Looking like a gym horror!!!



  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    Wear a headband to keep your bangs back and bring a towel to wipe the sweat while you're working out. Wipe off make-up BEFORE working out - then you won't have mascara run (if you have that). The redness is just going to be there.
  • Ambamm77
    You don't. That's what you look like when you do it right.

    this! I always look horrible after a great work out.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    You don't. That's what you look like when you do it right.

  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I get mad if I barely broke a sweat LOL. Try a sweat/hair band and bring towel. I'm sure someone said this already.
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    I don't care how I look in the gym. I'm just glad I'm in the gym in the first place.
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    The sad truth is a lot of people go to the gym to just stand around and socialize. They are the ones that barely if ever sweat. You WANT to be sweaty and exhausted. It is the only way you are going to improve and get in better shape.
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    When I finish at the gym, my hair is completely wet (I'm a head sweater,) my face is red and purple blotchy, I have a sweat mark from my neckline to halfway down my shirt, and if I made the mistake of wearing the wrong mascara, I have bit of the raccoon eye going on. And I feel GOOD. If I don't look like that when I'm done I feel like I haven't done anything. And even though I look like hell, I feel sexier anyway! So strange...
  • lisaslim1976
    There are 2 young girls who go to my gym...they come in all made up and hair perfect, they go on the excercise bikes and have a gentle pedal, then they have some water, then they might have a walk on the treadmill.....think they only come in to look at the young lads weight lifting! Whilst im red as a beetroot looking like ive been dunked in the sea....:laugh:
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    When I see a woman, all sweaty and looking a mess, I'm impressed she is working out so hard. I've seen some woman who come into the gym with their hair all brushed and makeup on, and they workout to preserve the look they came in with. Not impressed at all.

    I go into the gym looking a mess, waiting for the sweat to make my hair look less messy.

    Yes! Thank you!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I don't. I also don't care what I look like at the gym LOL.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i belong to lifetime fitness. and the people there are SOOO pretty, even when they work out!! there is a group of "boot campers" that wear SKIRTS to work out in! ( and apparently, they cost like 200.00 a piece!) i mean these are very fit and beautiful people. even the guys look good working out! LOL

    i always leave there a mess though. sweaty and my face is usually either bright red of blotchy as all get up. but, i don't really care. i do not make eye contact with a single person at the gym, LOL! it's like if i don't look at them, i'm invisible or something ;-)

    they have a name for the women in the skirts......... i forget what it is now, but it makes me laugh!!
  • worldgirl28
    You don't. That's what you look like when you do it right.

    Agree 1000000%
  • tracysway
    tracysway Posts: 67 Member
    No possible way to do... you are either there to workout or to look cute you can't do both.

  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    After a hard workout in the gym today, I looked at myself in the changing room mirror, and was horrified!! I had sweat everywhere, my face for bright red and my fringe (bangs) was plastered to my head. Girls - how do you stay looking at least half decent in the gym whilst working really hard???????

    Never cared what I look like in the gym, at all. I don't mind looking at me. I did however, buy all of the equipment that I used in the gym so I don't have to look at everyone else. :p
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    After a hard workout in the gym today, I looked at myself in the changing room mirror, and was horrified!! I had sweat everywhere, my face for bright red and my fringe (bangs) was plastered to my head. Girls - how do you stay looking at least half decent in the gym whilst working really hard???????

    You looked exactly like your'e supposed to look. That's what hard work looks like. If you look "halfway decent" then you're not working hard enough.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i wanted to add, that chalene johnson, who does the turbo fire dvd program says, at the end of one of her workouts, " you can come into my class looking cute, but you better not leave looking cute." or something along those lines. i like that. because really, if you're working as hard as you should be, you should not leave a gym looking good. you should not look cute, or pretty. unless of course you've showered and done your hair and makeup afterwards!
  • GoStaceyGo
    GoStaceyGo Posts: 29 Member
    i dont bother to look good, no makeup cuz i sweat it off, i cut about 10 inches off my hair because it was annoying so ill do a french braid or a pony, sometimes a baseball cap
  • tracysway
    tracysway Posts: 67 Member
    if I don't look like a red sweaty gross mess, I don't feel like I worked out hard enough and I go back to the gym after work. I don't want to cheat myself.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You don't. That's what you look like when you do it right.

  • Sullivanwilson
    Sullivanwilson Posts: 30 Member
    I love sweating, or maybe it's the endorphins I get from sweaty-activities that make me think I love it. Whatever. Embrace your inner beast! I think men and women look great when they've been working out hard.

    The uber-coiffed people at a gym just look silly to me. Or anywhere for that matter.