Never going to give up !!!!! challenge



  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Busy day at work today so no time for exercise. Stayed under cals though so I'm pleased with that.

    Welcome JessicaMarie, Penny and I are both doing the C25K. We are both on week 5, where are you up to and how are you finding it?

    Jack knifes - I am just about to give these a go. My husband just gave me a demo (he is super-fit), don't think I'll be able to that many but we'll see.

    Elimay, Lstnlondry and all my other dear friends - thanks for your kind words, I'm feeling much better today.

    I have a lovely meal planned for Valentines, although the girls will be with us so it won't be full-on romance. What have you all got planned?
  • JessJess514
    I'm in it to win it and there is a million ways u can skin it :)

    Count me in for 64 oz of H2O and 30min x 7days no matter what... Not even if it;s sleeting :p
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome Jess love the profile pic. :happy:

    Sammy your welcome glad you are feeling better .

    Hello clover and newbies.

    I am so tired so i need to sleep Goodnight girls :yawn:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Valentine's day ladies!

    So my Monday was pretty good....I actually got off work early and went and had an acupuncture treatment!

    For my exercise goal: had spin in the AM before work. Afternoon I lifted weights for 30 minutes and then hit the treadmill. Decided I need to try and add running into my routine. I went 16 minutes at 5 mph do nothing stellar but it's a start. Finished off the day by shoveling snow from my driveway and my 2 neighbors. Didn't log the shoveling as exercise since I didn't have the HRM going. Oh and I did those jack knives as well.

    Stayed under calories for the day. Didn't cook but still ate healthy. Tonight I will be over as I am going out.

    Hope that everyone has an awesome day!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day challengers!!

    Goals are this week are to
    Stay at calorie goal
    Burn 1000 calories most days
    Focus more on me/house/procrastination list

    Well, I will be honest, I stayed fairly close to my goal yesterday & burned about 650 calories.
    Not only am I sticking to my procrastination list but now MY HUSBAND says he will clean out his side of the closet!! I almost choked on lunch when I told him how much it would mean to me!!

    I don't know if you all agree but I feel so strongly that if I walk into my closet that we share and see organization on my side (for the most part) and his untouched closet for 8 years it makes me feel uneven. I have long thought that our closet represents our relationship BUT I know you can't force someone to go your speed. Just get impatient from time to time.

    Now then, let's reward ourself today & know that someone loves us. Doesn't mean to overindulge (I may be guilty today) but just enjoy the sweet side of life.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Valentines day.

    Goal check:
    log calories and in budget - yes
    aerobic exercise - yes - shovel snow
    strength - yes - side and inside leg lifts, jack knives
    housework - yes
    procrastination list - no - there wasn't time - :laugh:
    steps - 11388

    Sammy, my favorite exercise is probably running. It's the one I always go back to. But I have rules. I don't run in bad weather, don't run on concrete. I don't like to run on the treadmill. I walk on it once in a while if it's really cold outside. I like to be outside. Like variety: run, tennis, basketball, frisbee, soccer, bike, ski. I'll do just about anything. Enjoy your valentine dinner.

    Penny, I kind of cheated on the jack knives. I kept one knee bent, like a sit up, and did a one legged jack knife. Did half with each leg. What's next?
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    I've got a big round tummy after our gorgeous meal this evening.

    Goals today
    Stayed under cals - not on your nelly!!!
    Exercised - nope, but I am going to do 400 crunches in a few minutes and also those jack knifes which i didn't get done yesterday.

    Hope you have all had a lovely Valentines Day

    Night night
    Sam x
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Love a big round tummy!

    My dinner was yummy as well!
    Today I went way over on calories but I did burn 1200 calories today.
    I didnt do much on my procrastination list but I will be better tomorrow
  • PennyChallenge
    Good Early Morning! Great job for everyone that tried Jack knifes, modified or not it was a great challenge!

    I have been doing fabulous and keeping busy! Going to do W6D2 OF C25K EXCITED TO SEE HOW I DO!

    Sticking to at least and hour a day exercise, diet and water only ;0)

    Have a wonderful day! Hope everyone had a love filled Valentines day!

    *****Wednesday Challenge******

    Side planside 5-10 each side ;0)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring friends.

    Goal check:
    log calories - yes and in budget - NO
    aerobic exercise - yes - walk dog
    strength - no
    housework - no
    procrastination list - no
    steps - 14676

    Istnlondry, I'm not getting lots dont on my procrastion list, but I'm determined to do something today.
    Sam, um, what's a nelly?
    Penny, glad you are so happy. I will look the link for planside and give it a shot.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Clover - 'not on your nelly' means 'not on your life' or that there is absolutely no chance of something happening. The nelly part I wasn't actually sure of, it's just a phrase that we use. I have had to google it and the answer isn't that straightforward. It's something to do with London Rhyming Slang, life being described as a puff of breath (puff for short), Nelly Duff rhyming with puff, so the phrase 'not on your life' becomes 'not on your nelly'. Nelly Duff just seems to be a made up name. I'm sure you must all think that we Brits talk a load of nonsense, I'm glad you asked about nelly though as I never gave it a thought before, it was just something we say.

    Goals today
    cals have gone over again today
    exercise - nope
    C25K - haven't managed another run yet this week but hope to run tomorrow.

