideways so that it was blowing completely flat off the wick. Needless to say, I kept reading that Bible out loud and ordering the demon away from our house until it returned to normal. When it did, we picked up the pointer and tried one last time. No responses so we put it away. That's when I started checking for drafts, open windows and such in the bedroom we were next to (none) and no other windows or doors were open in the house.

    Later that night, my mom was sleeping in her room with the door open and my friend was sleeping in my bunk bed (this was the year that the moms decided since K. was there all year round she got the bedroom to her self and S. and I's bunk bed was moved into the living room so we were in the same room). I was laying on the couch wide awake watching SNL on t.v. (which was by the bunk bed) with the sound mostly muted. It was a big old t.v. so it gave off plenty of light even with the other lights off. As I was watching t.v., I became aware of a creaking noise that sounded like my closet door which was at the end of the bunk bed and creaked horrendously when it opened. I moved only my eyes and sure enough, that door was swinging open bit by bit. I got my covers over my head as fast as I could and lay there rigid with terror, pretending to be asleep but really listening intently. Just as I was starting to relax and chalk it up to maybe my cat nudging it open to get inside, a really deep voice laden with evil spoke and informed me "You will not sleep tonight" and laughed. No, no I didn't get any sleep that night. I laid there under my blanket, afraid that if I looked out I would see a demon or something looming over me so I waited and waited an eternity until my mom woke up and came out of her room. Then I pulled the blanket away from my head and looked at the closet door - it was wide open and my cat would only have opened it a tiny bit to get inside.

    After that night, I started seeing demonic faces in different items, faces that I had never seen before in possessions my mom had had for years. I would step down into her room and notice a face looking out of a vase on a shelf or I'd have an intense feeling of being watched. The face did not disappear at different angles. Luckily, not long after the Ouija debacle, my mom found a bigger house out in the country so we moved. I went back to that house once as an adult. A friend of a friend of a friend needed a bike or something picked up in the little house next door to there and I didn't have any idea where we were going until we pulled into the driveway that it shared with my former home. The person we were picking the bike up from said the house had been broken into and vandalised, he was cleaning it up for the landlord and I had a morbid curiosity to see what had been done so I got him to let us go in and see. The damage to the living room had already been cleaned up but when I went into my mom's old room, someone had spray painted gibberish about being haunted and demons all over in there. When I saw that I booked it out of there.

    There have been a few other incidents, nothing like this one though. And I've gone to haunted places looking for activity and found nothing. A cemetary in the next town north of the one I used to live in had nothing. Winchester Mystery House had nothing. A random black house in East Palo Alto I briefly visited when I had a brief job selling cleaner door to door was probably all in my head. I felt a tiny bit of foreboding at it being a completely black house but hey, we were in a big city and different strokes for different folkds. I remember walking up to the door and a medium sized black cat came up behind me, sitting in the middle of the way to the driveway. I knocked on the door and two women answered. When they opened the door, they had a big bookshelf sitting against the wall in their entryway that had a big silver plate engraved with a pentagram, an athame, a big silver goblet, and a host of herbs. I realized they were either Wiccan or witches and I remember babbling that I was selling cleaner and they probably wouldn't be interested, so sorry to disturb them. They were surprised and were like "ooook, have a nice day" and shut the door. I turned around to walk out to the road and that darn cat reared up and hissed at me. I ran.

    My current house may have some activity. The male half of the previous owners was very sick in our house and was moved to the hospital before he died. The female half is who we bought the house from and it was more from her children that we bought it from as she was suffering from dementia and was put into a nursing home. She died about a year ago. About the same time (before our neighbor told us she had passed), I started getting this feeling of being watched sometimes and at random times I would walk into my living room from our family room there would be a human-shaped shadow in our dining room area (there is a security camera in the family room and I check it often so I would have seen someone outside causing the shadows). There have also been a couple shadowy orbs. Of course, it could be my imagination as there is nothing overt going on. We do have a statue of the Virgin Mary in our backyard and I'm sure we have some leftover Catholic protection prayer sheets left from the previous owner and I won't remove them. Who knows what they were protection from?
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Yes, I believe - had a few things happen throughout my life, as well as family members around me. Moving things, water turning on by itself, whisperings.

    Believe it or not, my husband also sees spirits, I kid you not. He's helped quite a few people connect with loved ones, he is a certified hypnotherapist, and has also done some past-life regressions.

    Imo, life doesn't stop when our bodies do, this is just one part of our journey.

    Wow, I've been told by a medium that I'm in my seventh life apparently.

