MFP Runner's Club



  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm with you Raymond and Kechie--I love to give people a "happy hello" on a run. I have scared a few people on trails before, though. I guess I run more quietly than I thought!

    5 for me yesterday (sort of a run/walk due to lack of motivation), a much better 4 today.

    Becky, you are not being selfish if you want your friends to arrive on time, if they agreed to the time they should stick to it! It is even so much more important to get out early now that summer is kicking in. That being said, 7.1 miles in 66 minutes sounds pretty good to me!

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    My rant... why does everyone HATE cyclists???? I get flipped off, honked at, and buzzed all the time. I actually confronted some kids who flipped me off a couple weeks ago. Found em at the gas station and asked "you the fella's that gave me the bird back there?" Just thought it worth the confrontation to make them uncomfortable.... and it worked.

    I had a glass bottle thrown at me once when I was riding, and it wasn't an accident - I heard the driver cackling inside the vehicle. I may or may not have severely defaced this person's car while i was at a stoplight with my keys when I rode past and then rode into the woods. I can neither confirm nor deny the truthfulness of these claims until the statue of limitations has passed.

    I wonder how much it costs to get key marks buffed and repainted on a BMW on 3 sides?

    I can understand getting flipped off, but trying to injure someone? People do all kinds of things to riders, be it bike, motorcycle, or horseback. My mother once had someone shake a can of soda and spray it into her horse's eyes as she walked past. There are just some flat out sadistic people out there... that's all I can guess.
  • runnerwithstyle
    runnerwithstyle Posts: 146 Member
    I played tennis then I ran 6 miles
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    No running for me today unless I can get out of work early enough. It's my 14 hour work day. I'll be glad when summer term at the college is over...I'm tired of teaching and can use a little bit of a break.

    Happy Running everyone!!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    7 miles for me this morning. Mixing things up this week. Living on the edge.:laugh: A HOT and humid run at 7 am this morning.

    Rant: I am a friendly runner. I wave or say "good morning" to the people I see along my route. I don't mind if people stop me and ask for directions. This morning a very nice lady stopped me and ever so politely apologized for interrupting me and asked me for directions. I stopped and spent 30 seconds helping her get directions. Do you know that she then did not follow my directions?!:explode:

    Enjoy the day

    She didn't ask you again when she circled around because she was lost, did she? :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well, 10 miles didn't happen today. I was supposed to meet some friends to run at 8:15....waited for one until 8:30. The other was supposed to catch us at 9:15, showed up at 9:30 and only had 30 minutes instead of the hour we'd planned. Grrr! Am I being selfish to want to stick to an agreed on time? I am working towards training for a half marathon and only 1 of the other 3 buddies has shown up on time. I don't want to be nasty, but 9:30 is too late in SC when going for distance!!!
    Okay, done whining!

    I don't think you are being selfish at all. Last year when I was training for my half marathon, I would meet experienced marathoners for a long (2 hours) run. They were serious about their training and they were never late. They always arrived early to stretch and hydrate so we could start running at the designated meeting time. It made a real impression on me and I was never tardy.

    Oh by the way, stopping sweating and getting the chills are HUGE red flags. I am so glad you and your friend listened to your bodies. :heart:
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Julie ~ I'm doing my 1st tempo run tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous!

    Msarro~ you are funny...sounds like self-defense to me! :tongue: Way to go on the 10k program!

    Christine ~ keep us posted on the injury. So sorry you're still hurting! :frown:

    Leash ~ definitely report back on the water bottle, please! I'm looking seriously into a fuel belt.

    Jodi ~ thanks for the encouragement! :smile:

    Raymond ~ sorry about your bad bike rides. I'm very cautious around cyclists. I slow down and go out as far as possible to give them plenty of room.

    Kechie ~ thanks for the positive reinforcement! I think I will talk to the other ladies and just put it out there, that I'll give them a 5 minute window and then I'm off to run. In defense of the lost lady...I know I've been given clear directions and immediately gone the wrong direction I was told to go! I can get lost inside a room with 2 doors! :wink:

    Runner with style ~Tennis and a 6 mile run! Wow! That's a lot of running!

    We are friendly runners but have noticed a definite trend.....9 out of 10 men wave or say *hi*! 9 out of 10 women don't...and the cars which almost take us out are ALWAYS driven by women! :grumble:

    If I missed, anyone, my apologies! I hope you have a great run!

