MFP Runner's Club



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    LOL, Raymond!! I would have loved to have seen the grandma on her bike reading!

    I've had/seen:

    Cows that chase me for about a quarter of a mile (its really interesting,,,the bulls get brave then the rest of the herd follows me)

    I saw buzzards munching on road kill, too

    A skunk that I first thought was a cat until I got wayyy to close to it

    A bobcat up in a tree growling at me as I ran by

    A bunch of deer

    Horses that run with me until they run out of fence

    My neighbors dog who MUST greet me every time I warm up before my run

    Wild chickens and guiney hens that squawk at me because I'm disturbing their dinner

    I also saw a bear once on the side of the road when I was walking but I didnt get too close to it
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    Raymond and annaliza!! You guys are hilarious! I have seen a lot of the same things as annaliza because I live on a farm, out in the sticks in Kentucky! (No bobcats or bears, but I can relate to the cows and roadkill!

    I am still missing running! I finally decided to listen to the doc and physical therapist and do NO exersise this week at least. Go back on Fri.

    Good runs everybody!!

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  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Ok, I went and had some Harrison test thingy done yesterday so I could see how I walk. My arches are pretty decent but right in the center of the ball of my foot (both feet) is where I exert most of the pressure from gait. My doctor said the 2nd toe and 3rd toe take most of the pressure when I push off while walking or running. Not good. He thinks this is what is causing my problems with my shins.

    So he sends me to our running store for inserts in my shoes. I take the little ink prints of my feet and show them to the running store owner and he says "Wow, I think doc was right about this causing some of your problems." He fit me for inserts for my shoes.

    Baby Steps. Baby Steps! I wore the inserts last night for a litte while and this morning I walked 3-4 miles with the girls. No strolling. My max hr was 147. Not bad. My shin does NOT hurt but now the balls of my feet do. Can't I catch a break here! I guess I have to get used to the inserts and the way it distributes the weight on my feet.

    All you runners have a great day and everyone suffering from an injury, don't push it. Let yourself heal :flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Sherry, Msarro, and Christine - get well soon:heart:

    Another rest day for me. I walked for 30 minutes with my daughter this morning and did one of 8 minutes in the morning weight routines.

    Funny things I've seen or heard on my run:
    I was once chased by a cat. Yes, a cat! Not sure what I did but he was angry.

    Heard a coyote while running with a friend. We laughed that if he came out of the woods he would eat the slower of the two of us.

    Saw a fox very casually cross the road.

    In the dark, saw a very large deer running down the road in my subdivision.

    Early one morning while running on the golf course, I saw a couple making out behind their house. I hope they live there.:embarassed: Of course I yelled good morning. They were quite embarrassed.

    Enjoy the day
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Good morning...

    Did a nice 6 miles this morning, felt awesome doing it. I wanted to go 8 but ran out of time :mad:

    Oh well, I guess work is kind of important too. :drinker: Here's to the weekend!!!

    Six miles is better than no miles, right?? :tongue: It stinks that the work thing cuts into our running time, doesn't it? You're the one doing the Philly Distance Run, right? Me too, and so are a couple of other girls on the board. Looking forward to it!!


    Yes, I am doing the Philly Run. Right now I just hope to finish, but every time I get out and run distances it feels SOOO much easier. This week I started doing some tempo runs. I can feel the speed is inside me somewhere, I just need to get it out of me. :laugh: I hope to see some of you all there, it should be an awesome time. :drinker:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I ventured outdoors today -- and it was HOT -- even at 5:30am!!! Did 4 miles. I think I need to get out more cause I'm a treadmill sissy! :embarassed: I've got to get used to the heat and humidity. Going to try again tomorrow!

    OMG the posts about seeing funny things are cracking me up!!!

    Raymond -- you must elaboate on the squirrel -- makes me think of the movie Elf when he's attacked by the racoon -- does somebody need a hug??? (hope you've seen it or else that is just not funny at all!)

    Kechie -- way to go on embarrassing the make-out kids -- that's just hilarious! I LOVE that you shouted hello! And being chased by a cat -- what in the world!

    Annaliza -- glad to hear you were able to run through the pain. I wish I had more knowledge of "injuries" to be helpful.

    Leash -- I have GOT to get one of those bottles if it makes you want to run more! ....or maybe I should ask -- what are you putting in it???? :bigsmile:

    Shuntae -- GOOD LUCK on your race -- can't wait to hear all about it!!!

    Sherry -- you just can't catch a break can you!!! The way I see it your poor body is started to like having an ailment -- so maybe if you put a bandaid on your finger you can trick it into thinking it's hurt and you can still run! :wink:

    Hope you all have a HAPPY THURSDAY!!!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    SC, Good luck on your race!!!! I'm really excited for you! Let us know how it goes.

    Leash and Heather, thanks so much for the advice (and Becky, too). It worked like a charm!! I was able to run about 3 miles tonight without stopping and it felt great. At first I was in pain but I worked through it and kind of ignored it. Then I got into "my zone" and it went away. I still don't know what happened or what it was, but, I dont care!!! I can still run!!!!! (lol, ok, I'm still on my running high/hormonal boost hehehe).

    Happy Running everyone!!

    Yay! I'm glad the pain worked itself out. LOL @ your runner's high. :laugh:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Ok, I went and had some Harrison test thingy done yesterday so I could see how I walk. My arches are pretty decent but right in the center of the ball of my foot (both feet) is where I exert most of the pressure from gait. My doctor said the 2nd toe and 3rd toe take most of the pressure when I push off while walking or running. Not good. He thinks this is what is causing my problems with my shins.

