Manly vs Metro, Femme vs Butch



  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    1. My nails (fingers and toes) are almost always painted. I even do designs. I own over 50 shades.
    2. I crochet. My hats are awesome!
    3. I have a lot of fuschia accessories. My laptop desk included.
    4. I love make up. I probably own too much eye shadow, but I love playing with different colors.
    5. I cry easily.

    1. I wear mens deodorant. I love the smell of degree sports. Plus it holds up longer than girly stuff.
    2. I burp/fart like a man, I have gotten into farting contests with my dad. Sadly I've never won though. :'(
    3. My favorite jacket was bought in the mens department. It's army camo with a grey hoodie underneath and it's fantastic!
    4. I kept a pair of my exes sweat pants and still wear them.. they are very manly. I don't care.
    5. I can weld and use a plasma cutter like it's nobody's business.
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
    What the hell im bored:

    Man Side!

    Krav maga trained fighter
    pain is like candy, i eat it
    drive big black truck
    lift heavy things and put them down

    Metro Side
    face and body products take up bathroom counter
    to many clothes in my closet,
    tons of shoes
    I will tan when it gets closer to summer
    I like to shop

    "I life things up and put them down, I lift things up and put them down"
    Hahaha Love that commercial. :laugh:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    1) I can and do throw bales of hay in the summer.
    2) I have a large chainsaw and cut down and cut up around 12 cord (a tractor trailer full) of firewood every year.
    3) I have rebuilt dozens of diesel engines,replaced clutches and built hi performance transmissions in tractors.
    4) I have rode on top of a 800-1000 hp John Deere.
    5) I know how to treat a lady from the restaurant to the bedroom.

    1) I love to cuddle and hold hands with a lady.
    2) I am not ashamed to cry.
    3) I don`t have a problem taking a bath instead of a shower.
    4) Love to cook.
    5) I know how to listen.


    I think Carl's the perfect man! :love:

  • Femme

    1. I love to watch sappy chick flicks to relive the days when I thought fairy tale endings were out of my reach.
    2. I secretly wish I knew more about applying makeup.
    3. I paint my nails all sorts of weirdo colours.
    4. I occasionally enjoy the colour pink when it's coupled with purple, green, black, or blue.
    5. I have grown to love dresses.


    1. I like to jump into the middle of fights to protect the "little guy/girl".
    2. My everyday look is jeans, t-shirts, and skate shoes with my hair thrown up in a messy bun.
    3. I'm a sports fanatic - Michael Jordan is my idol.
    4. I spit, burp, and fart whenever and wherever I feel the need.
    5. My favourite movies are action flicks - explosions, guns, bombings, etc make my adrenaline rush.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    1. I ride a Suzuki Katana 600
    2. I am a black belt in karate, and can literally kill you with my barehands
    3. I know my way around a toolshed
    4. I play hockey
    5. I treat my lady like a princess

    Not so manly:
    1. I really dont care about watching sports on TV
    2. I do all the cooking in our relationship (IMO is not unmanly, but others listed it. Baking is unmanly though)
    3. My girl waxs and tweases my eyebrows (she is a hair stylist though)
    4. I watch true blood (not sure if that counts either)
    5. I dont have any clue on fixing my car, apart from changing a tire, the oil, or fanbelt. I come from a family of mechanics which makes it a bit embarassing
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    1. I do most of my own car care
    2. I move heavy furniture by myself
    3. I check women out (women are Gods best and worst creation :laugh: )
    4. I can't coordinate my clothes well
    5. I built my own shed on the side yard

    1. I wear earings
    2. I have long hair
    3. I can (and do) cook
    4. I can iron and sew
    5. I like to smell good.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Femme side
    1. I love high heels
    2. I love chic flicks
    3. nothing beats a good pedicure
    4. I have no fear of reading a trashy romance novel in public
    5. I can name all the spice girls

    1. I know more about sports then most guys I know (even sports I don't really like)
    2. I am competative to a fault
    3. dutch ovens are the ultimate revenge
    4. I prefer to drive a stick shift
    5. I usually forget to put the toliet paper on the dispenser, it usually sits on the counter next to the toilet.
  • Tubby2Toned
    Tubby2Toned Posts: 130 Member
    I've read every post. These are great!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    1 - I cry when I argue with my GF
    2 - I cry when I have to take my daughter back to her mothers
    3 - I cry at sad movies
    4 - I cry at most things designed to make you cry :laugh:
    4 - I like to cook
    5 - I like clothes shopping, shopping for make up/shoes etc for the and with misses
    6 - I love cuddling up, kissing her all over and down below for ages :wink:

    1 - I lift and press some seriously heavy weights in the gym (e.g. over half a tonne on the leg press)
    2 - I love cars and tweak them
    3 - I live in jeans or joggers and a tee
    4 - I love almost raw steak (bluer the better)
    5 - Love american muscle cars
    6 - Nothing better than looking at b00bies :heart:
  • Lucky girl! lol
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Girly -