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Okay Becky -- we'll both report back tomorrow. I keep thinking it's just 3 suck it up! I must admit when I am finished I feel like I have accomplished something. And just so you know,....the fact that I can't breath is NOT the only thing I accomplish :bigsmile: Good luck -- can't wait to hear how it went!!!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Okay Becky -- we'll both report back tomorrow. I keep thinking it's just 3 suck it up! I must admit when I am finished I feel like I have accomplished something. And just so you know,....the fact that I can't breath is NOT the only thing I accomplish :bigsmile: Good luck -- can't wait to hear how it went!!!

    LOL! That's what I keep's only 3 miles...we CAN do it! :happy:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    OK great news, I LOVE the nathan sprint WATER BOTTLE!!! It was the perfect amount and you can just squirt the water right into your mouth, I barely noticed it in my hand! It was 17 dollars, I got mine at a running store but I'm sure you could find it online somewhere...

    Did 8 miles this morning, great run :happy: Happy Running all!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Hi everyone!

    The board is hopping today! :happy: I love it - such good advice and I'm feeling the love! :tongue:

    Becky - I've notice too that male runners are a bit more "happy" and friendly. I try to be a happy runner - either saying hi, good morning or at least the little low runner's wave. There are times when I don't, though - and that is when I am completely struggling and dogging it and I see a completely fit runner coming towards me with perfect form and incredible pace. That's when I grumble at what seems to be their boundless energy and my lack there of! :laugh: Also- far as water bottles go, this is what I use. I've posted it before, so forgive me if I'm repeating myself to you. It is a belt and I find that I'm not bothered by it at all. I normally only use it on my long runs. Good luck in finding something that works!

    Christine - I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I know it is tough, but please take care of yourself!

    RunnerwithStyle - Yeah! Another tennis player. I've just started again after a long hiatus. I'm glad to be playing again!

    Kechie - you're just an awesome person. It shines through in all of your posts! Your positivity is such an asset to this thread. Thanks!

    Yesterday I rested. Today at did 8.5 and felt pretty good. Enjoy your day everyone!
  • K2T4e2n6
    K2T4e2n6 Posts: 50
    Okay so if anyone could give me some pointers/tips/etc that would be really awesome.

    I hate running. There I've said it. I used to run occasionally (and by run I mean jog) and found it relaxing but since entering the military and having to do mandatory runs every other day it pretty much killed whatever motivation I had.

    I have a twice yearly fitness run that I struggle through. It's not the physical part (it's only a mile and a half) it's the mental part. I always get this dread it will never end feeling and it totally blows my concentration and consequently I always do terribly.

    What's a good way to stay motivated and get rid of the I'd rather be (insert worst nightmare here) than doing this test??

    I have a test coming up on Thursday and I had a practice run today that I quite literally slogged through.

    Not sure if slogged is a real word but it's a pretty accurate description of how slow I was.

    Any ideas??
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Haven't been around much - but ran 4.5 today -

    however - word to the wise don't run with a threat of severe thunderstorms in the forecast, even it it's not raining

    I beat my best time ever LOL - running dodging lightning. Came home soaking wet - but acutally like d running in the rain.

    Have a great day
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well, 10 miles didn't happen today. I was supposed to meet some friends to run at 8:15....waited for one until 8:30. The other was supposed to catch us at 9:15, showed up at 9:30 and only had 30 minutes instead of the hour we'd planned. Grrr! Am I being selfish to want to stick to an agreed on time? I am working towards training for a half marathon and only 1 of the other 3 buddies has shown up on time. I don't want to be nasty, but 9:30 is too late in SC when going for distance!!!
    Okay, done whining!

    Raymond, I listened to you and realized I had stopped sweating around mile 6 and my only remaining running buddy (the other's went back after 3)started complaining about chills at mile 7, so we stopped. You know, it is harder to admit you're struggling and stop ~ than trying to *gut* it out. Mentally, I know we made the right call, but emotionally I feel like we could have pushed through and made at least another mile. But, I took your advice and listened to my body!

    7.1 miles in 66 minutes, I'll live with that.


