Name 1 odd/unique/unusual fact about yourself



  • such a cool thread. I was reading about people needing the fan on, even in winter, and it reminded me- I need covers, even in the most humid, horribly hot summer night- I will have at least the sheet on. Somewhere I will strike a balance between what clothes I'm wearing and how many covers, but I WILL have the covers on :) The clothes will be sacrificed if needed :tongue: but then of course, that brings up my obsession with comfy pajama pants.... it never ends!!! :frown:

    Ditto to this! I'm the exact same way!!! :wink:
  • I was just diagnosed with PCOS --

    So sorry to hear that! :frown:
  • My wife and I are psychically linked. This is odd for me because I don't generally don't believe in astrology, parapsychology, or metaphysics.

    People have tried to convince me it's just us knowing each other really well, but there have been too many instances of us being in separate places physically but sharing thoughts or feelings. Normally it's pretty normal stuff.

    It's gone as far as we will be in separate rooms and I will actually hear her call me and when I respond she says "I didn't call you...but I was thinking about it."

    Trust me when I say you do NOT want to play board games against us. =)
  • I can wear children's shoes

    I can fit into my little 8 y/o brother's shoes better than he can! And my shoes are too small for him.
  • The top of one of my ears is round and the other one is pointed.
  • Whitney Houston was my distant cousin (I never met her, but still pretty sad about her death), aaaand I HAVE to weigh myself like 5 or 6 times a day.

  • I am IN LOVE with your artwork. It is amazing, You will make a living with it. What an amazing talent you have! :)
  • I am a trained singer and a professional (though I suppose should call myself ex since haven't done anything in a year or two) piano player, to the point where I was paid at a young age to travel around other countries and perform. Oh and for some strange reason my first two fingers on both hands point (and push down) completely sideways, and I can bend the top on my fingers without bending the middle joint first, freaky.

    I can do the finger thing as well, but only with my pointer finger and pinky finger on my left hand!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I was born on LEAP DAY!! The doctors told my mom that she could pick my birthday. Either Feb 28th or March 1. She picked March 1st. This year I actually have a birthday.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    My ancestors include some of the first people to colonize Jamestown (uncles at Roanoake, and the first Breach of Promise lawsuit in American history was against one of my ancestors), people who took the same route as they showed in Gangs of New York to flee the carniage of the Civil War, and William the Conqueror, King John, Duncan, etcetera.
  • I was born on LEAP DAY!! The doctors told my mom that she could pick my birthday. Either Feb 28th or March 1. She picked March 1st. This year I actually have a birthday.

    Lucky! I wish I was born on leap day! That would somehow make me feel really cool.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I can pass the written portion of the Michigan Cosmetology Licensing.

    I am also (was in high school) a mime, a dj, sound technician, certified scuba diver, licensed motorcyclist, blackbelt, thesbian, and lived in switzerland
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    I have double jointed hips and fingers :))
  • kaitleigh89
    kaitleigh89 Posts: 6 Member
    im a little obsessed with teenage mutant ninja turtles.
    michaelangelo is my fav
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Let's see, I have a few!
    -I can put my foot behind my head
    -I lived at a camp-site for a few months when I was a kid
    -My eyes are normally blue, but are green when I'm relaxed, and grey when I cry
    -I have an abnormally large ribcage compared to normal people!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    I can hear dead people. sucks.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I am a Bassoon player.

    The weird looks I get from people because they dont know what a bassoon looks like is hillarious! Then when I show them what it looks like, they all think it looks like a bazooka! LOL!!!!
  • I am adopted. I can roll my belly (like a belly dancer) and I can fit my fist in my mouth :)
  • Floridaboiler
    Floridaboiler Posts: 51 Member
    I am a former rugby player.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I count stairs every time I go up or down them.

    I do this too! I can also write backwards.