Can we do "Find your twin" again? So fun!



  • Mazza4011
    Mazza4011 Posts: 38 Member
    Okay, here goes

    Gender: Male

    Age: 46

    Height: 5'11

    SW: 354

    CW: 330

    GW: Anything under 200lbs

    NSV's: Too many to mention, some of which I've achieved already. :smile:
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    Where is my twin!!!

    Gender: Female
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 198 (187 when I started MFP)
    CW: 177
    GW: 150
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member

    Love Zumba, Yoga and Pilates
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'0
    SW: 198
    CW: 189
    GW: 140

    I know I'm short, but any twins out there?

    We are about as close to twins as I think we are going to get :happy:

    Age: 36
    Height 5'6"
    SW: 195

    I always wanted twiblings! Please feel free to add me as a friend and anyone else who can relate. I am married with 4 kids, 2 cats, and a doggie. I recently bought a treadmill and have great friends who have been very supportive. Except when they cheat and drink Pepsi it makes me want to cheat, teagirl, dolphonlover, i'm looking at you! rofl I love you guys!
  • danielle_jeanne
    danielle_jeanne Posts: 58 Member
    Love this! Found a few people who are close to me- added them :)!
    here's me
    age: 23
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 189
    CW: 167
    GW: 120?
  • Age: 28
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 191.8 (SW on MFP = 125)
    CW: 123.6
    GW: 95 - 100
  • azeiha
    azeiha Posts: 9 Member
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 344+
    CW: 290
    GW: 180
  • Abalicious11
    Abalicious11 Posts: 42 Member
    Age 21
    Height 5'8
    ST 211
    CW 201.5
    Gw 170
  • baileyke33
    baileyke33 Posts: 1 Member
    This sounds fun! Great way to meet people:) I wonder if I have a twin.....

    Gender: Female
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 156
    CW: 149
    GW: 135
  • Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 245
    CW: 199
    GW: 175

    NSV goals: BMI in a healthy range,single digit jeans,medium shirt,great family pictures

    feel free to add me!
  • Female
    Age 37
    Ht 5'8"
    CW & SW 173
    GW 155

    I want to be able to run 2 miles a day again and fit into my old size 9/10 jeans. I like the energy I had while working out. 155 is my ideal weight; anything less and I look too thin. I've fallen off the wagon for 7 months but I'm ready now for a lifestyle change.
    Think your the closest
    I am 36
    SW 172
    CW 170
    GW 152
  • hikixx
    hikixx Posts: 13
    I want a twin too!!!

    Height 5'7
    Age 30
    SW: 240
    CW: 214
    GW 150 or less! :)

    Losing weight with Zumba, Turbo Jam and healthier eating habits!
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25 (in like 2 days)
    Height: 5'11"
    SW: 180
    CW: 214 (i bulked through winter... yes on purpose)
    GW: 8-10% body fat (having a weight goal is silly)

    I lift weights, and yes even do cardio.
  • Haven't found my twin yet either...

    Age: 37
    Height 5'11"
    SW: 182 on MFP (highest was 306 in the summer of 2007)

    I want to wear a two piece bathing suit and lay on the beach without fearing people will think I've beached myself....LOL. Seriously I want to be able to keep up with and inspire my daughter to live healthy and embrace physical activity!!!
  • I need a twin!
    Height 5'
    Age 37
    SW 229
    GW 140 OR LESS
  • I'm hardly on the forums, but this seems like a good way to make more friends here! :D

    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 141 (but I think when I joined MFP I was 148)
    CW: 130
    GW: 120

    I want to be in better shape; be able to jog for more than a minute at a time; and as cliche as it sounds, I want a flat stomach. :P I've had chub there as long as I can remember.
  • sandybeachez
    sandybeachez Posts: 69 Member
    Gender Female
    Age 33

    I get jealous when I see others lose 7 pounds in a week. I seem to be stuck on the 160s. It seems like my body get here and chills out. I need a twin who needs 20-30 lbs to lose.
  • eclare87
    eclare87 Posts: 97 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'2"
    SW: Around 130 on MFP, but I used to be around 150 like two years ago
    CW: 128
    GW: 115

    Why is the last ten-ish pounds so hard? Need more twins to get past this plateau. :)
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    Starting weight: 262
    Current weight: 206.2
    Goal weight: 150-160 (I think)

    NSV. I want to wear "normal" clothing and feel sexy for myself/my hubby and be able to be active with my daughter.
    Please add if you are my "twin"