13.1 sticker



  • jenniakers
    I think worry less what other people think and celebrate your accomplishments as you see fit as they are yours, not anyone elses.

    ^^^ THIS ^^^ Congrats to him!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i'm getting this one after my first tri

  • Lcalikalamazoo
    Lcalikalamazoo Posts: 3 Member
    I walked a half marathon last May and plan to do it again this year. I proudly display a 13.1 sticker on my van.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I would go for it. I proudly display my 26.2 and 70.3 on the rear of my car because I am proud of my accomplishments. What they don't know is - I was 54 when I did my marathon (since done 6 more) and I was 58 when I did my first half ironman distance.
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    No matter what you do, there will be haters. Haters are my motivators!!!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    why does anyone hate them?

    hell, when i do my first ironman, i'm getting a sticker and a tattoo.
    Thats hot! (in my best Paris Hilton voice):love:
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I have the magnets on my truck rather than a sticker. Then you can move it around or switch it up with others when you want. I got it from this website. Lots of cool ones to choose from.

  • swimbikerun2006
    swimbikerun2006 Posts: 29 Member
    Got my 13.1 sticker at the race expo & slapped it on my Yak Rak windguard as soon as I was done!! Can't wait to slap a 70.3 on there :) Who cares what others think about stickers. I say get him one!
  • tinacc1
    tinacc1 Posts: 57 Member
    First of all...THANK YOU. I've seen the stickers and I didn't know what they meant. Now, everytime I see one, I'll be sure to congratulate the owner if they're around. That's something to be so proud of. I'd definitely have it tattooed on me along with the Tshirt, the mug, the watch and whetever-the-hell else i could find with it on ! Whether it's 3.1, 5,13.1, 26.2...they're great accomplishments that came with great sacrifice. Haters could kiss the back of my sneakers.Maybe someday I'll do a marathon or a half-marathon, I know for sure, I'd be getting the sticker for everything I own! Go for it, and "Haters be Damned"!
  • swimbikerun2006
    swimbikerun2006 Posts: 29 Member
    They also have 3.1 stickers and even 0.0 stickers for the non runners. This makes me grin on the inside.

    0.0 bahahaha!

    0.0 ! LOL!!
  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    You could always get him this one instead:


    Not sure what I'll do once I complete the Princess half in a couple weeks, other than to wear my princess shirt with pride.

    I'm doing the princess half too! Can't wait :smile:
    This is my second year and our group goes all out with the tutu and tiara thing...lol...it's quite the sight to see!

    Anyways, back to the topic at hand, when I did my first triathlon, I wore my medal for a full week. Now I proudly display my 13.1and TRI magnets on my car. This is all about your husband. You getting him the sticker, whether he puts it on his car or not, conveys your pride in his accomplishments. Great job to the hubby!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    didn't know there was hate against it. I have one on my car and I am darn proud of being able to run that far, nonstop and finishing the race faster than I said I would.
  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    If you can run 13.1, 26.2, etc...you are badder than me and my hats off to you! You can tattoo it, put it on your car, put a sign in your front yard, post it as your profile pic, and name your first born Half Marathon Smith!
  • MysteriousWays
    MysteriousWays Posts: 40 Member
    I PROUDLY display my 26.2 sticker on my Jeep.

    Too bad for those behind me who don't like to read it. It's not for them. It's for me. Every time I walk from a parking lot and see it, it reminds me of what I can accomplish when I set my mind to it.

    And, it doesn't hurt that every once in a while my ex sees what I've done since dropping his excess weight that kept me down .... dang it .... there goes my vanity.

    I was so proud of my 26.2 for the Boston Marathon, I put it on both of my cars. I would attached a sticker to every bit of clothing I had if I could. I say get it for him. I never put a 13.1 on the car because I wanted the 26.2!
  • marathongirl11
    I proudly display my 140.6 sticker on my car! AND, I have a M-dot tattoo on my foot, too!

    I say....go for it :bigsmile:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I had no idea what they meant for awhile (before getting on MFP and paying attention to fitness stuff) but now that I know I think they are *awesome*. Any time I see one I think 'wow they have worked really hard for that, I hope I can earn one some day'. Get it for him. Just don't stick it on the car for him. Give it to him with his Valentine's card, if he wants to put it on his truck he can, if he doesn't want it on his truck he might think of a different way he'd like to display or keep it. That's really sweet of you to want to celebrate his accomplishment. :-)

    ETA: I personally prefer magnets over stickers for my car, since I can keep them w/o destroying them when we get rid of that car. ;-)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I can't wait to earn my 13.1 sticker and slap it on my car!!!
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    +1000, I can't wait to earn the right to have the sticker on my car.
    I think worry less what other people think and celebrate your accomplishments as you see fit as they are yours, not anyone elses.
  • johnhowson
    johnhowson Posts: 73 Member
    I think celebrating personal accomplishment is important. What you are telling people is that you set yourself a goal and achieved it. I can't see a problem with this.
  • 26point2mom
    26point2mom Posts: 3 Member
    LOVE! You are ROCK STAR for being so supportive of your husband, his accomplishments have been awesome! I sport a 26.2 sticker on my car, by BFF gave it to me for my bday after I ran my first marathon. I never put a 13.1 sticker on my car, but then I never had one. So cool that the one I have was not one I purchased, but was a gift from someon who was proud of me...that's way better than one I could have gotten myself. I think he'll love it! :heart: