Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • katemanning3
    katemanning3 Posts: 42 Member
    Please keep updating on this thread...I really want to see your results. I have had the Mirena for a few years. I didn't get it for birth control, I got it to help with cramps. I noticed immediate weight gain. I also had a bout with depression. I have tried so many different things to lose weight and nothing works. I started counting my calories again and started Insanity. I lost weight for the first 2 weeks, and now I'm gaining it back. I asked my doctor to remove it, but since we are using it for cramps (and I'm talking about immobilizing, take 2 lortab and 4 ibuprofens to make the pain at least bearable cramps!) that there are no other options without some sort of surgical procedure. But I'm so miserable being overweight (not to mention the mood swings) that I'm thinking the few days of bad cramps are more worth it.
    I am really interested to see your progress!!!

    I'll keep it up. but I will also just friend you. I haven't tried to friend anyone yet, so If a request doesn't show right away it's because I'm still trying to figureout how, lol.

    That is just horrible that you have to go through those cramps, have you ever been on any other birthcontrol? like the pill and not gained weight? If you have then maybe you should look into going on the pill that only gives you 3 periods a year and then that way you only have to deal with them 3 times a year but get to lose weight too.
  • I have had one for over a year and haven't had any problems with weight issues. It took about 6 months for my cycles to get to a point of barely spotting each month and I don't have the horrible cramps I use to get before it or as severe of mood swings as I was haivng before getting it. I just decided at the end of May this year I was finally ready to get serious about getting in shape again and I've had no problems doing so using the same process of healthy eating and regular exercise that I did to lose weight before having my kids or getting my IUD. I think with all birth control there are just some that work with peoples bodies and some that don't. One birth control pill I used when I was younger made me bleed really bad another one they put me on later worked just fine but I did gain about 15 pounds after getting on it.
  • BeDawn
    BeDawn Posts: 56 Member
    I have had Mirena for 6 weeks now, and it has had affected me quite a bit. My sis-in-law has had it for 4 yrs and LOVES it, so I thought I would have the same experience. I guess everyone reacts differently to BC.
    I haven't taken any hormonal BC in 8 years, I have been a member of MPF for almost a year, and nothing in my lifestyle has changed, so it was easy for me to see the changes brought on by Mirena. In the last 6 weeks I have battled acne, insomnia, crazy mood swings, and I have gained 5 lbs. I am willing to wait a few months to see if things settle down. In the mean time, If anyone has any advice for me PLEASE share. Thank you for the Dial soap trick. I am hating my skin right now!!!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I almost "lost" weight while i was pregnant weighing in at 202 3 weeks after my daughter was born when my pre-pregnancy weight was 215. I had Mirena inserted 9 weeks after she was born. I love it, I really do, I absolutely dread the thought of having a period again one day. However, I have had all of the same side effects as you. Nil sex drive, gained 20 lbs over the course of 3-4 months, extremely moody/depression (where I don't even recognize myself). I took anti depressants for a few months thinking it was just PPD, but they weren't helping and I didn't want to try a different one. I have also had noticeable hair loss issues which I was attributing to PP hair loss...yeah well she's 2 and a half now..soo.. I'm thinking not so much. I am thinking about getting it taken out now that I have seen a lot of others have had the same issues that I have had with it (and not just from this forum), but I really don't want to have periods again! LOL
  • BBKtten
    BBKtten Posts: 2 Member
    I had minimal problems with my Eirena for the first 2.5 years. But around year 3I I started gaining MASSIVE amounts of weight. I have acne 20 times worse than I did in high school. It WILL NOT go away and I have tried nearly everything including prescription treatments. Since last year when weight gain started I went from 150, healthy for me, to a whopping 220 pounds!! And I keep getting bigger! Tried dieting, changing my whole diet, supplements, and excersize. Nothing is working.

    I have friends at work. Who told me it was my mirena and they had the same problems with it. Apparently my friends sister lost the weight after taking it out.

    I am getting it removed Tuesday.

