MFP Runner's Club



  • sonia2
    sonia2 Posts: 154
    Enjoyed reading everyone's posts today- laughed alot!:laugh:

    Easy 2.5 miles this evening. HOT HOT
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Good morning...

    Did a nice 6 miles this morning, felt awesome doing it. I wanted to go 8 but ran out of time :mad:

    Oh well, I guess work is kind of important too. :drinker: Here's to the weekend!!!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Today is a rest day for me.

    Off to the pool!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Bailed on my tempo run today. I am trying to take your cumulative advice and listen to my body's cues. Tom, I especially appreciated your comment about running is something we do for fun and fitness! You're right, it won't do me any good to get hurt and lose days or weeks.
    So, when my legs, especially shins, screamed at me today, I listened and decided to cycle instead.
    I hope everyone has a terrific day! And thank you all for your advice and encouragement! :happy:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Anyone have any tips on getting rid of knee pain? I don't know if I twisted my knee or had it sitting wrong, but yesterday my knee just started hurting. It felt stiff and shot pain down my leg when I try to walk. Right now I'm kind of limping around and it feels like I need to "pop" it but just cant.

    I would like to work through it. It didn't happen because of just happened - it''s so weird. I plan to run this there something I can do to help me work through it before my run?

    Thanks in advance!

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Hurray -- it's Wednesday -- and my tempo run is complete!! WHEW!

    did 1 mile warmup at 10:10
    3 miles at 8:34
    1 mile cool down at 9:43

    The funning thing is I have 10 weeks till my 1/2 -- and it "predicts" I will run the 1/2 at a 8:39 pace -- HA!!! ROTFLMAO!!! There is NO WAY!!!! :noway: The crack smoker at runners world that came up with this training plan is just plain crazy!!! :laugh:

    Hope you all have a fabulous day -- come on weekend -- we're halfway there :bigsmile:
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Great run Julie! You are smokin'!!!:bigsmile:

    Annaliza, sorry about the knee. I know I was having weird foot pain a couple weeks ago, also not caused by running and it just went away on its own???? See how it feels tonight, maybe running will loosen it up, if it hurts too much, just walk. Just my thoughts on it. I'm sure one of our resident gurus will have better advice! :flowerforyou:

  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hi there everyone, I ran 5 miles this morning. Even at 5 a.m. the air was so thick and muggy :frown: but i enjoyed the run anyway. Great job everybody!!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Hurray -- it's Wednesday -- and my tempo run is complete!! WHEW!

    did 1 mile warmup at 10:10
    3 miles at 8:34
    1 mile cool down at 9:43

    The funning thing is I have 10 weeks till my 1/2 -- and it "predicts" I will run the 1/2 at a 8:39 pace -- HA!!! ROTFLMAO!!! There is NO WAY!!!! :noway: The crack smoker at runners world that came up with this training plan is just plain crazy!!! :laugh:

    Hope you all have a fabulous day -- come on weekend -- we're halfway there :bigsmile:

    Great run! You know...I thought the same thing with the Runner's World program, but there is something crazy that goes on come race really *are* prepared, and you're prepared to run at aa good pace. Not sure if it is the excitement that comes along with the race or what...but I think you'll surprise yourself and find that you will be able to handle that 8:39 pace. :happy:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Thanks Heather -- I sure do hope you're right!!!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I tweaked my tempo run today, since I missed it last week:

    2 mile warmup
    4 miles @ 8:30 pace with 104 stadium stairs between every mile
    1 mile cool down

    I'm sure I'll be feeling those stadium stairs in the AM. Yikes!:tongue:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Great run Julie! You are smokin'!!!:bigsmile:

    Annaliza, sorry about the knee. I know I was having weird foot pain a couple weeks ago, also not caused by running and it just went away on its own???? See how it feels tonight, maybe running will loosen it up, if it hurts too much, just walk. Just my thoughts on it. I'm sure one of our resident gurus will have better advice! :flowerforyou:


    Thanks Becky!! I sure appreciate you answering me :smile: I guess I'm just going to try to run on it and see how it goes.
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Great run Julie! You are smokin'!!!:bigsmile:

    Annaliza, sorry about the knee. I know I was having weird foot pain a couple weeks ago, also not caused by running and it just went away on its own???? See how it feels tonight, maybe running will loosen it up, if it hurts too much, just walk. Just my thoughts on it. I'm sure one of our resident gurus will have better advice! :flowerforyou:


    Thanks Becky!! I sure appreciate you answering me :smile: I guess I'm just going to try to run on it and see how it goes.

