What crowd were u w/ in school :-? Jock, punk, misfit, nerd?



  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    Mixed bag for me, I drew/watched anime,listened to "alternative music",played magic the gathering,had piercings/tattoos and smoked weed (past tense on that)...So yeah I kinda flitted around all of the groupd :)
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    I was the weird kid no one wanted to hang out with :indifferent:

    Same here!!!
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    American high schools sound terrifying.

    I think I was part of the normal group in my school and almost everybody was 'a normal'.
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    I was a "jock" and hung with "jocks".

    Jr. High Football and Wrestling
    High School Wrestling and track (Discus)
    College Wrestling.
  • AussieGem
    AussieGem Posts: 96 Member
    I was a nerdy loner goody-2-shoes misfit!! I had only 2 acquaintances that I would talk to and sit with during lunch breaks etc. But I never had any BFF which I hung out with after school. I was so shy that I always felt uncomfortable (I was also obese so that would not have helped). For the most part I was invisible ... people would really only talk to me if they were by themselves, but as soon as their "clique" showed up, I would be ignored no matter how much I tried to be social!

    I love running into people from my high school days, and it is apparent that after years of trying to be someone I am not just to fit in, I would never ever really want to be like them at all or let alone be friends with them!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    skipping school after autoshop motorhead. not the best of choices lol

    this ^^

    I was one of the poor kids that didn't have the latest style in clothes, so I got picked on a lot. Got in a lot of fights with the preppies that thought their crap didn't stink...was pretty much a loner, but had a few friends here and there. There are only about four people from school that I would ever give a rat's a** about seeing ever again.

    This is how my high school was too. Everything was about what you could afford, and I couldn't afford anything. That's what I like about college, everybody's poor. We're all eating the same instant Ramen.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Smart Crowd (Honor Society all years) and band nerd!
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    I was a loner/nerd. Also a choir girl. :blushing:
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I was the cool nerd...like I'd hang out and joke around until it was h.w/study time lol
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    I was one of the Band Geeks, you would always find me hanging out in the band room practicing; or, I was doing my homework. Band was serious business in my school and if you were in the band...you were awesome! xD No matter what "click" you fell into, everyone got along (for the most part).
  • SandyChampWins
    SandyChampWins Posts: 133 Member
    Missfit. I got picked on and beat up a lot.
  • jjw801
    Great question!

    I was some eclectic breed of Goth Rocker (Loved and still love death rock and vintage goth rock), Nerd (bookworm), Art Punk (graffiti, photo, etc.), Rebel (smoked at age 14, so that was a major social influence back in the days), and general geek. Add a side order of expected bullying and that sums it up!

    8" mohawk, nothing but band t-shirts (Christian Death, Siouxsie, Sisters Of Mercy, Candle Ends, Xymox, etc.)... you get the visuals haha

  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I considered myself a nerd, but had no problem standing up for myself and putting other people in their place (physically if need be, I had no problem fighting) so no one messed with me or my friends.
  • jezlightyear
    jezlightyear Posts: 167 Member
    pretty sure i was in the loner category - i left school due to being bullied a ****load, fun times! no more though :D i'm awesome!
  • billhearn
    I was the magic Jock-Nerd-Misfit combo! I was a skinny basketball player/honor student and was a 16 year old Senior. Very awkward.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I think a mix of things. I was in band and played a lot of instruments. Started playing piano at age 6 or 7. Then I was also on Math team for competitions. Took mostly college prep classes. Then on the other end of the spectrum won awards for speed typist. LOL While everyone else was taking Spanish, I was taking Latin and French. Friend-wiise I could pretty much fit with any crowd except the ones that were doing drugs. Luckily never went down that road.
  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    I was the follower never a leader. We had 3 groups popular,middle class and nerds. I wanted to be a popular kid never happened so I was a middle group follower.
  • xxcatyxx555
    im (still in high school) a nerd, punk, misfit, and a jock. i hang out with everyone, plain and simple, im just me:)
  • DameVenus
    Loner, I never really ventured out because of my weight....but, that's why I am on here.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    American high schools sound terrifying.

    I think I was part of the normal group in my school and almost everybody was 'a normal'.

    LOL... they can be, sure.