Any other HCG users out there???



  • angel_north
    angel_north Posts: 51 Member
    Nice thought Wanda!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Thank you
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Pro-HCG threads are discouraged in the main forums. This diet is unhealthy, unsustainable, and not promoted by MFP.

    Like I said everyone is entilited to their opnion

    I would rather hear about HCG than read some dumb thread that has nothing to do with diets or working out. HCG is a legit diet even if its not the healthy.

    'legit' in what sense?

    I'm not sure of the relevance of your point about other 'dumb threads'. In my experience off topic threads tend to be confined to general chat, fun and games. How could this possibly be a problem?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Welcome to the Self-Imposed Third World Starvation Diet.
  • 2hungariangirls
    If you really want an answer to your question OP. Try this link.

    You will be welcomed. MFP not welcomed with HCG.

    ****I'm not promoting HCG, but offering a place of resource for HCG info****

    Sorry, but how is that *not* promoting this snake oil nonsense?

    Seriously, you think it's helpful to direct someone to a 'resource' that you know (if you have any common sense at all) will be potentially damaging to their health?

    Hey, OP, shall I save you a bit of time and pass you some hair clippers, so you can take the hair off before it falls out in clumps? And if you're really unlucky, hey you could do some permanent damage to your metabolism as a friend of mine did on this kind of ridiculous 'diet' plan? It's great. Really! Go to that nice forum and all the ostriches there will share with you how fantabulous it is to starve yourself while taking drops or shots that have been demonstrated over and over to have no impact whatsoever on weightloss....

    You got goal IS to damage her health!

    I'd rather she read about the good and bad of it all from people who are currently on the diet instead of being bashed for having a question on here. She is an adult and can make her own decision. Last I checked, you weren't her mom so why do you really care? Do you think she will completely stop just because YOU think she is wrong and keep posting replies? Doubt it. But thanks for the common sense compliment! I have LOTS of it!:drinker:
  • beach_chelle
    Welcome to the Self-Imposed Third World Starvation Diet.

    :laugh: That is what led to my weight gain so don't think the "third world diet would work for me :laugh:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    If you really want an answer to your question OP. Try this link.

    You will be welcomed. MFP not welcomed with HCG.

    ****I'm not promoting HCG, but offering a place of resource for HCG info****

    Sorry, but how is that *not* promoting this snake oil nonsense?

    Seriously, you think it's helpful to direct someone to a 'resource' that you know (if you have any common sense at all) will be potentially damaging to their health?

    Hey, OP, shall I save you a bit of time and pass you some hair clippers, so you can take the hair off before it falls out in clumps? And if you're really unlucky, hey you could do some permanent damage to your metabolism as a friend of mine did on this kind of ridiculous 'diet' plan? It's great. Really! Go to that nice forum and all the ostriches there will share with you how fantabulous it is to starve yourself while taking drops or shots that have been demonstrated over and over to have no impact whatsoever on weightloss....

    You got goal IS to damage her health!

    I'd rather she read about the good and bad of it all from people who are currently on the diet instead of being bashed for having a question on here. She is an adult and can make her own decision. Last I checked, you weren't her mom so why do you really care? Do you think she will completely stop just because YOU think she is wrong and keep posting replies? Doubt it. But thanks for the common sense compliment! I have LOTS of it!:drinker:

    Ah yes. The best way to get unbiased information is to gather with a crowd of deluded people who can't follow basic science reporting....

    I really didn't suggest *you* had common sense?

    I'd like to hope that reason ultimately will out, yes. But hey, perhaps you're right, and some people simply can't be educated into making sane and sensible life choices.

    Incidentally, well done on that huge 10 lb weightloss. Clearly you are right, and your diet is hugely successful. Experience is an amazing supplement to empirical evidence and logic.

