Any gamer guys or girls losing weight too? Friend me :)



  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    YES! All platforms and styles.
    Right now the addiction is SWTOR.
    Been gaming for my whole life :)
  • kkjay
    kkjay Posts: 62
    Been gaming awhile. I love the Assassin's Creed games, Halo, a lot from Nintendo, love playing the Zelda games the most. I also love the Sims, played every one since it first came out. Anything with an interesting story usually interests me the most. :)
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    It occurs to me, maybe we might want to have a gamer group on here.....
  • sprfly
    sprfly Posts: 57 Member
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Monkey Island - YES!!! "I'm Guybrush Threepwood, and I'm a mighty pirate!" Not too often you run into someone who's ever heard of MI!

    "My Grog!"
    "That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen..."
    I'm Mancomb Seepgood!!
  • For MMORPG's, I've played WOW for years (hit 60 just in time to do a little raiding before BC came out), played Warhammer Online for a little while when it came out, and I recently started SWTOR as well. Since I've always been a big fan of Bioware's single player games (Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age, etc.) I was pleasantly surprised at how much SWTOR feels like the older games, but with better technology.

    I'm not going to list a lot of the single player games I've enjoyed, since I'm actually old enough to have played Zork II and Ultima III and IV on a Commodore 64, and Ultima V on an Amiga. :noway: :laugh:

    Back in high school, I also played AD&D (yes, I know what THAC0 is, lol). Since I think the rules for that just keep getting more and more complicated and anal retentive, my husband and I actually started a campaign a while back in a traditional D&D-like fantasy seting, but based on a slightly modified version of the World of Darkness rules, which we felt gave us a LOT more options for flexibility and roleplaying. We've been debating either starting that back up, or trying out Iron Kingdoms.

    My husband played tabletop Warhammer for a while, but now plays Warmachine, so I'm somewhat familiar with those as well.

    Feel free to add me.
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I consider myself a gamer :p

    Portal, Final Fantasy, Bioshock, Fatal Frame, Silent Hill, Kingdom Hearts, Call of Duty, Borderlands, The World Ends With You....

    I was actually trying to play TWEWY on the treadmill today XD

    I'll add you
  • dusty8907
    dusty8907 Posts: 350 Member
    Gamer here all welcome to add :)
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Fable 2 is my all time favorite!
    WAAAY better than Fable 3. :smile:
    agreed. much much better. but my alltime fave is Assissns creed.
  • slightlycrunchy
    slightlycrunchy Posts: 42 Member
    You might also like . It makes exercise into a game. There's an MFP group on it, too (hopefully, we can get enough people pestering the admins of each site to support some kind of cross-site compatibility). I have some invites available, and you might be able to dig up some threads here or something of others with invites.

    You have to have an invite? Any idea when it will be open to the public? Looks interesting.
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Definitely a gamer girl here! :) ... I love everything .. LOL
    COD, BF3, GOW3, L4D2 hey it's a lot of fun with friends. I'll play just about anything :)

    Add if you want :D
  • Justforthebacon
    Justforthebacon Posts: 61 Member
    Use to play WOW and quit when back, quit went back. I seem to do that every year or so. LOL Also played Warhammer Online & Eve. Nothing right now. Waiting for Guild Wars 2. Add me if you like.
  • I play lots of Starcraft 2!
    However, looking through the whole topic, I saw only a single mention of it :(. How sad!
  • I don't know if I qualify as a gamer anymore.. D: I just don't have the time I used to have to play video games!!! But I do love love love it. I own all the new consoles, I am still playing WoW. Just not like I used to. But I'd love an add!
    Also, not really LOSING so much weight as trying to lose body fat, as I am around the weight I'd like to be..
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    MFP Gamer Group! Plenty of us there.
  • Definitely a gamer here :happy:
    Right now I'm dieing for Mass Effect 3 to come out!
    Also I've recently gotten into playing Airsoft (IRL), all the fun of a FPS but much more active!
  • PS3. Skyrim, Call of Duty titles, Battlefield 3, sports games.

    Add me if you want on Playstation Network. ID is Rounder1106. Put a message in there that you are from MFP.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    You might also like . It makes exercise into a game. There's an MFP group on it, too (hopefully, we can get enough people pestering the admins of each site to support some kind of cross-site compatibility). I have some invites available, and you might be able to dig up some threads here or something of others with invites.

    You have to have an invite? Any idea when it will be open to the public? Looks interesting.

    yes that site and pintrest I guess are trying to keep traffic at a minimum, so you have to get a invite from your friends or ask to join the site and wait til they accept you
    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    I play lots of Starcraft 2!
    However, looking through the whole topic, I saw only a single mention of it :(. How sad!

    Love the game but never bought it...waiting for all 3 parts to come out before I give it my full attention! Old school Zerg player here.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    You might also like . It makes exercise into a game. There's an MFP group on it, too (hopefully, we can get enough people pestering the admins of each site to support some kind of cross-site compatibility). I have some invites available, and you might be able to dig up some threads here or something of others with invites.

    You have to have an invite? Any idea when it will be open to the public? Looks interesting.

    yes that site and pintrest I guess are trying to keep traffic at a minimum, so you have to get a invite from your friends or ask to join the site and wait til they accept you

    Actually, it's not so much about "keeping traffic to a minimum" as it is about controlling the speed of growth. By controlling how fast a site grows, the owners can make sure the servers don't get overloaded, which kills the experience for everyone.

    That said, here's the invite code link for the MFP group on Fitocracy, for anyone that's interested -