    I agree with Becky. Give a slow easy run a try and if you're feeling any pain, just walk. Make sure you stretch well afterward. Hope you're feeling better soon!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Good morning...

    Did a nice 6 miles this morning, felt awesome doing it. I wanted to go 8 but ran out of time :mad:

    Oh well, I guess work is kind of important too. :drinker: Here's to the weekend!!!

    Six miles is better than no miles, right?? :tongue: It stinks that the work thing cuts into our running time, doesn't it? You're the one doing the Philly Distance Run, right? Me too, and so are a couple of other girls on the board. Looking forward to it!!

  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Count me in for the 1/2 in Philly!! So excited! Today was a "cross training" day. Does jumping on the trampoline count?? I am having a hard time figuring out what to do on these days! Heading to the beach tonight! Yay!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Annaliza- You need to ice 20 min on 20 min off a few times a day, very important and helpful! :happy: Stretch well, try taking an anti-inflammatory like aleve or ibprofen, hope you feel better!

    I'm trying to decide whether or not to run today, I've been hitting the pavement pretty hard the last couple of weeks so I might take a day off, we'll see, maybe a quick one, I want to use my new water bottle again (yes I'm a nerd!)


    ~Leash :heart:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Got in my 5k today...much better than Monday's run. Hoping that I can get my pacing down better so I don't wait for so long to pick it up that I am sprinting and dying at the end. It will come in time, just will take practice. Four more days til the big race...I'm so freakin excited I don't know what to do with myself!

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    SC, Good luck on your race!!!! I'm really excited for you! Let us know how it goes.

    Leash and Heather, thanks so much for the advice (and Becky, too). It worked like a charm!! I was able to run about 3 miles tonight without stopping and it felt great. At first I was in pain but I worked through it and kind of ignored it. Then I got into "my zone" and it went away. I still don't know what happened or what it was, but, I dont care!!! I can still run!!!!! (lol, ok, I'm still on my running high/hormonal boost hehehe).

    Happy Running everyone!!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I enjoy lighthearted posts… so here you go. I had a top 3 sighting tonight while getting my bike ride in. There was a peacock just roaming the side of the road. A PEACOCK…. it’s Iowa…. what the ??? Anyway, it was worth organizing a top 12 list. :smile: :smile:

    Ray’s top 12 peculiar pedal sightings
    12 - Scare vulchers helping themselves to road-side leftovers
    11 - See guy’s doing 25 mph potty breaks…. uhh… excuse me?
    10 - See a wetbar seatpost attachment….loaded
    9 - Ride with Tom Arnold
    8 - See a wolf
    7 - Startle a bobcat
    6 - Have a badger chase me
    5 - Watch bald eagles
    4 - See 63mph
    3 - See a peacock roaming the side of the road
    2 - When riding 20+ mph, watch a squirrel jump on my buddy’s bike and go for a ride
    1 - Grandma on the nature trail, riding her bike no-handed, and reading a book….amazing

    It’s hard to beat Grandma…. I wish a thousand times I had a camera for that moment. How you ride, no handed, reading some novel, and not hit a tree, runner, or anything else!!! It looks like she’d been doing it for many miles too. Totally Amazing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Anyone else have some funny stuff to share, I love a good laugh! Life is amazing, totally amazing, but only if you take the time to recognize it.

  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Went for a 35 minute run today, low pace. I just kind of felt like going out and running, not quite sure how much distance I covered. The nike+ says about 4 miles with the warmup/cooldown.

    My right calf has a pulling feeling in my lower right leg, near my ankle. I'm wondering if its maybe because I haven't taken a day off of running since saturday? I'll take a rest day tomorrow and see how I feel.