What to eat for Breakfast!?



  • I have porridge, you can buy the pots that you simply add water to and microwave. I add few sunflower or pumkin seeds too. Fills me up and is only 242 calories, yum
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    i usually eat a fruit like a apple or banana with oatmeal and eggs :D. Nice little variety! Sometimes i'll just eat a protein bar if i'm on the go tho!
  • I always have low fat fruit yogurt, topped with some kind of crunchy bran flakes plus soft fruit on top...like kiwi...works out about 140 cals (if you are keeping to recommended portion sizes). Does taste yummy as well.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    youghurt and some fruit? low in calories and it always fills me up! suprisingly, considering im hardly ever full from anything i eat! defo try porridge, with either milk or just water, few minutes in the microwave and job done! low in calories. and extremely filling :smile:
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I love oatmeal. I buy the Quaker variety packs, and they're all pretty low in calories (under 200). I usually with add some nuts or dried fruit though. You can also just make plain oats and flavor it yourself, which gives you more control.

    Having a lot of breakfast isn't necessarily a bad thing though.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    My standard breakfast is one of these:

    1) Two whole eggs - cooked over easy / 1 slice of whole wheat toast / 2 cups of coffee w/ half & half - 337 calories
    2) Medium Apple w/ 2 tablespoons Peanut Butter, 2 cups coffee w/ half & half - 360 calories
    (less active mornings)

    3) Good Food Made SImple Frozen Steel Cut Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons Peanut Butter - 2 cup coffee w/ Half & Half - 422 calories (only on days where I will be working in the field and will have a very active morning with lots of walking or climbing)

    All three of these options will keep me in good shape from breakfast (5:30am) until my morning snack (9:00 am). Snacks are usually a lot lower calorically - fruit & cheese or a yogurt that doesn't have tons of sugar. I try to eat a few hundred calories ever 3.5 hours. I try to drink 16 oz of water between each meal/snack. Works great for me.
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    On some mornings we do a bowl filled with

    1/4 c old-fashioned oats
    1/4 cup grape-nuts
    1/4 cup bite-size shredded wheat
    1/4 cup chex cereal
    1 tbsp ground flaxseed
    2 tbsp raisins
    3/4 c. milk of choice (we use almond milk)
    Then add whatever fruit you want (banana, kiwi, grapefruit)

    I don't like bananas IN stuff so I will eat one on the side. This is a recipe called Rip's Big Bowl from The Engine 2 Diet .. it's really filling! You are suppose to put a few fruits in it but I usually stick to the banana and it runs me like 464 calories. No heating required!
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    whole wheat bread, with a little organic peanut butter, and slicked bananas on top!! so good

    or i toast two pieces of bread, throw on a poached egg, a piece of lettuce, and tomato, yum!
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    I know you said you live in a dorm, but do you have access to a microwave? I use a micro every morning to make my oatmeal - large flake oatmeal with some water, zap it for 2 min at 80% power. I add a variety of things before cooking - almonds, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, pumpkin, unsweetened applesauce, coconut and banana (so yummy together!)...and voila, it's done. It's so filling - about 300 cals, depending on what you add/don't add.

    Try to limit your processed foods - tater tots I am sure aren't good. :) Well, they TASTE good lol.

    I was going to say the same thing, do you have access to a microwave? I do 1/3 cup rolled oats, 2/3 cup water, microwaved for 1.5 min. Then I add 1/3 cup plain or vanilla yogurt and 1/4 cup fresh berries, about 120 calories. A no microwave option is 1/3 cup all natural granola (I have a great recipe for homemade granola if anyone wants, just message me) with the same yogurt and fresh or even dried berries, about 215 calories. Had that for breakfast this morning and I'm surprised at how long I'm staying full.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    unfortunately I cannot make my own food because I dorm, there isn't really oatmeal everyday. But I would try that on the weekdays :) Thanks.
    do you have a microwave or mini fridge in your room?
  • I remember eating something like eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. :)
  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    [/quote]do you have a microwave or mini fridge in your room?

    I do have a fridge. I do have a rice cooker (which heats anything) and I also have a soup maker (which boils water). I would try the oatmeal with bananas. Thank you all for your suggestions. Your breakfast's sounds much healthier and tastier than mines :D
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    Think out of the box and eat other types of foods: I have 1/2 of a ham or turkey sandwich every morning for breakfast. I cannot eat any wheat based products so I have one slice of rice bread, plain and just put 2 ozs of lunchmeat in the bread. It keeps me perking right along to lunch. Try nonfat yogurt with fresh fruit, etc. My breakfast is between 150 and 200 calories depending on the lunchmeat type and brand.
  • If you have access to a mini fridge and microwave you can eat super healthy! Dorm living is hard, but it can be healthy!! :bigsmile:

    I love the egg whites in a carton. 3 tbs, some veggies and a dash of shredded cheese, 1 minute later you have an awesome egg white omlet. Well under 300 calories. I usually will add a slice of canadian bacon, or a morning star breakfast sausage pattie to that as well.

    One of my new favorite breakfasts is like an all-bran cereal (I get mine at the dollar store) 1/2 of a container of greek yougurt, chobani is my personal fav, and a fruit. Like Pomegranate seeds, or blood oranges...banana, berries...etc. It is super filling and about 300 calories with my green tea.

    Oatmeal is always a good choice. Try the Better Oats brand...better quality than quaker, and not nearly as processed. But remember to pair it with a little protein, like half a banana and 1tbs of peanut butter.

    Again if you can microwwave- 1 english muffin (100 calories), 3 tbs of egg white, one slice of canadian bacon, and an 1/8 cup of shredded cheese and you got yourself an egg mcmuffin way better than any Micky D's would serve...again under 300.

    If you want to take a look at my food diary to see what I eat just send me a friend request and you are welcome to take a peek!
  • Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! This also helped me alot, with good ideas. I really wanted to try Oatmeal though, but I can't find it in the stores here c:
  • sophiareal
    sophiareal Posts: 43 Member
    If you have a rice cooker then you can use that for making oatmeal as well. Check whether it has a porridge setting, some even have a timer so you can prep all the night before. If not, switch it on first thing in the am, before having your shower, that way, once you are dressed your oatmeal will be done. You could then even take it t the cafeteria and make use of the fresh fruit, pb, jam etc available.