    So he sends me to our running store for inserts in my shoes. I take the little ink prints of my feet and show them to the running store owner and he says "Wow, I think doc was right about this causing some of your problems." He fit me for inserts for my shoes.

    Baby Steps. Baby Steps! I wore the inserts last night for a litte while and this morning I walked 3-4 miles with the girls. No strolling. My max hr was 147. Not bad. My shin does NOT hurt but now the balls of my feet do. Can't I catch a break here! I guess I have to get used to the inserts and the way it distributes the weight on my feet.

    All you runners have a great day and everyone suffering from an injury, don't push it. Let yourself heal :flowerforyou:

    Alright, Sherry! That's good news that the doctor thinks he found a source to the problem. I hope the inserts do the trick! :flowerforyou:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Rainman, Kechie and Annaliza - I'm laughing at the strange sights that you've encountered. You're right Raymond, that biking Granny takes the cake! LOL:laugh:

    My runs are very boring compared to you guys. I'm ok with that! LOL:laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Come on Heather -- you must admit that being chased by a crazy cat or having a squirrel hitch a ride would certainly spice things up a bit!!!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Happy Thursday Runners :flowerforyou:
    I had a nice session of speedwork at the track today. I don't think I have ever sweated so much in my life. I did 400 meter sprints with 1 minute rests in between for a total of 3 miles. I finally learned how to use my new Garmin and I am loving the lap resets, really helps with training.
  • K2T4e2n6
    K2T4e2n6 Posts: 50
    Hey! Thanks for taking the time out to offer up some tips and advice on how to make my run less...well, I don't want to say painful :laugh: but I DID finish and with a much faster time than I'm used to. I'm completely exhausted but I definitely feel good.

    Almost good enough to go out and do it again tomorrow!!

    Thanks again!!!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Squirrel story is cute too, poor little fella. Not quite like elf, but love that movie. Crew of us riding along at a good clip, maybe 25 MPH. Little squirrel decided to run across the road in the middle of our pack. Somehow he catches a front wheel, and gets sucked between the down tube of the bike and the front wheel. The wheel just kept pulling him into the frame putting a skid mark on the poor fella’s tummy. I was riding next to him and could see the terror in his eyes. My buddy slowed down (amazing he did not crash) and after about 10 seconds he could get out and scurried off.

    Kechie.. that’s funny, way to be the friendly runner! There’s a wooded park I often run at after work. I call it the EMA circle (extra-marital affair)! We do the same loop, so we see it all. One car shows up, and a person just enjoys bird watching, how nice. Another car shows up, hmm.. where did the bird watcher go… and what the heck is going on inside that SUV? It’s a common sighting on EMA circle…. who needs to watch TV for drama? :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:

    You learn to pay attention to everything going when you run, there are truly amazing things that happen everyday.... only if you take the time to notice.

    Nuff stories from me.... great job everyone!

  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Love the stories!! :laugh: I don't have anything as funny to add, but here is what I do have...
    The only incident I've had lately was while running back by my house, I scared a squirrel straight into my cat's path. Cat caught the squirrel, cat lost the squirrel, both went up the tree, cat got squirrel again, frantic human yelled at cat (thinking rabies,etc) cat lost squirrel, human had lots of adrenaline for the next mile!
    There was also the bird chasing the squirrel on Tuesday. Very funny....that bird was mad and the squirrel was scared!
    Short sprints and mile run with boot camp today. Tomorrow and Saturday will be longer runs...aiming for 5-7 each day.
    Thanks for the laughs! :happy:

  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    SIx mile tempo run in this morning. Lots of entertaining posts to come home to. Good day all around.
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Come on Heather -- you must admit that being chased by a crazy cat or having a squirrel hitch a ride would certainly spice things up a bit!!!

    Heck yeah it would! One of my best friends lives in the boonies and crosses paths with black bear all the time on h er runs. I actually bought her pepper spray so she could fend them off if she has to. Normally she'd have her poor boyfriend trail her in his car as she ran. That's a good boy! :tongue:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Just got back from a hot and sweaty 7-miler. Felt pretty good today and my legs are not nearly as noodly as I thought they'd be after yesterday's workout. Could my chubby legs be getting stronger??? Hmmm...:noway:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey y'all!

    No run for me today...I'm planning on a strength training day. Hoping to get my last run before my race in tomorrow so I can be good and rested for Sunday.

    Just so you know, my runs are not nearly as exciting as all this. I've seen some deer, ducks and rabbits at the park, but no bears or anything like that. :laugh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    jabdye- It was water in the water bottle! lol What do you think I have some special mix, if only! :happy:

    SatelliteCrush- Good luck on your race, you will do great!

    I don't think I have very many exciting running stories except one time I did see some huge guy running really fast (not a runner) down a hill with a huge stick in his hand, on the way back from my run I saw 4 cars that had been broken in to, yea I think he had something to do with that! Good ol' san bernardino, I can't wait to move to where theres a beautiful trail (one week!!!!)

    Did 10 this morning, I got out a little late so it was hot but still good. Happy Running!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • mandyibiza
    Try this website its free ive just started using it, its good to track your fitness activities and has lots of free training programmes..
    A year ago I could not run , I have since done half marathon and run about 3 or 4 10k runs a week in under 50 mins, so keep with it, my first 10k run was about 1hr 15
    Ran 12k tonight in an hour... The nike+ is good aswell as this motivates you when you compete with other runners in races... :wink: