Can anyone look at my diary for me?

I just need confirmation that what I'm eating is okay. Feel free to add me as well!


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    What is your age, height and current weight? Looks like you are at a goal of 1,200 calories a day which is usually far too low for most people. How much do you have to lose and what is your weekly weight loss goal set at?
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I only looked at yesterday but it looks similar to what I do. You got your protein over 100 and carbs less than 100... Plenty of veggies,and for me, that's where I've seen the best results. I'm not saying it's the only way to do it... But it's working well for me. The cleaner I eat, the healthier my fat choices are, the more protein I get, and when I keep my carbs in the 50-100 range, and the harder I train is when my body feels at it's best. Looks like you're headed in a good direction.
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    I'm 29 years old, 4'11 and 182 pounds. I wear a body media fit HRM and I've figured that my body burns 1600 calories a day, just doing nothing. If I slept all day, I'd burn 1600 calories. So, I try to eat 1600 calories (at least 1300) so that I'll have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. 1000 calories per day x7=7000 calories a week= 2 pounds lost per week. So, I have MFP set to 1200 calories, but it looks like I'm eating my exercise calories, but in actuality, I'm not. I'm just eating towards my deficit.

    I want to lose 60 pounds.
  • sent4rmabove
    It looks good to me - Only thing, I'd do differently is avoid tropical fruits like pineapples because they are higher in sugar - green apples are natural diuretics and tasty.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    What is your age, height and current weight? Looks like you are at a goal of 1,200 calories a day which is usually far too low for most people. How much do you have to lose and what is your weekly weight loss goal set at?

    1200 sounds reasonable for 4'11" though :) wouldn't worry about that part
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Looks pretty healthy, but I would try to cut down on the fat. Maybe fat free cheese instead of regular.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I'm 29 years old, 4'11 and 182 pounds. I wear a body media fit HRM and I've figured that my body burns 1600 calories a day, just doing nothing. If I slept all day, I'd burn 1600 calories. So, I try to eat 1600 calories (at least 1300) so that I'll have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. 1000 calories per day x7=7000 calories a week= 2 pounds lost per week. So, I have MFP set to 1200 calories, but it looks like I'm eating my exercise calories, but in actuality, I'm not. I'm just eating towards my deficit.

    I want to lose 60 pounds.

    I think your diet looks great. I do think that a 1000 cal/day deficit is too large for you though. I would suggest a maximum of 750 cals/day, when you get down to your last 40lbs or so that should change to 500 cal/day deficit.

    FYI: You can chand the % macros on MFP to better align with your diet. I notice you eat higher protein and moderate carb. To do this go to goals > change goals > custom, and change your % of each nutrient. Fat should be 20-30%, protein 20-40%, and the remainder in carbs.
  • Julie_9
    Julie_9 Posts: 15 Member
    Looks lke you are doing great, you eat really healthy and drink a ton of water!! You are inspring to me because I could pick much healthier options like you are. Keep up the great work!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    It looks good to me. You should be ok for a while at that calorie level for your height and weight. Lots of good food. Low on the processed foods.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am from South Carolina too! WELCOME TO MFP. I have my calories set to my BMR since that is the minimum I need to live. I eat some of my workout calories back. You are doing much better at getting your protein in than I am.
  • Ruthe314
    Ruthe314 Posts: 18 Member
    I would just add the question of how much exercise are you getting? Building muscle will increase your BMI, and make you feel better!
  • Cheryl943
    Maybe too much water. I know it sounds wrong but you can have too much. It also sounds like you are not taking in enough for what you are burning. I agree on the tropical fruit suggestion. Way to much sugar for the calorie and fiber trade. Berries are best. The rest looks really balanced and healthy. Good job.
  • ElzbthStths
    ElzbthStths Posts: 26 Member
    Drink water with a lemon during the day, to keep the water weight off.
    I also drink for a HOT drink, Traditional Medicinals Weightless Cranberry tea. That way you know if you are weighing YOURSELF and not you and a bunch of water.
    Carbs also make you retain water so limit them.
    Like WHITE carbs, things with white flour, white sugar, and salt in them, as well as potatoes, rice, pasta, cake, and dairy.

    And do you have a large bone frame? You need to account for that.
    What is your ring size? If it's a 4, you have a small frame. If it's an 8, larger bone frame. So you will naturally weigh more.

    Also, I found that if I eat just my calorie limit each day, I don't lose weight. I just maintain. Strive to eat less than the amount and you will see a loss.
    Eat what you need to eat for your meal, then wait 20 minutes. The craving for more WILL go away.

    These are just some minor tips, but you also must remember, you are already doing what you are supposed to be doing. These tips just are an added help. You ARE on your way and doing VERY WELL!
    Keep going, you are worth it!
  • ElynnPittman
    ElynnPittman Posts: 10 Member
    Are you using any oil to cook your eggs in the am? I'm always shocked at how even a tiny amount can add up.
  • sethdphoto
    Looks pretty good, the few things that really jumped out at me were pan fried sirloin and the sushi. Pan frying generally is not a good idea, and sushi, can most certainly be healthy but the publix one I saw listed was over 500 calories. I also agree with the person who posted about tropical fruits, another to avoid is strawberries as it tends to slow your metabolism.
    Keep it up, you're doing great!
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    I'm 29 years old, 4'11 and 182 pounds. I wear a body media fit HRM and I've figured that my body burns 1600 calories a day, just doing nothing. If I slept all day, I'd burn 1600 calories. So, I try to eat 1600 calories (at least 1300) so that I'll have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. 1000 calories per day x7=7000 calories a week= 2 pounds lost per week. So, I have MFP set to 1200 calories, but it looks like I'm eating my exercise calories, but in actuality, I'm not. I'm just eating towards my deficit.

    I want to lose 60 pounds.

    I think your diet looks great. I do think that a 1000 cal/day deficit is too large for you though. I would suggest a maximum of 750 cals/day, when you get down to your last 40lbs or so that should change to 500 cal/day deficit.

    FYI: You can chand the % macros on MFP to better align with your diet. I notice you eat higher protein and moderate carb. To do this go to goals > change goals > custom, and change your % of each nutrient. Fat should be 20-30%, protein 20-40%, and the remainder in carbs.

    Good to know, thanks!

    I'll switch out the pineapple (CRY) for more berries and apples. I love those so it shouldn't be a problem. So, the triscuits are okay? I'm trying to do no processed foods but I freakin' love triscuits and hummus and try to have them every day.

    I exercise at least 5 days a week for 60-90 minutes per day. All cardio-bike, treadmill, elliptical.
  • ElynnPittman
    ElynnPittman Posts: 10 Member
    For me, cardio hasnt done much good. I have to pair it with a weight lifting plan. I recently tried out a trainer and things have been SO much easier. I was never confident in trying new exercises because I didn't know what I was doing. If you can't get to a trainer, theres all kinds of plans online y ou can try. I think as women we think we don't need to build muscle, but thats how you burn fat.
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Looks pretty good, the few things that really jumped out at me were pan fried sirloin and the sushi. Pan frying generally is not a good idea, and sushi, can most certainly be healthy but the publix one I saw listed was over 500 calories. I also agree with the person who posted about tropical fruits, another to avoid is strawberries as it tends to slow your metabolism.
    Keep it up, you're doing great!

    Why isn't pan frying a good idea? I don't use oil or anything when I fry it, I just sear both sides and cook to medium. Would the calories be different if I baked it?

    The sushi...well...I was out and forgot to bring my little packed cooler. It was a rare treat. :)
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I think your diary looks awesome!
  • mmwoods307

    I looked at your diary and it looks pretty good. All i would say is maybe log some Strength exercises it really helps to tighten while losing weight. i have had excellent results. I dont log mine so you might be doing the same thing but just thought i would suggest.