I don't make friends easily...



  • Survivor1997
    Survivor1997 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey...you got a kitteh picture on your profile! You're a bit like me, it seems.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you have many great qualities that would make you a good friend to have. :)
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    request sent
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    Wow, I could have written most of what you did for myself. I too, loathe shopping in general. I get what I need or want and get out. I'd much prefer to be spending my time outdoors hiking or camping, taking pictures. I hate talking on the phone, always have but I do text a lot. When it comes to conversation, I would rather not participate in chit chat or gossip. I like to have a point to the conversation and when it's done, it's done.

    No worries, I don't have any either. I did have a few in Georgia but then I moved halfway across the country and have none.
    I do have my family and there's not tons of time to spend with friends at this time in my life so I'm sometimes glad I don't really have any. I too think it's my blatant honesty that rubs people the wrong way but I'm not changing that.

    You're obviously not alone in the no friend category so you can smile about that at least.

    thank you so much for your kind words.. i'm amazed at how many people are like me :) my family is totally my support as well.. my mom is for lack of a better word, my best friend.. and my husband.. hes my true best friend..
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I kept thinking as I was reading through this thread that I needed to quote the poster, but I would have ended up quoting most of the posts. I've been accused of being stuck up and stand offish. I'm really not either of these, I just do not feel comfortable around people I don't know well or in large crowds. I have 3 women that I consider friends, everyone else in my life are just acquaintances. Like others have posted I do not like to spend hours on the phone talking (I honestly don't like spending mins on it) & have lost friends because I'm awful at keeping in touch, I always feel like I'm interrupting or intruding. Feel free to add me, I try to be supportive and encouraging, but even on here I don't keep in touch like some like.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    sent you a request. I'm the same way, don't feel bad. it took guts for me to sign up to use this site for fear of being judged.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    I kept thinking as I was reading through this thread that I needed to quote the poster, but I would have ended up quoting most of the posts. I've been accused of being stuck up and stand offish. I'm really not either of these, I just do not feel comfortable around people I don't know well or in large crowds. I have 3 women that I consider friends, everyone else in my life are just acquaintances. Like others have posted I do not like to spend hours on the phone talking (I honestly don't like spending mins on it) & have lost friends because I'm awful at keeping in touch, I always feel like I'm interrupting or intruding. Feel free to add me, I try to be supportive and encouraging, but even on here I don't keep in touch like some like.

    i feel the same way.. i'm just not comfortable around people i dont know, and thankfully i'm not in a position where i have to deal with a lot of strangers... i get the stuck up thing all the time... i'm happy to have more people like me as friends.. thank you so much for your post :)
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    When it comes to conversation, I would rather not participate in chit chat or gossip. I like to have a point to the conversation and when it's done, it's done.

    gah yes this! i can babble on the internet, but irl small talk is painful. :(
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I like tuxedo cats, bacon, and walks in the park. I do not like cheese or cockroaches. Can we be friends?
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    I like tuxedo cats, bacon, and walks in the park. I do not like cheese or cockroaches. Can we be friends?

    other than the cheese, i think we'll be very good friends :)
  • gildinha
    gildinha Posts: 57 Member
    sent you a request ... and by the way, you're not alone ... I felt you were talking about me in your description ... :)
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I think this fits me pretty well, too. I'm a total introvert and I can pretend to be extroverted for short periods of time (and I love it!) but then I need time to regroup. And I just feel like nobody would really notice if I disappeared, except for my spouse and *possibly* my kids. Oh and definitely my dogs! :^) Feel free to friend me, anyone!
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    Yep - so many descriptions here fit me as well. Feel free to add me.
  • Brandie1029
    Brandie1029 Posts: 183 Member
    You can add me! I LOVE to make new friends (even if it's on the internet). I too am not a girly girl, but I am a nerdy librarian! :laugh:
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    When it comes to conversation, I would rather not participate in chit chat or gossip. I like to have a point to the conversation and when it's done, it's done.

    gah yes this! i can babble on the internet, but irl small talk is painful. :(

    This is my biggest battle. How can you even initiate conversation to make new friends without small talk (which I suck at)? So I try to make up for it and end up rambling about silly things, interrupt, and probably come across as rude. :embarassed:
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Please feel free to add me. As I think I am your twin. My cat even looks just like yours.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I just sent you a request. I, too, have a hard time making friends. I have a few friends that I've known for over a decade or so, but they probably consider me a horrible friend most of the time. Since starting a job in a male dominated field a few years ago, I've become less & less of a talker, which usually makes me not want to spend time on the phone talking about every detail of our lives, especially when a personal drama is going on. So, yes, I'm a horrible friend, but a pretty decent cheerleader for when you need one!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Did I write this, because it definitely sounds like me. Here's to getting fit, happy and...maybe making some friends. :)
  • cookieta76
    cookieta76 Posts: 91 Member

    Even though we're not talking much about health/fitness (yet) this has been one of my favorite threads on MFP!
  • Linalaila
    I'm a total introvert and I can pretend to be extroverted for short periods of time (and I love it!) but then I need time to regroup.

    Ohh Im the same in that regard:)
  • becjerami
    I can count my real friends on one hand. Unfortunately none of them live in the same country as me! I don't have any real friends where I live (apart from my husband), and I've been here for about 10 years. Sometimes I think I'm just too picky. I find a lot of people just too frivolous for me, and that bores me. At other times when I meet people I do like I feel that I don't have anything to offer, although my rational mind knows that's not true. I'm a very good friend to the few people I care about. I don't really do chit chat. I'd rather talk about something important. At work people who don't know me very well (because I don't want them to!) think I'm frosty, but that's just because I like to be left alone.

    Sometimes, although I like to have a lot of time to myself, I do get lonely. I look at people with lots of friends and wonder how they do it!

    Funnily enough, I like the sound of the people on this post - feel free to add me!