    I like wearing dresses and skirts
    I wear eyeliner and mascara
    I have long hair
    I like bath products
    I read history books for fun
    I am attracted to men

    Not so girly -

    I did marshal arts for years
    I have no flight reaction, if someone challenges me, I FIGHT. Sometimes literally.
    I have no interest shoes, handbags or underwear
    I have actual negative interest in magazines or celebrity culture. I LOATHE it.
    I am not that bothered about chocolate. I'll take it or leave it. I didn't eat it for 2 years once and didn't even notice until a friend asked me why I didn't eat chocolate. It hadn't occurred to me to.
    I don't really understand women. I am completely upfront and straightforward, and get on far better with men. Say what you think, dammit! I can't bear social politics. I can't be bothered to play along.
    I can't sew, I don't cry, ever, and I have no nesting instinct, I don't do housework unless absolutely forced. I also don't like girly films at all. I have totally male taste in films.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Lucky girl! lol

    Nah, I'm lucky to have her TBH. She puts up with so much crap from me. That said I worship everything about women, her esp, so I guess that helps her a bit...
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member

    I play beach volleyball
    I can take a hard punch and can dish it out
    I can be left in the wilderness with a machete and i would feel at home
    I was a bartender and can do flare tricks
    Punched a cop in the face once


    I love the show the hills
    I do weekly "manscaping"
    I am the cook at my house
    I take care of the kids and keep a very clean house
    I have read the twilight series and been caught crying and reading alone
    My "curtains' always match the "drapes" ( i shave my head bald )
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
  • Girly:

    1. I love chick flicks.
    2. I love getting my hair done.
    3. I go nowhere without the very least mascara!
    4. I sing very well, and love doing it.
    5. I'm a freak in the sheets! ;-)

    Less girly:

    1. I am a huge UFC fan! LOVE IT!
    2. I am a huge Baseball fan! I can tell you every player on the Yankees and position they play!
    3. I fart Loud... it freaks my husband out!
    4. I know what a Screwgun is, and how to use it!
    5. I'm a freak in the sheets!
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    1. I LOVE shoes and purses...if I ever win the lottery the first thing I am doing is shoe and handbag shopping in New York City
    2. I cry... at the movies, when I'm stressed out, when I'm overly happy, when I'm sad.....I just cry
    3. I love scented lotions, bath products and perfumes.
    4. I quilt and sew
    5. I believe in the fairy tale ending

    1. I deer hunt: shotgun season, bow season and blackpowder season
    2. I do all my own home repairs: plumbing, fininshing my hardwood floors, drywalling, running new electrical wires, etc.
    3. I could eat red meat and potatoes for every meal
    4. I only wear dresses when it is required, a family wedding, a family funeral...that's about it
    5. I can change my own oil and tires.
  • Ok....Deep Breath...


    1. I have a vanity and approximately 40 or so bottles of perfume on top of it with my favorites in reserve.
    2. I have curves I love them and will wave them around in front of the TV during sports.
    3. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE baseball and football!!!!! Barf O Rama
    4. I have a romantic side
    5. I like holding hands

    1. I burp and fart as well if not better than my husband.
    2. I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die.
    3. Not afraid to get dirty and love camping
    4. I find farting sounds very amusing!!!
    5. You wanna what? Hold me after sex? Ummm noooo! Just don't touch me. Twas great but no thank you.
  • Ok....Deep Breath...


    1. I have a vanity and approximately 40 or so bottles of perfume on top of it with my favorites in reserve.
    2. I have curves I love them and will wave them around in front of the TV during sports.
    3. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE baseball and football!!!!! Barf O Rama
    4. I have a romantic side
    5. I like holding hands

    1. I burp and fart as well if not better than my husband.
    2. I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die.
    3. Not afraid to get dirty and love camping
    4. I find farting sounds very amusing!!!
    5. You wanna what? Hold me after sex? Ummm noooo! Just don't touch me. Twas great but no thank you.

    oops the last 5 were the manly side.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    - I like expensive clothes.
    - I have 5 or 6 different aftershaves.
    - Crane flies freak me out.
    - I love to cook.
    - I have an (alarmingly) expansive knowledge and understanding of fashion and interior design.

    - I burp and fart as it comes. It's gotta get out one end.
    - My idea of a dream car is a 550bhp Shelby GT500, not a Porsche.
    - I love weightlifting. I hate cardio.
    - My idea of a good film involves, guns, women and fast cars - in that order of importance/
    - I will do anything for my girlfriend.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    They did an episode of Seinfeld based on my "man hands"
    I rode a bike (not "bicycle") during college because I just thought chicks should be able to ride-My dad STILL doesn't know!
    I think automatics are blasphemy
    I love construction and remodeling projects and can tile and hang cabinets like a pro
    I DETEST shopping!

    I love spending money, whether I HAVE it or not
    I love nice dinners at upscale restaurants
    Home decor and cleanliness is IMPORTANT
    SHOES-mostly cause they always fit. :)
    Towels. I'm a sucker for a good towel. I have thought about getting married, JUST so that I could register for some towels that I would never splurge on myself!