    Can't promise that I will be back on track tomorrow as I have another busy day planned at work, but hopefully by Friday I will have time to workout and actually give some thought to what I'm eating instead of just grabbing the first thing.
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Hey all. Has been a hell of a week. First broke my toe, then threw my back out and now I have sinus infection. SHEESH!!! So needless to day I have been sympathy eating, which is not a good thing. I have been sitting here on my big pitty pot just feeling horribly sorry for myself.
    OK so enough of that business. Time to get back in the saddle or in other words off of the pot.
    Did drink all of my water and have logged in every day.
    Hope you are all having a GREAT week.
    Looks like everyone is doing a GREAT job!
    Am going to go to bed now and get rested up and get back onto it tomorrow.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Clover5- we got this! Here's a link to a day to day challenge Im in-every morning to post 3 new goals-3 simple things on your procrastination list!

    Today I had 402 calories to spare after burning 1000 and eating 1900.
    I ate 1000 calories in Valentines Day crap! Im truly my own worst enemy!
    As a bonus I got my donations to the curb,recycled my plastc bags & took my son's letterman jacket to get patches on it! (they mean nothing to you but were major items on my list!
  • PennyChallenge
    Side planks were NO JOKE! Anyone else manage them? I am so sorry DeeBear. Hope you get great rest tonight sweets. I'm fighting a cold right now. Mine always seem to turn into a sinus infection. Uggghhhhh. Reached all my goals and completed W6D2 of C25K today wasn't easy thinking Friday should do me in. 5 min warm up then 25 min run 5 min cool down. Really!?!?

    Good night ALL!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Clover - 'not on your nelly' means 'not on your life' or that there is absolutely no chance of something happening. The nelly part I wasn't actually sure of, it's just a phrase that we use. I have had to google it and the answer isn't that straightforward. It's something to do with London Rhyming Slang, life being described as a puff of breath (puff for short), Nelly Duff rhyming with puff, so the phrase 'not on your life' becomes 'not on your nelly'. Nelly Duff just seems to be a made up name. I'm sure you must all think that we Brits talk a load of nonsense, I'm glad you asked about nelly though as I never gave it a thought before, it was just something we say.

    Goals today
    cals have gone over again today
    exercise - nope
    C25K - haven't managed another run yet this week but hope to run tomorrow.

    Can't promise that I will be back on track tomorrow as I have another busy day planned at work, but hopefully by Friday I will have time to workout and actually give some thought to what I'm eating instead of just grabbing the first thing.

    I love the brits talk not on your nelly will be my new phrase its adorable : > Sorry I have not been on much I have had no time . I will try to catch up I miss you all . sounds like you are doing great
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!

    Looks like everyone is having a great week...keep it up!!

    I am always amazed at how quickly I can fall back into my old patterns. My folks came down with their typical junk food so over on calories for that day and the next with the left overs. Going to work on getting things back on track today (I ate through everything but the ice cream...wanna take bets on how long that lasts in the freezer :wink: )

    I tried to run again yesterday and my legs are shot today. Had one of my worst spin classes this morning as I could not get my legs to loosen up and right now they just feel super sore. I know I probably need to give myself a day off but that scares me with the way I have been eating lately. Such a vicious little cycle I get myself into.

    Well better start to tackle the piles on my desk and then I am on the road again.

    Have a great day!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning! :smile:

    Goal check:
    log calories - yes and in budget - no
    aerobic exercise - no
    strength - yes - side planks
    housework - no
    procrastination list - no
    steps - 6596

    As you can see, I did poorly with my goals yesterday. I felt like a slug last night, so I got down on the floor and did those blasted side planks. They were hard.
    DeeBear glad to see you back. Hawkeye, "ate through everything" haha That's how I dispose of junk food too. Sammy, I don't think Brits talk crazy. I am amused by the differences that have evolved over 350 years or so. Istnlondry, I will look up your link.
    Elimay, glad you checked in. Enjoy today everybody!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hey Deebear, sorry about your toe, back and other problems - hope you feel better soon.

    Penny, you are a couple of sessions ahead of me now on the C25K. I've just done the first bigger run tonight, 20 minutes, it wasn't too bad. I am still doing it indoors though so I don't really feel like a proper runner yet.

    Will do side planks soon (didn't get the chance yesterday), I usually do 20 seconds each side as part of my usual morning workouts, will aim for 30 seconds tonight. Have to admit i didn't get to do the jack knifes on monday, they were just too hard!

    Goals today
    Finished around even on my cals
    Usual workout not done as longer hours today at work but C25 done tonight instead.

    Looking forward to a workout in the morning, haven't done one since Sunday.

    Take care my friends x
  • PennyChallenge
    Good Evening! I'm sick, have a horrible cold but still got my workout in. Now going to try to sleep in recliner I can't breathe at all. Needless to say I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow. I have a viewing for a dear friend of mine and busy weekend ahead with funeral, baptism, bday party and getting my taxes done. I don't have time to be sick. FRIDAY CHALLENGE ANYONE? ??? Reverse crunched 50!


  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello girls !!!!! I have the whole day tommorow to get organized and set some goals. I nexer want to give up. I just need time to do a good fresh start. Feel better Penny sorry about the funeral I have a memorial tommorow night. I am taking my grandaughter to cinderela play on sunday , so that will be fun.........And it doesnt involve food Good night !!!!!!