  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I know someone who did do this diet..not a good idea:(
    Key to weight lose is moderation in food choices......
  • c3js80
    c3js80 Posts: 82 Member
    I've known people on it. Lost impressive amount of weight quickly, but gained it all back. You have to learn how to eat properly and not rely on drops. And please don't use the excuse about having your gallbladder removed. I had mine removed 1 month ago, and I'm doing just fine. Couldn't eat much for the first few days because of the gas they pump in. After 10 days I was back at the gym. There's no reason you should get sick eating, you get sick eating if your gallbladder isn't functioning. Actually, I take that back. A diet high in fat WILL cause you to get sick when you don't have your gallbladder. You can lose weight on a healthy diet, just like most of the rest of us have. There's no magic pill, just hard work and determination. Good luck.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    You know I started writing this wholeeeee explanation down here why and how and so on, but wait a minute, I dont have to explain myself to anybody, YOU do what you think is best for you , and I do what I think is best for me , case closed

    nothing like trying to justify your stupidity to a group of complete strangers.:noway:
  • sloew
    sloew Posts: 106 Member
    For people who think that this is a lifestyle or something to do year round its NOT lifestyle its a good Kick in the *kitten* to get you started and hopefully after the diet you would be on the right path and make better food choices. it was never intended to be a lifestyle.

    I just wanted to give you some encouragement. My nutritionist and I are trying to figure out why I'm not losing and after we try this last thing she has actually given me permission (with dr. supervision) to do it if what we are tryign now doesn't work! I agree it is a 'fad diet' but you know, each to their own and some work for some and don't for others. you have to find what works best for you! I've had friends hcg didn't work for and I have friends who it has worked!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Pro-HCG threads are discouraged in the main forums. This diet is unhealthy, unsustainable, and not promoted by MFP.

    Like I said everyone is entilited to their opnion
    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I have lost 8lbs

    8 lbs of what? (hint: it wasn't fat)
  • Kathy077
    My husband did the HCG diet, he was miserable...yes he lost 20lbs, and even with eating healthier after he got off it, he gained the weight within a few weeks. Even without the HCG, ANYONE would lose weight eating only 500 calories a day.
  • tataliciousd89
    Why, oh why do we have to go through this on a daily basis? I will say that yes I have done the diet. I lost a lot of weight and kept it off, but that is really not what this site is about and I am tired of reading the same damn thing over and over. Just do a search on HCG and read all of the other hundreds of threads about the exact same thing. :ohwell:
  • chicago_dad
    I love these threads.

    For HCG-haters, you are crazy. For HCG-lovers, here's the best way to supplement the diet. HCG might work quickly, but to make sure it lasts, Dr. N. Riviera strongly recommends vigorous apotemnophilia.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I love these threads.

    For HCG-haters, you are crazy. For HCG-lovers, here's the best way to supplement the diet. HCG might work quickly, but to make sure it lasts, Dr. N. Riviera strongly recommends vigorous apotemnophilia.


    LOL I had to google "apotemnophilia" hehe... pic makes sense now :smile:
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    This topic just gives me a headache. I work in healthcare. I have seen many people go on it. I have seen many people think they are seeing a miracle. I have seen many people then get sick and lose their hair, have skin issues, end up needing surgery, etc. due to HCG. I agree that any doctor that tells a patient it is okay to use HCG needs to seriously have their credibility re-examined. There is no research that shows HCG itself works. It is dangerous and it really saddens me to see so many people putting their faith in something I have seen do damage to so many people's health. I truly am concerned for those of you that are trying this approach and urge you to please try safer methods of weight loss. I promise that there is another way.
  • thin150
    thin150 Posts: 48 Member
    I am not taking any HCG but my friend is and she has lost 19 lbs in 21 days! I have asked her if she gets hunger pains and she says she doesn't but she has had some hair loss. Also she looks sickly thin which creeps me out. At what cost is she losing weight and will she gain it back? I don't know. It doesnt seem like the program to go for. Be safe.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    Why do people insist putting so many foreign things in their bodies? Why is eating healthy and exercising so hard? Why is discipline always a problem?

    I hate these damn excuses about the healthy way "not working for me". yes, there are slow metabolisms, yes there are people that lose weight slower, but at the end of the day, to lose weight, calories int < calories out and that's it. 500 cal a day is going to make you lose weight, no matter who you are. It's unhealthy because it is way too little (been there done that) and at some point you will get sick, no doubt about it. But yes, it is working. Ravaging your body and working. Getting you thin and working. But not sustaining you to actually live and enjoy life. just weight loss.

    Why the hell would anyone want to add HCG to this? You dont produce HCG except when you are pregnant (human CORIONIC gonadotrophin people!) therefore why need it when you are not? Hormone treatments are sketchy as it is, it's really difficult to balance them out even if you are supplementing something that is missing, let alone something that you dont need at all...

    I mentioned it earlier, but if you are going to lose weight at any cost, why not just take crystal meth or heroin or something, because that "helps" too...:grumble:
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