How often do you weigh yourself?



  • I weight everyday and I am down nearly 40 lbs. The last 2 days I have gone up 1.2 lbs and before that, it did not move for 2 days. I am so close to getting under 300 and I am doing everything right. I am taking today off and not drinking the excess water that I usually do. I hope it starts dropping again.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I weigh myself every Tuesday. Why Tuesday, I dunno. But I find myself weighing myself on Fridays as kind of tell myself I have to behave....weekends are my downfall! I also step on the scale after bad days, like this week.
  • I weigh once a day as soon as i get up, in bathroom, wee then weigh lol. N thats it for the day, i dont like to see my weight goin up after every meal, so jus in the mornin x
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Every other day. Or, every day if i eat WAY different macros than usual, just to see how it affects my body :)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,340 Member
    Every day! I love seeing numbers I haven't seen in a while.:bigsmile: If the number is up, I remeber I have to be especially good today.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    I weigh myself twice every morning! Before and after I "Go". Its more habit than anything! Not trying to change!
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Every freaking time I go to the bathroom that has a scale in it!! Talk about addicted!!!
  • I weigh myself at least once a week. I do my measurements about once a week.
  • I've never owned a scale until recently, when I finally realized I had a weight problem and I am addicted to it. I almost weigh every morning and evening. I like to weigh in the morning because it is most accurate but a lot of the time I step on the scale in the evening just to see how much eating and drinking has caused my weight to go up.

    I wish I could only weigh myself once a week but its a temptation I can't resist. I get so excited when I lose weight! And when I am not losing it just pushes me to go harder. I think I love my scale, or at least when it lights up green to tell me I'm losing weight! lol

    I also do measurements but those I only do every two weeks and even if I haven't lost a pound the week I do my measurements I'm still happy because my measurements show great results as well.

    Just figure out what works for you. If weighing everyday is bringing you down, DO NOT DO IT. But if its a motivational tool than I say go for it! Good luck with your weight loss! YOU CAN DO IT!!! and its totally worth it!:happy:
  • Every morning, but I log every Saturday.
  • rdlhuskers
    rdlhuskers Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh daily, first thing in the morning. It keeps me focused and on track.
  • kbf2107
    kbf2107 Posts: 42 Member
    Every other Tuesday, right after I wake up. I also take measurements as well
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    I weigh when I get home from work, when I wake up and when I get back from the gym.
    I only record once a week and the numbers don't bother me cause I'm more just curious I'm more concerned with what my muscles are up too and how my body is feeling as I approach the next workout
  • I weigh every Sunday morning. Staying away from a scale is so hard during the week but I just tell myself if I wait it out and continue to work hard I'll love the results come Sunday!! :)
  • mainly friday mornings, but sometimes I sneak on mid week.
  • HJCsDaddy
    HJCsDaddy Posts: 419 Member
    I weigh myself Monday morning, same time (6:30am) before breakfast, in the same clothing (boxers only). Seems to give me the most accurate reading.

  • Emellon
    Emellon Posts: 36 Member
    Once a month! Any more than that and I'll become obsessed and disappoint myself. LOL. :tongue:
    Works for me, so far so good
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Every day, or every other day, but I only log once a week. Weight can fluctuate so much on a day-to-day basis but it's interesting to note.

  • Luryso
    Luryso Posts: 21 Member
    I'll let you know in a few minutes. It's time for my 5:40pm weigh-in.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Two or three times a day!!!