    I don't think it's whining to complain about people being 15 minutes late for a run. People have jobs to get to, kids to take care of, places to be, not to mention if you have been running for half an hour and you are supposed to pick someone up and end up standing around, it really messes up your run. It's just inconsiderate. (My group will give you about 2 minutes grace - if you are later than that, you have to catch us:laugh: )

    The thing to remember about 'gutting it out' on your runs is that, for most of us, we run for fun and fitness, and the racing is only to provide focus or to help set goals. Collapsing from heat exhaustion is not a productive way of advancing your training (and down-right dangerous for your health), so why push it when you are having red flags like chills and stop sweating. When you realize you are in trouble, ease up (or quit) and chalk it up to experience and plan for a better run next time. Run safe and smart, and save the gutting it out for when you're trying to qualify for the Olympic team and that extra effort really makes a difference in your life. Just my perspective.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Okay so if anyone could give me some pointers/tips/etc that would be really awesome.

    I hate running. There I've said it. I used to run occasionally (and by run I mean jog) and found it relaxing but since entering the military and having to do mandatory runs every other day it pretty much killed whatever motivation I had.

    I have a twice yearly fitness run that I struggle through. It's not the physical part (it's only a mile and a half) it's the mental part. I always get this dread it will never end feeling and it totally blows my concentration and consequently I always do terribly.

    What's a good way to stay motivated and get rid of the I'd rather be (insert worst nightmare here) than doing this test??

    I have a test coming up on Thursday and I had a practice run today that I quite literally slogged through.

    Not sure if slogged is a real word but it's a pretty accurate description of how slow I was.

    Any ideas??

    I think part of it is because you're focusing too much on the running. With the test you *have* to do it in a set amount of time, so you have to concentrate on getting it done. So you're focused entirely on the run. Ever heard the saying a watched pot never boils?

    When I run for fun, I'm usually thinking about everything but the run. My finances, ideas I have, how cute that girl running the other way is, that the Heron I see in the river is really beautiful, etc.

    Try playing mind games with yourself, promise yourself anything that will keep you going. Tell yourself that if you make it to the next post, you can stop. But when you reach it tell yourself, "man, that was easy, I can do that a few more times and be done."

    We don't all enjoy running. If you do enjoy it, I suggest trying some interval training/uphill sprints to make it seem a little bit less hellish :smile:

    It is true though, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Haven't been around much - but ran 4.5 today -

    however - word to the wise don't run with a threat of severe thunderstorms in the forecast, even it it's not raining

    I beat my best time ever LOL - running dodging lightning. Came home soaking wet - but acutally like d running in the rain.

    Have a great day

    See, I'm weird, because that sounds like an incredible amount of fun :laugh:
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    I get to run with my TEAM IN TRAINING group tonight! So excited! 4 mile run!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Okay so if anyone could give me some pointers/tips/etc that would be really awesome.

    I hate running. There I've said it. I used to run occasionally (and by run I mean jog) and found it relaxing but since entering the military and having to do mandatory runs every other day it pretty much killed whatever motivation I had.

    I have a twice yearly fitness run that I struggle through. It's not the physical part (it's only a mile and a half) it's the mental part. I always get this dread it will never end feeling and it totally blows my concentration and consequently I always do terribly.

    What's a good way to stay motivated and get rid of the I'd rather be (insert worst nightmare here) than doing this test??

    I have a test coming up on Thursday and I had a practice run today that I quite literally slogged through.

    Not sure if slogged is a real word but it's a pretty accurate description of how slow I was.

    Any ideas??
    Something that keeps my mind occupied on long runs / races is, once I have found my stride / rhythm and am running comfortably, I pick out a runner 50-100 yards ahead of me that is moving about the same pace and try to catch them before the next bridge / mile marker / whatever. You will have to push yourself to make up the distance, and when you have caught them, pick out another runner ahead and start chasing them instead. Keeps pushing you to keep the pace and makes it a game as well.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Msarro, funny story about the BMW... I had buddy that had stuff thrown at him too. BTW... Run and fun can get along... but it takes a killer cardio base and lot's of miles. You remind me so much of myself when I started running. It's lots of work getting to each milestone, I lost about 50lbs, and just kept at it. My first race was an 8k, and was so proud to finish in 52 minutes. I'll never forget it.

    JoJo... that is too funny/scary with storm running... been there... done that too... it was so bad the weather sirens sounded, the fam was in shelter, yep I am on the nature trail 3 miles from my car. I never did figure out what the "right" thing to do is? Stop, run harder, get away from tree's? I prayed and ran for my life!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    3.0 miles for me today, tried to get up early enough to beat the heat and go 5 but my body was tired!