Nurse buddies!



  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Not a nurse...paramedic student instead. I do 8 hour clinical shifts in the hospital, mostly ER, and it's almost impossible to eat at "normal" times. And when I do eat on clinical (I don't get a break like the nurses sometimes do), it's usually a handful of junk food or a slice of cold pizza from Pizza Hut. I definitely agree with everyone's not easy to eat well when in the medical field!
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Hello - I have been a nurse for 32 years - probably another 11 and 1/2 more years to go!
    There are already 2 groups that include nurses besides the one started a few days ago.
    One is for nights shift workers and the other is for rotating shift workers -interesting to hear how other professions /groups deal with our unhealthy life styles.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Not a nurse...paramedic student instead. I do 8 hour clinical shifts in the hospital, mostly ER, and it's almost impossible to eat at "normal" times. And when I do eat on clinical (I don't get a break like the nurses sometimes do), it's usually a handful of junk food or a slice of cold pizza from Pizza Hut. I definitely agree with everyone's not easy to eat well when in the medical field!
    Your still in the medical field....working crazy hours................lots of stress...................and unhealthy food all around.
  • Laura7p7a
    Laura7p7a Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I'm 50 yrs old, working full time in ER, 12 hr nights, 7p-7a. Been doing this for 20 years now. We have a busy ER and I always pack my lunch every shift. The problem is the snacks we keep for our patients. Difficult at times to stay away from those! I've returned to my weight loss program Jan 21st. Currently at 155 but really want to get to 125. I'm short (5'2")! Hate to exercise and cannot make myself be consistent with it no matter what I do. Got my first grandbaby due May 1st and want to be much slimmer by then.:smile: :
  • nattylou90natt
    nattylou90natt Posts: 25 Member
    Helloo, iv just qualified as an Adult nurse and have been working on Accident and Emergency for 4 weeks!
    I love it! Im just struggling with my calories working here because theres always temptation around .. sweets etc from staff and patients! I also find it hard to calorie count when im doing night shifts!
    Anyone can help.. feel free to add =)

  • dpk1955
    dpk1955 Posts: 16 Member
    I can understand where you are coming from. I work three 12 hour shifts and there is no way I want to come home and work out. So, I get up a little bit earlier and do it before work. . I pack my lunch the night before to save time. Good luck with your weight loss goal!
  • dpk1955
    dpk1955 Posts: 16 Member
    My fitness pal has an app for your phone if that will help you track.
  • dittosaur
    Night shift nurse here! Work 12's on a Surgical/Oncology unit (though we get a mish mash of everything). I resonate with everyone that it can be very hard to stop yourself and eat something, let alone something healthy! I do the eat and chart technique...haha. Lately I've been working out after I get off in the mornings before I go to far, so good.

    Good luck everyone! Amazing how hard it can be to take care of ourselves when we make a career of taking care of others!
  • thelonelysquirrel
    I'm a student nurse.

    And it's really, really hard.

    At least fitness should be easy, if that can't be.. and that's where friends come in.

    So take a look at my profile and add me if you want?
  • katiew00t
    Hellllooo nurse! I'm an RN on a psychiatric unit. I work 8 hour shifts, 3p-11:30p. It can be "crazy" at work, so I have to plan my meals in advance. I used to eat leftover & untouched patient trays and all the snacks my coworkers brought in-and then would get fast food to eat after work and stay up until 3am and sleep until 1pm...but now I bring home-cooked meals and snacks to work, and I go to bed earlier and get up earlier to hit the gym. My coworker who usually brings chips actually brought carrot sticks and dip yesterday, because she knows I changed my eating habits. The carrots were delicious (skipped the dip!). Not only have I begun to lose weight, but I have SO MUCH MORE ENERGY! Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other.
  • wimmerfan
    I am a CNA on a cardiac unit and struggling to lose weight
  • Linalaila
    Hei fellow nurses

    Was waiting for this post :)

    I'm a nurse anesthetist /CRNA. Worked as a A&E nurse for 6 years :)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    Hi, I'm a RN I work 8 hours shifts (9-530) and work in an outpatient clinic with a desk job. I pack my lunch everyday and RARELY buy anything from the cafeteria unless it's a sala or vegetable. The FIRST thing I do when I get to work in the morning is long into MFP and log in everything I've planned for myself to eat for the day. That way I know if I have calories to spare if a patient decides to bring in some goodies. :smile:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • katiew00t
    "eat and chart technique"--haha love it! I do that when I don't have time to take a break. Which happens way more often than it should!
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    Hi all... I'm an RN working 12 hour shifts in a very busy Observation Unit.

    There are sooo many temptations at work... There's always someone bringing in donuts or chips or other junk... Well-meaning family members giving us a big box of chocolates or pastries.. And when you barely have time to scarf down your lunch, it's very tempting to just "grab something"... We work in a dangerous field for dieting! However, I am doing MUCH better since switching from the nightshift to days... Big difference in how I feel, and being able to stick to a schedule as far as eating/fitness.
  • Lenai
    Lenai Posts: 8
    I too am a frustrated nurse trying to lose weight while working 12hr day/night rotation!! ADD ME!!
    PS can someone teach me how to add people?
  • ahoag_83
    ahoag_83 Posts: 54 Member
    You can add me! I'm a nurse, and have 2 young children. After work all I want to do is sit down, but I don't until the kids are in bed and I've worked out. Good luck on your journey! =)
  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
    I am a nurse & private surgical first assistant in an OB/GYN practice.

    Everyone feel free to add me.
  • tdegie
    tdegie Posts: 14
    I'm an OR nurse working 12 hour night shifts Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. One of the biggest things I had to deal with is (1) eating cafeteria foods (2) eating so late and (3) staying awake. Since my weight loss journey I now bring my lunch from home, I try to eat before 9 pm and drink spark from Advocare. Also when I am bored at night I like to snack so now I bring healthy snacks from home like fruit. So far so good but still need the motivation as to not to get burnt out. Please add me if you like
  • katherinesnell
    Wow!!!!! I really cannot believe the response!

    So many nurses and shift-workers sharing my pain! I feel really motivated knowing that this is a shared journey and that others live hectic lifestyles.

    I will accept all the friend requests, and we'll do this together : )

    Thank you!