Name 1 odd/unique/unusual fact about yourself



  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I used to stick snakes in my pockets & cleavage when I worked as a snake handler at a local wildlife reserve. Had to put them SOMEWHERE while cleaning the cages... & body heat makes them sleep!
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    I'm allergic to aluminum and nickel. :D
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    I prefer eating cereal at night rather than for breakfast. And I like it soggy, not crispy.
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. i can also touch my nose and chin with my tongue. however i cannot fold it back on itself
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I LOOOVE having my feet tickled! :happy:
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    haha okie, I love drinking milk from a sippy cup. just like a baby.. and some guys say it turns them on lmao
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    Seventeen years ago, I was hit by a car and sustained immediately life-threatening injuries and was in a coma for weeks. Head damage, brain trauma, multiple compound fractures, etc. Wasn't supposed to survive. Wasn't supposed to come out of the coma three weeks later with an intact, functional brain. Docs were amazed at my progress, but told me I would never walk again unassisted. Today, I walk 3 to 5 miles EVERY day...because I can. I have dozens of implanted metal bits holding me together, but you'd never tell by looking at me. Aside from a slight limp, it's all just something that happened long ago and I barely remember any of it anyway. But I can tell you stories about coming out of a coma... :)
  • eatmeingo

    My eyes are ****ing enormous. It may be contrast-y (old, high school era camwhore photos haha) but that's not enhanced at all.
  • ladywolfkahn
    I have no toe nails..on either foot. No one ever notices though when I wear sandles...thank goodness. My fingernails make up for it though...have to cut them every few weeks or they get freakishly long and ewww curl like claws.
  • eatmeingo
    I have no toe nails..on either foot. No one ever notices though when I wear sandles...thank goodness. My fingernails make up for it though...have to cut them every few weeks or they get freakishly long and ewww curl like claws.

    No toenails? Doesn't it hurt...?
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    I have a freckle on my top lip that no one knows about, and one on the bottom of my foot. :)
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I eat basic shaped foods around the sides and eat the middle last.

    This includes (but not limited to): waffles, sandwiches, pancakes, toast, burger buns, etc....hahaha
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I am allergic to wine and break out in a rash, but only on my chest , with the first sip.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    Tell me your birthday and I'll tell you what day of the week you were born on in a few seconds.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I have no memory before the age of eight thanks to amnesia. I had to learn EVERYTHING again.

    sort of like that, Woke up from a coma not remembering anything or anyone when I was 7 I think. found out later I was pronounced dead once while in the coma but then my vitals came back on there own. but I don't remember any of it :)
  • eatmeingo
    I eat basic shaped foods around the sides and eat the middle last.

    This includes (but not limited to): waffles, sandwiches, pancakes, toast, burger buns, etc....hahaha

    I have to do this too! The middle always has to go last haha. I do the same thing with plates of food.
  • Kassieisproud
    My tongue is so short i cant touch the top of my upper lip but i can roll it in three directions
  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    I can write anything backwards without having to think about it.
    I can also write backwards with my left hand and forwards with my right hand at the same time.

    so cool!!!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I am one of the best bakers / chefs I know... and I'm the world's pickiest eater. I very often master cooking dishes that I cannot or will not taste.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I don't grow armpit hair.