    I've had a number of "strange" occurrences.
    Once I was trying to get to sleep (I was 21/22) and thought I was still awake because I had this terrifying image of a shadow in the form of a baby crawling up my right side of the bed ( I was on my stomach). Creepy but was it was giggling /gurgling whilst slowly crawling by my side. I was terrified and remember fighting to open my eyes (it felt do real like I was awake but not) I could feel my eyelids flickering desperately trying to get them open and when I did I was all panicky and scared witless.

    Another occasion during a meditation session, I was taken up in a lift and met my grandma who has passed over. She gave me a gift inside a black box. Whilst coming back down in the lift I was disappointed to find the box empty.....well a number if years later when I was with my other half during the early days we were together, I had a dream in which my grandma visited me. She passed me that little black box which I opened and in it was a pure white light which felt blessed. My interpretation was that my grandma felt it was time to give me her gift of happiness.
    There were lots of times I felt her presence.

    Oo, reminds me, once I was getting it on with my other half but felt this overwhelming sense of self protection - I really didn't want to go there, if you know what I mean. I'd never ever felt that against it before which freaked me out. I cried helplessly for ages but then this is the wierd bit - whimsy sobbing in bed (on my own), I felt this older woman's hand stroking my hair saying it'll be alright dear, you'll see. She smiled, comfortingly and had shoulder length grey hair. I fell asleep and woke up feeling really calm......the basis of this is that I later found that I was pregnant with my first son and I can only think that my in built protection of my baby (not known at the time) made me protective of my body. Which freaked me out as I loved my partner in every way, so it was wierd to turn him away like that. Made sense after I found I was pregnant.

    I've had other experiences but would take ages to go into.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I never believed in this kind of stuff until I saw a ghost myself back in high school.

    My best friend lived about a block away from a lake. Late at night, in the summers, we would always go down on this summer home's dock (the family was never there during the week days) and we would go swimming or just sit on the bench at the end of the dock.

    It was probably about midnight when we walked down there one night. We both stopped as we were about to go on the dock because we saw something sitting on the bench at the end of the dock. We'd never run into anyone there before, and my best friend said something like "should i say hi?"

    I agreed and she yelled out, "Hello?" as we walked onto the dock. The "person" never turned around even when we yelled hello. As we got closer, it looked less like a person and more like a gray cloud shaped like a person. We both saw it kind of at the same time, and literally ran back to her house.

    It still freaks me out to think about it. Even writing this, it made me tear up a lot remembering it.

    About a year ago, I finally told my dad about it. I honestly think he would think I was crazy. But then he told me that he'd seen a ghost of an old lady in our coat closet many years ago, when he and my mom moved into our house. Later, he found out from a neighbor that an old lady had died in our house before we moved in.
  • kerriberry74
    kerriberry74 Posts: 62 Member
    I've had more than a few experiences, but i'll save the best for last. Here's the top 3

    First of all, my condo came with it's own spirit. every so often, I feel that someone is watching me (usually from the loft in my bedroom), but i've only had 2 'interactions' with him- both while I was taking care of my laundry. The first time was a few weeks after I got my 1st cat. I was upstairs folding clothes & the cat started hissing & growling at the wall in the corner. He's a very mellow cat & is somewhat blind, so he had to have sensed something. My hair was standing on end after this one. The 2nd time, I was putting away clothes & heard a 'hello' in my ear. It was a rainy Sept. day and I was alone, no tv or radios on, and all windows were (obviously) closed.

    This past Dec., my best friend & I took a girls trip to Savannah, GA for a long weekend. The only thing we absolutely had to do was a ghost tour. My friend is a huge skeptic- she has to actually see/experience something before she will believe. A few weeks after we got back, I finally got around to putting the pictures on a disc for her. I started playing around with the zoom on the pics from the tour. At one of the old B&B's (which for some reason at the time, I'd kept staring at the 2nd floor) I noticed a white spot in a dark window. There are 4 pics of the building, all with something in that window; the last 2 showing a somewhat clear white face.

    The best experience happened at my parents house. My brother & I were both home for the weekend. Around 1:30/2am as I was getting ready for bed (I was working nights so I had an off schedule). I heard the sounds of someone coming in the house- door unlocking, opening/closing, relocking, footsteps heading down the hall, the basement door opening/closing. My bro is a computer guy, so I figured he was going down there to play around with our dad's computer. Woke up the next morning, came downstairs and asked my mom is my bro was up yet. She said he hadn't come home. My dad & I just looked at each other because we'd both heard someone coming in. Looked outside & my bro's car wasn't there.

    I'm guessing there must be more things going on at their house. This last Thanksgiving when a knife in the kitchen suddenly fell on the floor during our meal, my dad blamed on the ghosts. My response to that is they shouldn't be playing with knives!