    Hope this helps.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Just picked up in this thread..I had the mirena put in last sept after trying the implant n I love it. My periods have stopped, I don't suffer bloating, cramps or headaches like I used to every month n I haven't put on weight through it. In fact I've noticed I don't crave the same amount of rubbish I used to each month so its been easier for me. I also had it put in 2 yrs after my youngest was born so my hormones were back to normal. Like others have said before me tho, we're all different and what works for one won't work for another x
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    Wanted to bump this thread... I had my mirena removed after 5 years of weight gain, mood swings, worsening of bipolar 2 disorder, fatigue, etc. After much thought I finally tracked it all back to the mirena -- wish I had figured it out sooner. However I was hoping the weight would FINALLY start to come off after removal... it really has not yet (of course my diet and exercise has been terrible, since I became fairly depressed after seeing no results). For you ladies who had bad experiences with mirena, did you have your hormone levels checked after removal? I only recently got insurance again and have not had a chance to see a doctor in several years (paid cash for the removal) so have not had any tests run. From what I have read, it seems that the mirena made me go into an estrogen dominant/almost premenopausal state. Did anyone else have this experience?
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    I had minimal problems with my Eirena for the first 2.5 years. But around year 3I I started gaining MASSIVE amounts of weight. I have acne 20 times worse than I did in high school. It WILL NOT go away and I have tried nearly everything including prescription treatments. Since last year when weight gain started I went from 150, healthy for me, to a whopping 220 pounds!! And I keep getting bigger! Tried dieting, changing my whole diet, supplements, and excersize. Nothing is working.

    I have friends at work. Who told me it was my mirena and they had the same problems with it. Apparently my friends sister lost the weight after taking it out.

    I am getting it removed Tuesday.

    Hope this helps.

    BBKitten I had many of the same problems -- my weight gain happened in spurts too. NOTHING helped. NOTHING! I think the mirena combined with a bipolar medication really messed me up. Have you noticed any difference yet?
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I had been on birth control pills since I was 17 and then in 2008 when I was 26 I had the mirena (5 yr) put in. I have not had any kids and had never had any cramps with my period. When I was on the pill I always knew when my period would show up and it was usually light and only lasted about 3 days.
    After I had the mirena put in the first 3 months I had really bad cramping and off and on periods. I thought about taking it out, but I decided to stick with it. After 4 months my periods stopped and the cramping stopped. A year later when I went to see the doctor I questioned her about weight gain and she said it would not be from the mirena. It has to be removed in Oct of 2013 since it will be 5 years then. I plan on having a child in about 1-2 years so well see.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I had it at 23 before ever having kids. Still got it 3 years later. I had pains but no weight gain. No side effects.

    There maybe a connection between having it post shild birth and the hormones?

    I see similarities in stories about uncontrollable weight, moods, sleep extra hair growth but all post childbirth insertion.

    I can't blame my weight on my mirena
  • BBKtten
    BBKtten Posts: 2 Member

    It has been around 5 weeks or so since I got my mirena removed. So far I am a long way still away from my weight loss goal. However, I have noticed one VERY big difference. I have NO MORE ACNE!! My face is healing and I already feel better about myself. Another thing, I have stopped GAINING weight. I still see some of the mood swings, but after nearly four years, I can imaging my hormone levels are still off. Have not had any periods yet either. I have seen a slight increase in energy, and have actually been able to go for and hour long walk here and there. Sure hope my energy comes back. I used to walk 3 miles or more per day.

    I am absolutely positive that it was my mirena. I don't care what my doctor said. They say that herbal suppliments are bad too. Sometimes (though not always, I know) they are just trying to find a solution to put cash in their pocket.

    Anyway, I hope this is helpful. I plan to keep updating this as I see new changes. I also have before pictures and will get some after pictures once I start to lose weight. Good luck everyone.
  • KetoLovingMama
    KetoLovingMama Posts: 69 Member
    I have the copper iud (no hormones) and it works great!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am so glad I found this thread! I don't feel so alone.

    I decided to go with the Mirena because so many people I knew loved it. I wasn't on any birth control when I got pregnant with my daughter (condoms are not reliable! :embarassed: ) I have always done really badly with hormonal BC (can we say crazy wench!). So I decided that the low hormones would be good for me.

    I really did not think any of my symptoms were due to the Mirena. I had chalked everything up to being a new Mom. Now that I can step back and see...it all started after the Mirena was inserted.

    The weight gain: I had actually been losing the baby weight and was only 25 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Then I had the Mirena put in...20 pound gain very suddenly and then another 15 through out the year. I too began counting my calories again and working out and am not seeing ANY results. The scale actually goes up! It is enough to drive someone insane. Especially when I had lost 50+ pounds previously with MFP and counting calories and working out.

    Exhaustion: I steadily have become more and more exhausted. No matter how much I work out (which used to energize me) no matter what time I go to sleep or how long I sleep. At first I attributed that to the new baby. I was lucky though, she started sleeping through the night pretty early on and is a very good sleeper. So I realized quickly that was not really the cause of that.

