MFP Runner's Club



  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    Hey everybody! I rested completely for 2 days, now I'm gonna make another attempt at running today.... Wish me luck! I've already gained a pound and a half from not running!!
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  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Good luck Christine. I hope your run is successfull and pain free.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Hope all our Dad's had a Happy Father's Day!

    I attempted to do my long run on Saturday -- I have been running this same 10.6 mile trail for the last several months -- with NO PROBLEMS! Until Saturday! It was 3pm and I'm embarrased to say 96 degrees. Since most of the trail is shaded I didn't think it would be a big deal -- that was until about mile 5 and the sparklies showed up and I almost fell out! Looking back on the day, I had only had a glass of milk and a 1/2 a cup of coffee :embarassed: obviously not enough for a crazy hot run! Yet another lesson learned!!! Felt totally defeated! I run so many of my run indoors that my one outdoor run is so much harder. I'm hoping to add another outdoor run to my schedule to try to get used to the heat/humidity! I have 11 weeks till the 1/2 :noway: Hopefully I can get this under control. any advice or suggestions on keeping hydrated -- please share!

    Did an easy 5.5 miles today -- indoors :wink:

    Hope you all have a happy Monday!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Heading on vacation tomorrow, we are heading to Florida for a week!!! Going to Disney of course, the kids can't wait! (ok, me too! :laugh: )

    Jess -- hope you have a fabulous vacation!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    It looks like a lot of us are sturggling with the heat and humidity. Right now I only do my long run outdoors -- the rest are on a treadmill. Does anyone have any solutions for dehydration? I tried carrying a water bottle - the kind that straps to your hand -- and although it helped with dehydration my shoulder was killing me! Any suggestions?

    I have one of those water bottles that straps to your hand too. I find that it messes up my running form too so I don't use it. Instead I drop water bottle(s) along my route on my way out. That way I can pick them up on the way back. I'm thinking about getting a belt that carries water. I am concerned about wearing a belt. I get so hot and sweaty I am not sure I want something snug on me.

    That was the runner store's other suggestion was a belt. I just can't imagine that it would be comfortable. I'm not sure what to try next. I took some of those jell-packs. They were awful -- it was like eating apple pie filling -- not at all what I wanted when I was sweating so bad. Just wanted water -- maybe I can get some of my nieces to stand strategically on the trail and hand me water :bigsmile: I must admit I was ready to tackle a bicyclist and steal his water bottle!!! Desperate times call for desperate measures!!!:ohwell:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Hey everybody! I rested completely for 2 days, now I'm gonna make another attempt at running today.... Wish me luck! I've already gained a pound and a half from not running!!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Good luck Christine!!! My fingers are crossed that you have a pain-free run!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Outside is SO much harder - I will go on the local college track and can get my groove on but when I am on the bike trail - it's so hard to keep pace....I finished day 1 of week 8 (2.75 miles) of C25K saturday - today is a strength day but I really want to run :cry: I am becoming addicted!

    jabdye - it's SO hard in the heat - I've only hit up to 90 when I was jogging and it was awful - it's so hard to breath in that. Keep working hard - you're inspiring me to keep doing more and more!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    In laws here for the weekend so I did my long run today. 7 miles in the hot sticky weather. I would have gone out earlier but I had to wait until I delivered kids to their sports camps. Now I remember why I do my long runs early Sunday morning.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Had a great 4 mile run yesterday evening, and a great 2 miler this morning! Plus weights, upper body 2 day. Hope all had a great weekend!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    No run today.
    Cycle and P90X Arms & Shoulders.
    Down 2 more pounds and 2% bodyfat! :smile:
    Only 30 more to go :frown:
    Have a great day everyone!

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey all!

    I am 6 days away from my first race...still can't believe I'm doing it! Thinking that I will switch my days up this week so I don't end up doing my long run on Saturday. I know it's only a 5k, but is there anything different I should do with my runs this week? Should I just focus on improving my 5K time and do those for my 3 runs? Help, pretty please!
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Just finished my long run for the week, and have officially graduated the "One Hour Runner" program! I did 4.8 miles (twice around the loop at the nearby park) miles in 1 hour and 2 minutes. I think my plan of attack is going to be keeping my long run at that point so I can get more used to it, but increase the distance of one of my shorter runs each week. I can't believe I ran almost 5 miles...I'm pretty pleased with myself considering that I only started running in March.

    I hope all of you with injuries heal quickly and fully so you can get back out there...I can imagine how you must miss it.

    Good luck to everyone with races this weekend!

    Happy Running!

    Congrats on finishing the "One Hour Runner"!! I should have started week 3 today but my running buddies haven't been keeping up with me so we promised each other we would do week 2 again this week and get on with it!

