*February Weight Loss Challenge* - "Wed weigh in"



  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=159
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=162
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    I almost gave up when I gave 3 pounds instead of losing. Then I read so many postings that gives me motivation and support. I would like to be 155-157 by the end of Feb. I need to work in some exercise but it is so boring..... I do like to dance doing the WII so I may have to get it back from the grandkids.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=194.2
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8= 195 :( I actually dropped 4 lbs last week so this is no surprise.
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1= 305
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8= 301 [4 lbs lost]
    2nd week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 15= 301 [0 pounds lost]
    3rd week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 22=
    4th week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 29=

    I walk and do low impact aerobics every day. I do strength training 3x per week. I also track my calorie intake daily.
  • Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=197
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=195
    2nd week weigh in: Wed. Feb 15=190

    Some of that is water. I started tracking and trying to stay under the Mayo Clinic recommended sodium intake (not MFP's which is higher).

    I had replaced my evening couch potato time with a trip to the gym 6 nights a week where I do a variety of hour long cardio and stretch sessions. (Weight training is coming at some point... working my way up to it so as to avoid re-injuring my back). Decided I needed to look at my 8-5 routine.

    I work from a home-based office (in an addition right off kitchen) with all my time spent on computer and phone. I walk down the stairs at the start of the day... then the only "significant" movement I get is the 20 steps or so to the bathroom throughout the day. Talk about being sedentary!

    So this past week, I decided that my "coffee break" will be a pleasant 15 minute round trip stroll to the grocery store (I have 2 kids and a husband, ALWAYS out of something). Then I decided to take over the daily 20 minute dog walk, which I do after lunch.
  • Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1 = 214
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8 = 211.5
    2nd week weigh in: Web. Feb 15 = 208.5

    Month to Date Loss: 5.5 lbs
  • Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1 = 218 -
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8 = 214.4 - 3.6 LBS LOST
    2nd week weigh in: Web. Feb 15 = 211 - 3.4 LBS LOST

    Month to Date Loss: 7 lbs

    Working out 6 days a week for about and hour. Rotating between Core/Strength Training and HIIT Cardio. Saturday or Sunday is my off day.
    I also stopped taking the elevator at work a few months back and now run up the stairs 6 flights everyday.
  • flyguytor
    flyguytor Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all.. Sorry for posting so late, I was away. I have started my routine with light exercise, and a watchful diet. I would like to suggest to anyone who might be having some trouble getting started to join me in the diet and health plan that i have been doing, and have other friends doing as well...This will not fail you, and will not leave you with cravings, and best of all you can still eat regular food..

    *****Contact me

    Initial weigh in Jan 2-2012----236lbs
    1st week Jan 9
    2nd week Jan 30
    3rd week Feb 6
    219 lbs
    4th week Feb 13

    A loss so far of 25lbs in just over a month and its staying off..And I was away for 2 weeks all inclusive (food and booze)
  • Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=213
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=211
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15= 210
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    Getting discourage weight moving slowly......
  • jpmill79
    jpmill79 Posts: 74 Member
    nitial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=139.8
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=137.8
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=136.2
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    i've been eating between 1200-1400 calories daily, exercising for 1 1/2 hours 5 days a week including elliptical, treadmill, and rowing machine
  • jennifer282000
    jennifer282000 Posts: 128 Member
    Feb 1st-192.6
    Feb 8th-190.6
    Feb 15th-188.8..

    I plan on doing alot of running. I already play Just Dance 3 with my kids ALOT. I am attempting to start my p90x vids..This should be interesting.
  • Another 2.20 lbs gone. my weight is now 248.8.
  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    Week 1 - Feb. 1: 235
    Week 2 - Feb. 8: 232 - 3 lbs lost
    Week 3 - Feb 15: 229.5 - 2.5 lbs lost

    Original February GW: 229
    Updated February GW: 227

    Total lost in Feb: 5.5

    My goal was to lose 6 pounds in February and I've already almost beat that!
  • Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=145
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=144.3
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=143.8
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    My goal is to break 140 by end of February. I would prefer to lose more, but I've hit a plateau. Just started going to boot camp and eating my way to fit with a healthy foods cleanse. I'm a nursing mama, so can't take anything (and don't want to). I'm super proud of myself this week because my mini challenge to myself was to drink more H20. And I have done it.

    I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! And you can too!!! :)
  • okhollycow
    okhollycow Posts: 10 Member
    feb 15 - 187.0
  • okhollycow
    okhollycow Posts: 10 Member
    Didn't do as well as I had hope ,but still one pound lost .
  • okhollycow
    okhollycow Posts: 10 Member
    Feb 1 189.8
    Feb 8 188.0
    increasing exercise by ten minutes on treadmill
    Feb 15 187.0
  • cklei
    cklei Posts: 29
    Down to 132 :) 1 lb a week is better than the.7 it projected.
  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    Initial weigh in: 300
    week 1: 296
    week 2: 292
    week 3:
    week 4:

    Goal weight: 280
  • mrspeters3806
    mrspeters3806 Posts: 26 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=218
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=210
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=203.8
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

  • ginger_nut
    ginger_nut Posts: 24 Member
    Sorry, posted in the other thread and THEN saw this one....

    SW: 150

    Week 1: 149
    Week 2: 146
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    My exercise so far has been running, spinning, and an occasional weight session.