    Depression: I wouldn't really say I am 'depressed' but I am certainly not happy go lucky. I am a shadow of the woman I was. I am incapable of getting excited about ANYTHING. I am getting married in less than 3 months, I am finding it hard to get excited about it. It is not wedding stress, we are having a very low key wedding and everything is already paid for and in place. And it is not he man, I am marrying the most wonderful man and could not be more sure of that. Yet, here I am just "blah" all of the time.

    Uterine Pain: Oh my gosh, It hurts! All the time! Especially after the deed. My doctor said my uterus is just sensitive after having the baby. Ummm, she is almost two, I would think my body would be healed by now. But no, it actually gets worse.

    Which brings us to...Libido: None existent. Which is not like me at all. (and I will admit the weight gain plays a part in that, it is hard to feel sexy when you feel like a whale. But again I have an amazing man who somehow still finds me irresisitable and tells me how sexy I am every day. And I still can't get in the mood.

    Acne: Yep, like a teenager.

    Back pain: I attributed it to giving birth...again here we are almost 2 years later and I have done a ton of core strength work and even sit on an activity ball at work instead of my desk chair...still not relief.

    Heart Palpitations: Scary! Luckily those went away

    Just an overall feeling like crap feeling every single day. I have explained it ...how your body feels when you are about to start your period, the achy, bloated, moody person...every single day of every month.

    It has made me realize that a cycle is a good thing. I never thought I would miss my period but I want it back! I want the natural cycle of it. The week where I feel damn good (ovulation when we feel sexy and are appealing to the opposite sex :laugh: ) I miss that.

    So I have an appointment to get the wretched thing removed in 1 week. This post gives me hope that my body will be mine again and my exercise and eating right may actually start seeing some results! :drinker:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,389 Member
    Nevermind... :flowerforyou:
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    I gained 13 pounds the 4 years I used Mirena and was very active love the gym. I had it taken out last summer. It takes about 6 months for your hormones to go back to normal. I have now lost 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks and am very excited for this summer to finally be fit again!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I am scheduled to get an IUD on Friday Feb 24th and after reading all this I am not sure what to do!!! I cannot take any pills because I am breast feeding. I could take a small dose of progesterone but it made me sick when I was breastfeeding my son. Ugh...decisions decisions!
  • This is very interesting to me because I had a few friends who had the IUD and LOST weight while on it, without having to do anything, and I was like "oh wow thats awesome I can't wait to get mine".....so I did, I've had it almost 2 years and have gained about 40 lbs, I'm sure not all it due to the IUD, but I was wondering if it had something to do with it. So I finally decided it's time to loose, i have about 100 lbs to loose all together, and I have been counting every calorie going in and out of my body. so i waited a week to step on the scale to find out I gained 3 lbs.!!!! I'm still at it , excercise every day, but would have thought that with this much weight to loose, i would have seen at least 1 lb lost, and def. did not expect a gain of 3 lbs!, so I'm wondering, if it continues on this way, i may just have to have it taken out and see if it makes a difference.
  • FYI it was like the weight was put on over night, I felt like I woke up one day and my pants just wouldn't fit! like immediatly!
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    This is very interesting to me because I had a few friends who had the IUD and LOST weight while on it, without having to do anything, and I was like "oh wow thats awesome I can't wait to get mine".....so I did, I've had it almost 2 years and have gained about 40 lbs, I'm sure not all it due to the IUD, but I was wondering if it had something to do with it. So I finally decided it's time to loose, i have about 100 lbs to loose all together, and I have been counting every calorie going in and out of my body. so i waited a week to step on the scale to find out I gained 3 lbs.!!!! I'm still at it , excercise every day, but would have thought that with this much weight to loose, i would have seen at least 1 lb lost, and def. did not expect a gain of 3 lbs!, so I'm wondering, if it continues on this way, i may just have to have it taken out and see if it makes a difference.

    I did countless hours of research and countless women have had the same issues! What Mirena does is "tricks" your body into thinking you are pregnant. I was loosing hair in the shower just like when I was pregnant. My 13lb weight gain was all in my bells, butt and hips just like when I was pregnant. I actually had 2 people ask me if I was pregnant I weighed 150 and 5'5". It was embarassing and ridiculous. The average gain with it is 20lb in the 5 year IUD plan. I gained 13 in 4 years but was working out alot during that time with NO weight loss!
  • I've gotta say, I LOVE my mirena. I didn't gain weight because of it. I gained weight because I was a Fatty McFatFat and ate everything in sight. I also haven't had any problems losing weight. I love the fact that I don't have periods with it, too. I never worry about TOM weight/bloating. [:

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