  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Couch to 5k FINISHED!!!!!!
    Did the last run today - it SUCKED too. Not only am I slightly hung over from my friends birthday party, I'm dehydrated, and the sun was beating down on a path with no shade. Not the best place to run by a long shot.

    But, I survived, and I'm done with it. Now... the 10k intervals program starts!


    Can you post a link to the 10k interval program? I'm on doing "one hour runner"...

  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Ran 30 minutes today with my new running feet are KILLING me! I've never had blisters so bad:sad: :sad: I got fitted at a local running store and spent a lot of money on them:cry: . Do you think I just have to break them in and put up with the blisters for a while??

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    fita41- You should be able to take them back and hopefully they can get you a different pair, maybe try them out a couple more times but you shouldn't have to break them in that much, I never get blisters on my first runs out.

    Satellitecrush- As far as getting ready, since its only a week away I wouldn't do much of anything different, maybe try and shave a little off your time but if you push yourself too much you won't be well rested for the event, good luck let us know how it goes!

    I got in 10 miles this morning, pretty nice outside, just trying to adjust to the heat. Happy Running all!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    took a week off of running after the 1/2 marathon. ran 2 miles on Saturday, and 4.5 today (in the rain....I HATE running in the rain...:grumble: )

    happy Monday everyone!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Couch to 5k FINISHED!!!!!!
    Did the last run today - it SUCKED too. Not only am I slightly hung over from my friends birthday party, I'm dehydrated, and the sun was beating down on a path with no shade. Not the best place to run by a long shot.

    But, I survived, and I'm done with it. Now... the 10k intervals program starts!


    Can you post a link to the 10k interval program? I'm on doing "one hour runner"...


    Podrunner Intervals: Freeway to 10k
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    I went back to the doctor today. He put me on a steroid pac, celebrex, some pain pill I can't take cause it makes me sick, and I have to go to physical therapy! SUCKS! I went and tried to run again before I decided to go back to doc. It was just as painful as a week ago. Just hope I can get better in time to train for the half in Oct.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Msarro, great job on the program, weight loss, and spirit to run. It's awesome!! Your journey has just begun! Make it a lifetime.

    Christine... what a bummer. I'll add you to my prayer list for bible group tonight.

    Julie.... your crazy nuts in a good way. We'll have to subcontract a water boy service for you. And remember, gels are your friend... repeat... gels are your friend.... :noway: :noway:

    Jenny, it's so great to hear your running is going well!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    OK…. everyone needs a post from Raymond about this heat thing.

    > Humans are warm blooded creatures
    > The human body regulates at 98.6 degrees
    > When we work out, we generate more energy and our temp rises
    > We compensate by sweating, it evaporates from our skin, and we cool down
    > IF the temp is near our body temp of 98.6 it becomes very difficult to cool down
    > IF it’s humid and sweat does not evaporate, we can’t cool down either
    > IF our skin is covered in heavy, wet clothes we can’t cool either
    > IF our body temp gets above 105 degrees, the rest of the workout is spent with medical specialists….. yikes!!

    That’s the physics and biology lesson.. .. but it is smart to always consider our body is fighting on a sub-conscience level to regulate your temp to 98.6 degrees. It will use every ounce of water you have, run your heart rate up, and eventually lock you up to self protect. If it is 90+ degrees and humid, it’s an absolute battle.

    Newbies… you won’t sweat as efficiently as a seasoned runners. Be very careful about this too. Your body will become more efficient with sweating and cooling. Seasoned runners may admit how much quicker their body begins to sweat when working out (and not workout too… ugghh!). The main point, your body will become more acclimated to summer running, but give it time.

    Some general tidbits about running in the heat:
    - Obvious to run at cooler times of the day if possible
    - Keep the runs shorter if it is 85+, (usually an hour or less)
    - Use your head on race day, slower is faster… I know this.
    - Slow down when you feel sluggish, or your heart rate climbs without change in effort
    - Hydration is a an all day activity (you really notice if you don’t drink water all day)
    - Alcohol does dehydrate and will impact hydration
    - When you run, try to drink on a schedule (every 15 minutes)
    - Most churches have water spigots on the side of the building, I use em all the time!
    - The “bonk” can come unexpectedly, run with a friend or let them know when to check if you don’t return.

    It’s great to have the desire to push thresholds, but the heat is something you want to be sensible about. I have sat with too many friends pouring water on them under a shade tree wondering if they truly need medical attention (trust me, that’s a tough call to make). I don’t want anyone in a difficult situation with this and it’s so, so easy to say I am tough, strong, I am a runner! That fervor may be better suited for another day…. just schlep the hot run, forget your pace goals, and get it in. Sorry for the long post… but it’s all good stuff to know and hope it helps!
